Workers' conditions and struggles

The Strikes in France May 2016


The following document is a translation of a text written by a French comrade. It is obviously not a complete picture and refers only to the situation of the struggle in May but an update is already being prepared as is a document of deeper reflection on the significance of these struggles. CWO · The purpose of this document is to reflect on the current social situation and the balance of power...

Ecuador: Against the Attacks of Capital and the State


For around a decade and a half the usual leftist motley crew have been proclaiming the virtues of “socialism” and “anti-imperialism” in Latin America. If it was not Chavismo in Venezuela[1] or the electoral success of the Workers’ Party in Brasil then there was always Morales in Bolivia or the Correa government in Ecuador to point to the possibility of social change without changing the...

Against Exploitation, Crisis and War


It’s Time to Organise · We live in an increasingly dangerous world. Capitalism is in its deepest crisis for 80 years. The falling rate of profit has led to a worldwide stagnation in investment. Its effects are visible everywhere. This includes the ecological destruction of the planet which increasingly threatens the future of life on earth itself.

The Minimum Wage Con-Trick


For the likes of Terra Firma, a debt-fuelled private equity firm run by Guy Hands from his tax haven in Guernsey, the rise in the minimum wage threatens the viability of its Four Seasons Care Homes. This is the biggest group of homes for the elderly in Britain but exists for nothing more than financial speculation.

UK Capital – New Steps, New Drama, New Pain for the Working Class


The media and the Government keep repeating the message that “the crisis is over, things are improving, we are making headway”. They point to the fact that jobless totals are down, production is up, debt is being reduced, and they say the economy is on the upturn. What they cannot explain is if the outlook is better for the UK economy, and even possibly the world, why is life for millions still...

Migrants: Welcome to the Class Struggle


“I want to finish my education. My dream is to go to Europe and have a beautiful life.” 19 year old Somali woman stuck in Libya, trying to find means of getting on a boat to Europe. · Throughout the world millions of workers face an uncertain future. Capitalist growth is declining and the global economic crisis is deepening. The official figure of world unemploy­ment is nonsense.

Junior Hospital Doctors Take Up the Class Struggle


Junior hospital doctors are refusing to back off in their fight against the government’s scheme to impose a new work contract. The BMA has announced strikes for March 9, April 6 and April 26. Each will last for 48 hours — double the length of previous action. As always, the doctors will continue to carry out emergency care on those days.

Theses on the Role of Communists in the Economic Struggle of the Working Class


The history of all previous class societies has been driven by class struggle. But whereas all earlier rising classes in history obtained their economic and political domination through defending a certain form of property rights the working class, the proletariat, has no such property to defend. Our struggles therefore take on a different character from all previous contending classes.

Let’s Put an End to the Madness, Irrationality and Violence of Capitalism Before it Destroys Us


A different society is possible and it’s needed! Only the working class can build it! · “The true slave defends the master, he does not fight him. Because such a slave is not so much the one who is in chains but the one who is no longer able to imagine freedom.” · Silvano Agosti · Capitalism, i.e. the present, now centuries-old, model of society that we are told is the best of all possible worlds,...

Detroit Teachers Sickout


The last few weeks have witnessed a sickout of Detroit teachers that almost completely shut down the public school systems. This has occurred outside and against the unions, and in opposition to anti-strike laws in place for teachers in Michigan since 1947. Almost all the teachers in the school district called in sick, for two non-consecutive days.
