Revolutionary Perspectives

Journal of the Communist Workers’ Organisation -- Why not subscribe to get the articles whilst they are still current and help the struggle for a society free from exploitation, war and misery? Joint subscriptions to Revolutionary Perspectives (3 issues) and Aurora (our agitational bulletin - 4 issues) are £15 in the UK, €24 in Europe and $30 in the rest of the World.

Revolutionary Perspectives #24

Out soon!

An “Age of Chaos” or of Deepening Capitalist Crisis?
In Memory of Olivier
Internationalist Initiatives Against War and Capitalism
To the Internationalist Attending the Prague Week of Action
Revolutionary Defeatism Today: Some Questions Answered
Capitalism’s Economic Foundations (Part V)
The Murder of Giacomo Matteotti 100 Years On
Anton Pannekoek as a Revolutionary Marxist


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