Workers' conditions and struggles

Crisis, Hunger and War: Class Struggle Knows No Borders!


"...the focus of the class organisation of the proletariat lies in the International..." (Rosa Luxemburg) · Billions are being pumped into the swirling financial markets to prop up stricken banking houses and to stem the effects of the crisis. On the other hand, across the world, new programmes of cuts are always being developed, social benefits are being cut, wages lowered and jobs phased out.

Since Thursday April 10, 2008, the FIAT factory of Pomigliano (NA) is blocked


TV, mass media and newspapers are saying nothing, because of FIAT opposition. Help us diffusing news to other workers. Publish on blogs, lists, forums. · Let’s break this wall of silence! · (Communique from the Internationalists of Battaglia Comunista) · Since 10.00 p.m. Thursday April 10th the Fiat Factory of Pomigliano has been forced to halt production · A workers committee formed independently of...

Anti-workers’ attacks in Greece


The capitalists and their government reinforce the anti-workers’ attacks in Greece - Total war against the working class! · (Letter from a young comrade from Greece) · In the last few months the Greek capitalist government has carried out a great massive on the social security rights of the working class.

Strike of shop workers in France


On the first of February, thousands of shop workers from the large stores came out on strike for a wage increase and better working conditions. Their situation is certainly not great, in fact besides not having an adjustment to take into account inflation, these workers are threatened with more Sunday working and the introduction of automatic tills which will lead to heavy lay offs.

Capitalist Equality Means Low Pay for All

"Instead of the conservative motto, “A fair day’s wage for a fair day’s work!” they ought to inscribe on their banner the revolutionary watchword, “Abolition of the wages system!”" (Marx, Value, Price and Profit) · Reformism, as the old saying goes, is a great idea in theory, it just doesn’t work in practice.

Death at Work: Capitalism is Bad for Your Health

The following article was inspired by the paper of the Italian affiliate of the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party, Battaglia Comunista (January 2008). It reported on the dangers faced by miners around the world, every day. Much of what follows is directly translated from the article. However, the very direct threat of working underground and relying on the capitalist bosses to...

Germany: Solidarity with our Transport Worker Comrades


(Image - Demonstration of BVG workers and sympathisers) · Striking is the Only Language the Bosses Understand! · (We translate below a leaflet produced by the GIS (Gruppe Internationalister SozialistInnen), a group in Germany with which we have fraternal relations. It concerns a strike on the BVG (Berliner Verkehrsgesellschaft, which runs local transport in Berlin).



The job of the miner is still one of the most dangerous in the world, in December several serious incidents took place in China and the Ukraine that caused the death of hundreds of workers. · These are only two amongst the most dramatic cases of recent times, death in a mine is still an everyday fact all around the world.

Deaths at work


In Colombia the mining sector is the setting for ever more dramatic events. On the 13th of October at Suarez, a gold mine collapsed, trapping 50 workers 21 were killed, 26 seriously injured. · The plant was ordered to be closed by the government at the beginning of September, declaring it dangerous and a health hazard.

Victory at Türk Telekom


Comment on the recent Telekom Strike from Gece Notları · The massive strike by over 26,000 Türk Telekom workers is over. After 44 days the strikers went back to work. At 1,100,000 working days lost it makes it the biggest strike in Turkish history after the 1991 miners strike. It is time to draw up a balance sheet of the events.
