Workers' conditions and struggles

Communist Intervention in the Workplace

(Durham Open Meeting, 11 January 2012) · The CWO’s regular monthly meeting in Durham was on “how do communists intervene in the workplace today?” The following report is a brief account of the discussion. · The meeting was introduced by a comrade from York who began by stating that there was a two-fold contradiction between the working class and the bourgeoisie: the immediate contradiction was...

Solidarity with the Kazakh Working Class!


On the massacre of the Zhanaozen strikers · For decades the working class has been largely ignored by the media as a fringe element in society. However, it still frightens the ruling class, so much so it speaks of its existence and its struggles as little as possible. When it does acknowledge its existence it does so in ways that reduce our "subversive", ie, anti-capitalist potential, to harmless...

Unilever Workers Isolated by Unions


From 7pm on Thursday until 7am on Saturday over 2,500 Unilever workers at various sites from Port Sunlight on Merseyside to Purfleet in Essex manned picket lines as they mounted the first ever all-out strike over plans to axe the company's final salary pension scheme. · Only two days before the N30 public sector workers’ ‘day of action’ against monstrous changes to pension schemes and the biggest...

To Really Fight We Have to Unite


In 90 countries round the world the “Occupy” and “Indignados” movements have posed the question. Things cannot go on as before. We need an alternative to capitalism. Perhaps that’s why the state in many countries has attacked the peaceful occupations? As it happened coordinated repression in the US only came AFTER they linked up with the workers in Oakland, California.

November 30: Unions Follow the Rules while the Bosses and Government Tear up the Rule Book


While the government’s arbitrary changes mean that everyone has to work longer to get a state pension, while the capitalist crisis is wiping out private pensions, when every day brings news of more job losses, when workers in general are facing wage cuts and harder working conditions the public sector unions are doing their best to limit 30 November to a single ‘day of action’ over a single issue...

Don’t Kid Yourself This is One Crisis that Will Not Go Away


Listen to the news on any day and there is no shortage of crisis talk. The bulletins tell us that we are in a mess for many reasons. Greedy bankers, corrupt politicians, unbalanced state budgets (so-called sovereign debt), or the Euro, all get a mention. But the truth is that this crisis is much more serious than any of these. · This is not a crisis caused only by “greedy bankers”.

And for those without a job ... The Work Programme


Workfare - the idea that claimants should work for their benefits now that capitalist economic crisis and corporate moves to exploit Far Eastern cheap labour has thrown them on the dole - was imported from America by the last Labour Government [the so-called Flexible New Deal]. Naturally, the ConDems have picked up this nasty anti-claimant baton and have refined it as the Work Programme, pledging...

The Oakland General Strike


(The following articles are from Battaglia Comunista with an update from Internationalist Notes - US) · It was very unusual general strike that occurred on Wednesday, November 2 in Oakland, where thousands of people marched through the city centre for hours and blocked port activities (the city, with about 400,000 inhabitants, is in the heart of San Francisco Bay. It is the fifth biggest U.S.

30 November: One Off Protest or Working Class Reawakening?

(Since the last issue of RP we’ve seen disaffected youths rampaging and looting through the streets of major cities as wild fluctuations in stock markets leave governments and central banks perplexed about what to do next. In the UK Prime Minister Cameron insists the spending cuts must continue while the Bank of England issues another £75bn of ‘quantitative easing’ and the budget deficit keeps...

On the October 15 Riots in Rome: violence, non-violence, class struggle


15 October was the first global event (spread over 90 countries) against the effects of the crisis. · The events were notable everywhere for their peaceful and inter-class character. These two features broadly represent the major limitations of this "movement". Pacifism is a limitation for us not because the demonstrations - in general demonstrations of struggle and protest - should express...
