Education and youth

Date Publications Title
2025-03-04 Documents Universities in Crisis: The Fight is On
2025-02-11 Documents Serbia Protests: Politicians Resign, the Problems Endure
2024-03-05 Mutiny / Mutinerie No Fees, No Squeeze!
2023-05-08 Documents Education: Funding Crisis or Structural Crisis?
2021-04-23 Documents Solidarity and Self-Organisation are the Weapons of the Working Class
2021-04-12 1919 Reopen or Close Schools: A Lose-Lose Situation for the Working Class
2020-11-02 Documents Education and the Class Divide
2019-08-02 Documents Reflections on the Student Movement in the UK
2018-06-01 Internationalist Notes USA: The Role of the Union in the Teachers Strikes
2018-05-13 Aurora (en) New Class Composition, New Struggles
2018-04-01 Documents Education Strikes from West Virginia and Kenya to the UK
2018-03-11 Internationalist Notes West Virginia School Employees Strike Sold Out?
2017-10-31 Documents Durham Teaching Assistants – Not Finished Yet?
2017-10-20 Documents Durham Teaching Assistants – Conned by the Labour Movement
2017-09-25 Aurora (en) Ten Years Since the Financial Crash: What Price Education?
2017-07-28 Documents Durham Teaching Assistants Fight On – Against Labour and their Unions
2016-07-24 Documents Letter from Mexico on Teachers Fight against Privatisation of Schools
2016-02-14 Documents Detroit Teachers Sickout
2015-03-27 L'Internationale Springtime in Québec
2014-11-18 L'Internationale Marx, Stalin and Katniss Everdeen
2014-01-14 Battaglia Comunista European Proposals on Youth Unemployment
2013-04-07 Notes Internationalistes Quebec: We have to stand up to fight to win
2012-05-17 Revolutionary Perspectives Red Squares in Quebec
2011-09-18 Documents Tenacious Student Battles Inflame Chile
2011-03-24 Documents Only the beginning of their offensive
2011-01-25 Aurora (en) Students - Capitalism Offers No Future
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Student Protests: Capitalism has Nothing to Offer
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Open Letter from the Workers of FIAT Mirafiori
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives From London to Rome young people’s protests are exploding against the cuts, against the crisis
2010-09-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Another Futile Capitalist Education ‘Reform’
2010-09-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Los Angeles Teachers’ Struggle
2010-03-29 Documents Obama regime targets education for massive cuts
2008-12-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Italy Fighting the Education Cuts
2008-11-12 Documents For a different school, for a different world
2008-11-12 Documents Against “Law 133”, to extend the struggle!
2008-10-13 Documents A Social Tsunami is Breaking on the Schools
2008-06-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Beyond Pay, Beyond the Classroom, the Educational Crisis is the Capitalist Crisis
2006-08-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Reflections on the Student Movement in France
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