Workers' conditions and struggles

The Struggles against Pensions “Reform” in France

The French ruling class, like the ruling class everywhere has been forced to step up its attacks on the working class in order to reduce their budget deficits. In France the attacks in 2010 took the form of a reduction in pensions rights. · At first union formal protests in the spring (there were three days of “action”) seemed to be the extent of the resistance.

AG-IP Paris - They have struggled against the kind of world the capitalists are preparing...

... and on the road of struggle they have found the unions united against them · The Address which we are publishing below represents an effort by the final participants in the General Inter-professional Assembly (AG-IP) of the Gare de l’Est in Paris to address the international working class whose living conditions have been strongly attacked in the same way as the French workers.

Bangladesh: Workers Struggle for a Living Wage


(Tuesday, December 14, 2010 Dhaka, Bangladesh (AP) - Dozens of people were killed after a devastating blaze raced through a garment factory that supplies major multinationals such as Gap and JCPenney near Bangladesh's capital. Many of the dead included trapped workers who jumped from the smouldering building engulfed by flames, witnesses at the scene said.

GM, Unions and Bosses Face Workers Resistance


(Image - Workers demonstrate outside UAW headquarters against the union) · The Fight against United Autoworkers (UAW ) and General Motors (GM) · On October 16 workers from GM's Lake Orion assembly plant, from UAW Local 5960, started a picket at the United Auto Workers headquarters, “Solidarity House”.

The French working class in struggle against the attacks of the capitalist state and … the pensions “reform”


In order to face the full extent and seriousness of the economic crisis of 2008 the French bourgeoisie, like all the other bourgeoisies, has to strongly attack the workers to fill in the deficit chasm which they created in order to “save” their moribund system. France has decided to start with an attack on pensions, whilst Greece and Spain have taken broader and more drastic measures.

In France the Struggle Intensifies


(As we go to press the struggles in France show no sign of dying down. We cannot do full justice to all that is going on but we can give a flavour of what is happening behind the headlines in this leaflet from Toulouse. It shows that at least some workers recognise the fact that ritual responses are not enough against an intractable and increasingly desperate class enemy.

Chilean Miners: The Real Story


The banner says "70 days without pay or work. Settle up now. Don’t rob us". · "There aren’t 33 of us, there are 300 of us." read one banner at a protest by mineworkers on Sunday October 17. · Whilst the world’s media were filled with the heartwarming story of the saving of the 33 trapped miners at the San José mine another story was going on right behind the cameras.

A Global Crisis Will Have to be Fought Globally

It is now three years since the capitalist speculative bubble burst. At the time many revolutionaries assumed that the consequences of this new stage in the crisis would be the revival of extensive working class resistance to a further erosion in living standards. This was the thinking (for example) behind the Midlands Discussion Forum invitation to revolutionary organisations to attend a common...

A Real Class Fight not The Unions’ Phoney War


With the austerity measures about to really kick in this autumn some sections of the working class such as those on London Underground are already showing signs of fighting back. As ever the ruling class are anticipating this by stepping up their propaganda campaign by talking of “union power” and “the winter of discontent”.

From Poland, a letter to FIAT workers


(Very gladly we publish below a letter - appeared - written by a group of workers of the Fiat plant in Tychy in Poland. We do not know the source, but the message content is positive. We agree with the denuonce of Marchionne's maneuvers and we appeal to class solidarity at the international level - a prerequisite to overcome this production system that, after dividing us by nationality, imposes...
