Workers' conditions and struggles

Greek General Strike - The Stalinists line up with the State


On 19 October in tune with the 48 hours general strike huge anti-austerity protests organised by the two major trade unions GESEE and ADEDY took place in Greece. In Athens alone perhaps as many as a million people marched towards Syntagma Square expressing anger against the vote on austerity measures in Parliament.

Solidarity and the Sparks


The following brief comment on the electricians’ strikes appeared in Aurora 22. It cannot do full justice to the topic in this brief space but we will follow it with a longer analysis in Revolutionary Perspectives 59 ( which is due out in early November. CWO · In the run up to the strike ballots on pensions by public sector workers the press have tried to divide public and private sector (or...

The plight of workers in Romania


(The following brief comment is a translation of a report by a comrade of Battaglia Comunista) · In Bucharest on August 19 the Romanian government approved a new fiscal strategy for the years 2012-2014. For two years now the country has been a victim of severe austerity measures and the new tax plan is literally horrifying Romanians workers.

Their Crisis and Ours


(Leaflet for the general strike on September 6 - This is a translation of the leaflet distributed the length and breadth of Italy by our comrades of Battaglia Comunista. The strike was called by only one of the main three union federations (the General Confederation of Italian Labour) in response to a further budget cut (of €45 billion) in addition to one imposed earlier in the summer.

There is an Alternative - It is Anti-Capitalist


On June 30 800,000 public sector workers will be on strike. For most it will be the first time they have done so in their lives. Many will attend rallies and demonstrations or picket lines. At the rallies, union leaders will tell them that “there is an alternative” to the cuts. There is, but not the one they are trying to sell … · The Crisis · The first thing we have to recognise is that we are...

In UK and elsewhere, global resistance has to be based on working class struggle


“The crisis is capitalism” · The movement of young Spaniards, the “indignados” (angry ones), started on 15 May (hence the name “15-M”). Its ranks have quickly swelled, attracting tens of thousands of people onto the streets, and even going beyond national borders. · Amongst the various banners in the Puerta del Sol in the centre of Madrid a large black one stood out proclaiming “The crisis is...

Wisconsin: Workers Protests Get Stuck in the Electoral Swamp

Class War in Wisconsin · (On February 14 our US comrades of the Internationalist Workers’ Group first reported that the Wisconsin State Governor Scott Walker had “dropped the anvil” on state workers. Like so many other states Wisconsin is bearing the brunt of Federal budget cuts and like so many others it is facing bankruptcy. Cue massive cuts to state workers wages and pensions.

Only the beginning of their offensive


(UCU Strike Leaflet - We are publishing here a leaflet by the Manchester Class Struggle Forum in response to the strike of University and College Lecturers in the UK this week. Although we are not part of this group we support the working class viewpoint put forward in this leaflet in particular for the need for solidarity on the picket line between students and lecturers.

An update on events in Wisconsin


In an 18-1 vote on the evening of March 9th, the Wisconsin State Senate passed a bill eliminating collective bargaining rights for state sector workers. This was done without the required quorum numbers because the bill ending collective bargaining rights was removed from the larger austerity budget bill. Both bills are now set to pass.

Appeal for Korean Internationalists


(Following the appeal to the international working class launched to assist the 8 accused members of the Socialist Workers League of Korea in January (see side panel) we have received the following news of the outcome.) · The judge sentenced as follows; · 1. Oh Se-cheol, Yang Hyo-sik, Yang Joon-seok and Choi Young-ik : imprisonment of 1 1/2 years, but conditional delay of imprisonment for 3 years...
