
Date Publications Title
2025-02-22 Aurora (en) Climate Disaster Intensifying
2024-02-01 Revolutionary Perspectives COP28 and the Myth of Green Capitalism
2023-09-15 Documents "War Ecology" Will Not Save the Planet
2023-07-25 Documents Degrowth and Marxism: A Critique
2022-02-08 Aurora (en) The Ruling Class Has No Solution to the Climate Crisis
2022-01-29 Internationalist Notes Workers of the World Unite! We Have a Planet to Save!
2022-01-18 Revolutionary Perspectives The Historic Failure of COP26
2021-12-08 Documents Marginal Notes on COP26 in Glasgow
2021-11-09 Aurora (en) Save the Planet - Destroy Capitalism!
2021-10-27 Revolutionary Perspectives Global Warming: IPCC Report AR6 - Writing a Death Warrant?
2021-09-21 Documents Climate-Production-Capital
2020-12-02 Aurora (en) Turning the Planet into an Uninhabitable Hell
2020-10-02 Documents Their Democracy and Ours
2020-03-06 Revolutionary Perspectives Destroying Our Planet... Sustainably
2020-02-24 Aurora (en) Can Capitalist Reform Save The Environment?
2019-09-19 Aurora (en) Only the Working Class Can Save the Planet
2019-08-12 Documents “Capitalism is Dead” (George Monbiot) but Only the World Working Class Can Bury It
2019-07-12 Documents Thunberg's Call for General Strikes: The Confusions of a Liberal Protest
2019-05-03 Aurora (en) Climate Change: Capitalism is the Problem
2018-10-31 Aurora (en) Global Warming: Capitalism Threatens the Planet
2015-11-28 Documents Environmental Catastrophe: Either Social Collapse or Socialism
2014-02-24 Revolutionary Perspectives Climate Change: The Alternative is Social Collapse or Socialism
2013-10-15 Documents Youth - Fight for a Future or Accept There is No Future.
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Cancun World Climate Conference - Another Predictable Capitalist Failure
2011-01-01 Pamphlets Capitalism and the Environment
2010-06-09 Revolutionary Perspectives BP’s Deepwater Horizon: Capitalism is the Disaster
2010-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives After All the Hot Air at Copenhagen, Global Warming is Set to Continue
2009-11-24 Revolutionary Perspectives Environmental Disaster or Communism There is No Third Way
2008-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Environmental Debate: “Do you have to be Red to be Green?”
2007-12-01 Aurora (en) Halting Climate Change Means Changing the System
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