Workers' conditions and struggles

While Union Leaders and Democrats Make Speeches


(Image - South Central Federation of Labor (AFL-CIO) President Jim Kavanaugh speaking October 2 at the Wisconsin State Capitol building - “Gingerbelle” and “Sweet Lorraine” referred to on the signs are the names given to their two newest multi-billion dollar papermaking machines) · Last August the final word went out that the Kimberly paper mill, built in 1889, was closing.

Voices from the Struggle in Greece


(We are publishing here a document we have received by a circuitous route from a group in Athens. We as yet know nothing about this group or the authors but we are making this document more widely known, partially to combat the bourgeois propaganda that what is happening in Greece is just the “mindless violence of people who call themselves anarchists”, and to contribute to a wider struggle...

PCS Strike - Death by a Thousand Delays


It’s not an easy decision to go on strike. Not only will you get no strike pay from your union, leaving you a day poorer, but your work will have piled up in your absence. Normally one or two day strikes are just enough to hit you in the pocket without doing too much damage to your employer. And at a time when unemployment is rising faster than it has for decades, going on strike isn’t an easy...

Recession in China - Workers Start to Fight Back


The Chinese “Miracle” · The myth that was once widely circulated about China was that it has “decoupled” from dependence on the rest of the world economy. This has been well and truly exploded by the capital crisis which has engulfed the world this year. Despite its phenomenal rate of economic growth, China has demonstrated that it is not immune from the economic virus sweeping the globe.

Greece: From Anger to Resistance!


After the deadly police shots aimed at 15 year old Alexandros Grigoropoulos, there have been a wave of uprisings across Greece. In almost all cities and every part of the country, the anger at the shots and the cynical attempts by the ruling class to hide the circumstances of Alexandros Grigoropoulos’ death has found an outlet in street battles with the police.

Alitalia Strike - Long Live the "Wildcat" Struggle of Alitalia Workers


"We want only the best human capital at the lowest possible cost." · So Sabelli, the Alitalia manager, succinctly but clearly expressed the firm’s point of view to a large union delegation a few days ago. The bosses have the unique merit of saying little but saying it clearly. The so-called representatives of the workers instead indulge in endless chatter on the company’s terms.

Workers' conditions and struggles


Brazil · The inflation gripping the country and constantly reducing wage levels is provoking a response from metal workers in different areas of the country. Inflation has risen in recent months and now runs over 6%. The workers of auto companies, well aware that the sector has been enlarged and how high profits have been in recent years, have taken to the streets to get real wage stability.

Workers' conditions and struggles


Turkey · The strikes over previous months involving workers of the Port of Istanbul have extended to the neighbouring naval dockyards of Tuzla. At those enterprises the struggle has also had the objective of putting an end to what is a real nightmare caused by unsustainable rhythms of work in conditions of total insecurity.

Public Sector Workers' Strikes


As the economy unravels before our eyes, with the credit crunch opening the door to a housing crisis and ever higher food, fuel and living costs, the usual suspects are trotted out for blame. Or rather, usual suspect, for as ever it is the working class which is seen as the culprit for an ever worsening situation.

The Political Significance of the Strikes at FIAT Pomigliano


Bologna Debate - In our last issue we produced an extensive dossier on the strike at the Fiat Pomigliano factory near Naples and on the intervention there of our comrades from the Napoli section of Battaglia Comunista. This short piece taken from the July-August edition of the paper Battaglia Comunista updates that report and indicates that something small but positive may yet come out of the...
