Workers' conditions and struggles

Benefit Sanctions – A Cudgel to Beat the Sick and Powerless


Benefit Sanctions – A Cudgel to Beat the Sick and Powerless · The smug old Etonians who currently have their hands on the national piggy purse tell us that jobless figures have fallen once again. We are strangely unmoved and ungrateful at this “good news”. It is not the reality that many of us live through. We have seen the removal of the sick and disabled from the unemployed numbers.

University of Wisconsin-Madison Cuts: We're not all in this together!


About 7,000 or more workers in the Wisconsin university system, with 1.085 in the university are likely to be laid off in the latest round of austerity measures. The defeat four years ago carries its price. Of course, submitting to this without a fight simply invites more and greater ill treatment. University workers been assured that the layoffs will be spread evenly, so everyone's going to get...

International Statement on the Greek Elections


The impressive victory of the left Social Democratic Party SYRIZA and the terrible defeat of the outgoing neoliberal government forces (New Democracy and PASOK) who had signed the memoranda, [1] is an important manifestation of the will of the vast majority of the Greek people to get rid of these detestable memoranda and their cruel catastrophic anti-worker and anti-social consequences.

City Link: A Story of Our Time


The way City Link workers (2,356 delivery drivers and 371 admin staff) heard that their jobs had gone speaks volumes for the precarious situation of workers today. For Jon Moulton, a ‘private equity investor’ who has made around £100m over the past three decades, mainly from buying up bankrupt companies and attempting to ‘turn them around’, the collapse of City Link is just one venture that...

The Guayaquil General Strike 1922


This is a translation of a leaflet originally written by the Ecuadorian group Proletarios Revolucionarios. We are not publishing it because we necessarily agree with everything expressed, for example, anarchist terminology and the wording regarding parties may be interpreted as a criticism of our axiomatic position that a revolutionary organisation, centralised and globalised, is a necessity for...

The Titan Works and the Struggles of “Labour”


(The following article is translated from the front page of Battaglia Comunista which was distributed throughout Italy but particularly at the assembly of workers of Titan, a factory with which the organisation has long had links. We are publishing it here for the general issues it raises about the situation of the working class in the face of austerity throughout the world.

We’ve done one day strikes and token demonstrations What Now?


(Lead article from Aurora 32 for the strikes and demonstration week ending October 18 2014) · There’s no doubt workers need a pay rise. If the economic recovery meant change for the better, then the working class should at least be clawing back the losses of recent years. Pay deals are now supposedly above inflation, but in real terms most people’s earnings are falling.

Public Sector Workers Strike: Time to Go Beyond Rituals


On July 10 the government faces the biggest “day of action” since it came to power. Perhaps as many as 1.4 million of us are striking that day. · Teaching assistants, refuse collectors, teachers, home helps, social workers, catering workers, environmental health officers and many more are set to join the walkout, along with local government workers in Unison, GMB and Unite.

South African Platinum Miners’ Strike


SA threat to South African capitalism · The strike by South Africa’s platinum miners is now in its fifth month. It has become, not only the longest and costliness strike in the country’s history, but also extremely dangerous for South African capital for two main reasons. · • Firstly, the length of the strike means it is now starting to have a serious effect on the economy.

Turkish Miners: Soma Workers Murdered for Profits


(Picture above: Angry workers confront police in Soma) · It is not clear yet how many workers have been murdered in the mining disaster in Soma, Manisa in Western Turkey. At the time of writing the official death toll stands at 304 though workers in the town claim that they are being lied to about the numbers, and many more have been killed.
