Workers' conditions and struggles

State Workers Protests Continue in Wisconsin


In Wisconsin there have been six days of protests numbering in the tens of thousands of workers. The coming week here is likely to bring more sickouts from state workers and teachers. Though the WEAC head, Mary Bell has told the state teachers to go back to work. In return she's withdrawn her support for charter schools in Milwaukee and cutting up the school district, ending seniority pay and...

Egypt: After Mubarak


On 10 February, with the streets still heaving and protests growing in other cities, Mubarak made his final move. In a televised speech he promised, for the nth time, not to stand as a candidate in the next election. He declared he was ready to concede any reform and to cancel the anti-terrorist laws which had allowed him to physically and politically eliminate all opposition, real or imagined.

Beyond Bourgeois Barriers - For the Class Autonomy of the Egyptian and Maghrebian Proletarian Masses


The Crisis · The knock-on effects from the world capitalist crisis are far from over. The weakest countries of the so-called capitalist periphery are suffering the consequences. At present it is the countries of the Maghreb and the Middle East which are in the eye of the storm. Amongst these is Egypt presided over by Mubarak the Satrap (1). Mubarak has held uninterrupted power since 1981.

Students - Capitalism Offers No Future


One of the most heartening features of the current student struggles is the fact that many (though not a majority, unfortunately) of students recognise that the struggle is not just about their education. Historically, the social position of students has changed dramatically. · In the 1926 General Strike the posh university students of the time took part in strikebreaking.

Tunisia: Stirrings of Revolt - and Not Just in the Arab World


The first thing that strikes you about the fall of the Ben Ali regime in Tunisia is the hypocrisy and lies of the Western media and political classes. For years they colluded with the ruthless dictatorship, giving Tunisia favoured trading status as reward for the “stability” it brought to that part of North Africa.

Uprising in Maghreb - Solidarity with the proletarians in struggle


A New Stirring in the Arab World · As we go to press the Tunisian uprising against the dictator Zine el Abidine Ben Ali was going into its third week. The spark of the unrest, came when a 26-year old unemployed university graduate, Mohammed Buazizi, set himself ablaze in the central town of Sidi Buzeid to protest at the police confiscation of his fruits and vegetables cart.

Wildcat Strike in Algiers Docks


On January 4 100 Algerian dockworkers went on wildcat strike. They were protesting about the deal reached last July between “their” union and the bosses which reduces overtime pay to basic levels and brings in new (worse naturally) shift patterns. Within two days they seem to have been joined by about 800 more and they have all refused union attempts to get them back to work.

Open Letter from the Workers of FIAT Mirafiori


(We are publishing and distributing this appeal launched by workers at FIAT’s Mirafiori factory. Students and workers encountering each other on a class basis is step in the right direction. But any struggle will have to come up against capitalism’s structural crisis so that to come out victorious - if for nothing else, but primarily from the point of view of political clarity - it will have to...

Lets Get Out of the Student Ghetto. Carry on the Struggle. Build Autonomy!


Comrades, something is changing… (25 November 2010) · The rage of young people has exploded in every corner of the country. · Marches and occupations of faculties have taken place on an historic scale, roads, station and ports have been blocked, and clashes with the dogs who guard the bosses have taken place.

The Struggles against Pensions “Reform” in France

The French ruling class, like the ruling class everywhere has been forced to step up its attacks on the working class in order to reduce their budget deficits. In France the attacks in 2010 took the form of a reduction in pensions rights. · At first union formal protests in the spring (there were three days of “action”) seemed to be the extent of the resistance.
