Workers' conditions and struggles

Public Sector Workers Have the Strength if They Unite to Fight


Pay Cuts for the Producers · Anyone who insists we no longer live in a class society would have some difficulty in explaining what we have just witnessed this year. It began last March when public sector workers, after three years of below inflation pay rises (i.e. pay cuts), were again slapped in the face by Gordon Brown.

Britain, France and Germany - Same Fight, Same Problems

After decades of submitting to layoffs, speed ups, real wage cuts and a general reduction of the standard of living so that two wages are needed where one almost did before, workers in many regions of the planet but particularly in Europe are saying enough is enough. British workers, after their epic defeats in the 1980s have been particularly slow to recover but they have one lesson for the rest...

...and in Egypt Workers Win by Going Beyond the Unions


Battaglia Comunista 10 (October 2007) · The powerful struggle that the Egyptian proletariat is waging shows yet again how the conditions of life for workers around the world are increasingly unbearable. · The situation in Egypt has been made worse by the policy of privatisation of public services and has revealed once again how the union organisations openly side with the bosses.

Letters - The NHS is like a battlefield...


The NHS is like a battlefield, the fighting and war being waged between the managers, who are wanting more and more for less and less on one hand, and the workers, nurses, on the other. Although there are other workers in the hospital, its the nurses that run things on a day to day basis on the wards.

A Worker Informs Us of a Spontaneous Strike at FIAT


The following letter was received by our comrades in Italy and printed in Battaglia Comunista 10. It deals with a small but significant episode of class struggle in which the workers for once broke out of the union cage, and were thus able to put the defence of their own interests first. Their anger had built up in the long period in which they had to put up with vicious attacks on their wages...

Conditions and Workers’ Struggles in the World


Egypt · The powerful struggle that the Egyptian proletariat is waging shows yet again how the conditions of life for workers are ever more unsustainable. · The situation in Egypt has been aggravated by the policy of privatisation of public services and has revealed once again how the union organisations openly side with the bosses.

The Postal Workers are Struggling for More Than a Living Wage


As we go to press, the Communication Workers’ Union (CWU) have called off the latest one day strike by postal workers planned for August 9th. They have entered into a deal with management to halt all further action until September 4th. In the meantime, the CWU leaders have committed themselves to reaching a “negotiated settlement”. · In some ways this is a surprising turn of events.

China: Hundreds of Protests a Day Against the Super-exploitation by Capital


Economic Boom Widens the Class Differences in this Huge Asian Country - From Battaglia Comunista 4 (April 2007) · One dead and 60 injured: that was the outcome of clashes between March 10th and 12th in central China. The protest, involving 20000 demonstrators faced by thousands of police and soldiers, was caused by revelations of corruption and above all by the doubling of the price of bus tickets...

1956: Class Revolts in Poland and Hungary


(From Prometeo Series IV # 10, December 1986 - Translated by the CWO in 2006) · 1986 is a year of anniversaries and memories which, though sad, are rich in lessons for the proletariat: it is the fiftieth anniversary of the start of the Spanish Civil War, and the thirtieth of the movements in Poland and Hungary.

Reflections on the French Strikes

There was a spell last December when news bulletins contained almost daily reports of strikes in France. Nowadays when the media allow us to hear about such a thing as a strike before it is over and done with you know there must be something fairly substantial going on. In this case there was such a widespread outburst of class struggle that capitalism's propaganda merchants couldn't afford to...
