Workers' conditions and struggles

Michigan Protests: A Defeat Led by the Unions


In Michigan workers have seen another defeat. The bourgeoisie with its mechanisms of social control, the government and the labor unions were determined not to allow another situation of mass protests breaking out as occurred in Wisconsin. Even the prospect of a workers struggle going beyond the traditional established mechanisms of power is a threat to a bourgeoisie so long confident in their...

Class Struggle Recognises no Borders: We Win Internationally or We Lose Patriotically


Redundancies, cuts in benefits, growing youth unemployment, insecure jobs, tax rises for the low paid as well as pension and welfare cuts for each and everyone. In the supposedly so "advanced" capitalist countries the solution to the crisis is the same everywhere. Many suspect that the worst is yet to come and even parts of the ruling class say it straight out.

Unions and the Labour Movement: The Enemy Within


It’s now well over two years since George Osborne took up the axe that Labour left him and announced his “unavoidable budget” of £11bn of spending cuts and a public sector wage freeze. The TUC then waited until local councils (many dominated by Labour stalwarts) had voted in ‘unavoidable’ cuts before its ‘March for the Alternative’ in March last year which attracted 2-3 million people.

Wildcat South Africa: Marikana Miners Return - Other Miners Come Out


On 19th September the striking miners at Marikana platinum mine accepted a revised pay offer from the mine owner Lonmin. The miners were offered a bonus of R2000 (£150) and pay increases of between 11% and 22% depending on their grade. The deal was negotiated by the Commission for Conciliation Mediation and Arbitration, (CCMA) with help from the South African Council of Churches.

It’s Time to Open a New Season of Proletarian Struggle


(The following leaflet was distributed by our comrades in Rome on the demonstration of the Alcoa workers of Sardinia against the closure of the last aluminium smelter in Italy. The demonstration was not encouraging in that it was a dominated by corporatism, sectionalism and Sardinian separatism (many of the workers wore nationalist insignia).

Platinum and Lead Kill South African Miners


The South African bourgeoisie have been long-sighted and smart. In order to guarantee the economic development of one of the richest mining countries in the world, racial segregation and the tensions which it generated were seen as no longer fit for purpose. It was better to change everything: the constitution, the old President of the Republic (and substitute him for the icon of Nelson Mandela)...

The Struggle of the Asturian Miners


The day before yesterday (June 6) the Spanish Civil Guard was decisively repulsed and driven back into Ciñera de Gordon, a small town about halfway between Oviedo and Leon. They had arrived in force on Tuesday to clear a roadblock on highway N-630 near the village wedged between the mountains of Asturias, between Oviedo and Leon. But they did not have to wait long for a response from the miners.

Workfare: A Scroungers Charter


Workfare (1) is a brilliant scheme, if you’re an employer. It allows you to take on staff without paying them under the guise that you’re ‘training’ them back into the world of work. And there are lots of schemes to choose from; five in all. You can benefit from Mandatory Work Activity where you can get someone to work for you free for four weeks if you can persuade the government you’ve got...

Open Letter To Our Fellow Workers in Germany


(The following document was written by comrades in Greece and as a contribution to the internationalist fight of the working class has been translated in to German. It has been distributed as a bilingual leaflet in several factories in Berlin and elsewhere by comrades of the GIS - German affiliate of the Internationalist Communist Tendency) · "Mutato nomine de te fabula narratur [Change the names,...

Solidarity with the Greek Proletariat


The Greek crisis: Bosses united, Workers Divided. For How Much Longer? · For the Greeks, who are paying for the economic catastrophe of their country, their enemies have a name and a surname: They are called the European Union, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund, and together form the so-called troika , the capitalist leadership of the Old Continent that won’t allow any further...
