Workers' conditions and struggles

Telefónica Strikes in Spain

Reflections on the Class War in the Twenty-first Century · On March 28 this year the technicians and installers of multinational mobile phone company Movistar went on indefinite strike. Whatever its outcome the strike has turned out to be one of the most significant of recent times. This article outlines the nature of the struggle and reflects on what it shows for the future of the global working...

Greece and the World: Austerity and Capitalist Crisis Go On


The article which follows is the editorial to Revolutionary Perspectives 06 which all subscribers should now have received. Besides a brief comment on the topical issue of Greece it also introduces the other themes of the journal. We will be publishing these over the next few weeks but if anyone cannot wait or would prefer a proper printed copy they can email the contact address uk@leftcom.

Osborne’s Smoke and Mirrors Budget


"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean ­– neither more nor less. "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things." "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master – that's all.

Greece - Solidarity with the Workers not the Capitalist Government!


The Referendum - A Moment of Capitalist Trickery · On 5th July the leftist Syriza Government ran a referendum which was trumpeted throughout the world media as a chance to decide the future path of austerity in Greece. Despite the most strident campaign by the media and the political apparatus it is true that 37.

Class War on the Homes Front


(From Aurora 35, June 2015) · New Housing Minister, Brandon Lewis wants the demolition of London’s housing estates and their replacement with owner occupied ‘city villages’. It’s a scheme the Tories have long favoured; earlier this month 13 London Boroughs met property developers and speculators at an exclusive trade fair at Berkeley Square to make deals to pull down the estates and build homes...

A German-style Strike, Don’t Hold Your Breath ...


The following article is a short opinion piece about how the biggest and longest strike in Germany for a decade is nothing but a turf war or a power struggle between unions. It has little to do with either the economic or political future of workers. It was written in Italian for Battaglia Comunista by our German affiliate the Gruppe Internationaler SozialistInnen (GIS).

Fighting Back in the Global Class War


"There’s class warfare, all right but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning." · Warren Buffett the investment guru told the New York Times in 2006. He was not wrong. In the US wages in the late 1960s were equal to 51% of GDP. By the time Buffett was speaking it was 45% and they have declined further to 42% today. It’s the same in all the advanced capitalist countries.

Spanish Telecom Workers on All-Out Strike


The following document is translated from It concerns the indefinite or all-out strike of workers in the telecommunications sector in Spain. This in itself has been a rare thing in the class struggle in recent years. We don’t necessarily share the perspectives of the writer (who we don’t know) but we are publishing it as part of our internationalist duty to break the communications black-out on...

Auto struggles in Turkey: "We don't want any unions. We have set up workers councils"


The current strikes in the auto sector in the North-West Turkish city of Bursa raise many interesting questions of concern to both communists and militant workers in general. · At the the of writing (18 May), there are four factories on strike, Renault, TOFAŞ (a joint venture with FIAT) Coşkunuz, and MAKO (both suppliers of automotive parts) supported by over 15,000 workers.

Springtime in Québec


The article which follows is a translation of the main item in L’Internationale (March 2015) the French-language intervention broadsheet of the Internationalist Workers’ Group (GIO) which was distributed in the current student demonstrations in Montreal and Québec in which thousands turned out to protest not only over cuts in the education budget by the PLQ ((Parti Liberal Québecois or the...
