
Date Publications Title
2025-03-16 Documents Mass Deportations Are an Attack on All Workers
2024-08-11 Aurora (en) UK Riots: Racist Right in the Service of Capitalism
2024-05-10 Documents Rwanda Plan: Capitalism Offers No Asylum
2024-03-26 Documents Haiti: Gang Crisis, An Aspect of the Deepening Capitalist Crisis
2024-02-18 Documents Not Just Against the AfD!
2023-06-21 Documents Another Massacre in the Mediterranean
2023-01-18 Documents The Migration Crisis Stems From the Crisis of Capitalism
2022-12-29 Documents Migrants and Italy: The Show Must Go On
2022-06-12 Documents Workers Have No Homeland: Internationalist Solidarity with Migrant Workers
2021-10-22 1919 Agricultural Migrant Workers During Pandemic Capitalism
2021-09-24 Documents Solidarity with Haitian Migrant Workers facing State Repression at the Southern Border!
2021-05-27 Documents Ceuta: The Divisions of Class and Nation are at the Root of the Descent into Barbarism
2021-04-07 Documents UK Asylum Policy: No Sanctuary from Capitalism
2020-07-12 Documents For Migrant Labourers An Amnesty with Capitalism Is a Mockery
2019-04-10 Documents Bloody Capitalism: Mean Wages Constantly Cut in Iowa's Meatpacking Industry
2018-12-06 Documents Caravan Migrants Trapped on the Frontiers of Capitalism
2018-12-03 Documents Against Racism, Against Capitalism
2018-10-17 Documents Against Racism and Authoritarianism: the Problem is Capitalism!
2017-10-01 Documents Against the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) — but Not Just Against Them!
2017-03-26 Documents Under a False Flag
2016-09-26 Documents Against All Nationalisms
2016-04-30 Aurora (en) Against Exploitation, Crisis and War
2016-03-18 Aurora (en) Migrants: Welcome to the Class Struggle
2016-01-08 Documents Crisis, War and Migration: Capitalism’s Real “Hunger Games”
2015-10-27 Documents Greek Conscripts: "We Won't Take Part In Fighting Migrants"
2015-10-21 Aurora (en) Capitalist Crisis Brings Human Tragedies
2015-08-02 Documents Of Migrants and Mariners: What’s Really Going On in Calais?
2015-04-24 Documents Tragedy at Sea or the Barbarism of Profit?
2014-01-31 Documents Welcome to Greece!
2013-10-09 Battaglia Comunista Lampedusa Disaster
2013-03-29 Documents Migrants And Italians United In Struggle - Why Not a Strike?
2011-12-18 Documents Class Solidarity with Senegalese Immigrants!
2011-03-14 Documents Georgia: Something is Rotten in the Peach State
2011-03-01 Documents Italian and Immigrant Workers: Same Class, Same Struggle
2010-09-15 Revolutionary Perspectives English Defence League: Cultural Campaigners or Racist Thugs?
2010-03-01 Documents March 1st: for the unity in struggle of all the exploited
2010-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Racism in Italy - The Working Class is a Class of Migrants
2010-01-11 Documents Solidarity with the Rosarno Labourers, Against the Bosses’ Iron bars and Lockouts
2007-11-20 Revolutionary Perspectives The Rotten State We’re In
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