Workers' conditions and struggles

Italy Update: Solidarity with the Warehouse Workers For the Overthrow of Capitalism


On January 8, at the Bormioli warehouse in Fidenza, the riot police dismantled the “presidio” [1] set up by the warehouse workers belonging to Si.Cobas and their supporters, against the new contract agreement signed between the company, the CGIL, CISL unions and the cooperative CAL established by Bormioli, which runs the logistics business of the company.

The Housing Bill: Slamming the Door on Tenants


The Housing Crisis · The housing crisis in Britain gets worse every month. According to Shelter, statutory homelessness is at a seven year high and nearly 100,000 children in England are now classed as homeless. The situation in London has now reached critical levels where the number of renters becoming homeless has increased 700% in five years, (most losing their homes due to the ending of...

Italy: Solidarity with the Workers of Bormioli di Fidenza


On January 8, at the Bormioli[1] establishment in Fidenza (near Parma), the riot police attacked and dismantled the “presidio”[2] set up by warehouse workers[3] belonging to the rank and file union S.I.Cobas[4] and their supporters. They are fighting the agreement signed between the company and the main unions, the CGIL and CISL over the new contract between Bormioli and the cooperative[5] (CAL)...

Poland: The 18th Brumaire of Jarosław Kaczyński


It's been a month since the historic elections in Poland, in which the right-wing party Law and Justice (PiS), became the first party since 1989 to secure an outright majority which allowed it to form a new government. PiS achieved victory thanks to the mixture of social demagogy and nationalism, exploiting discontent with the ruling Civic Platform (PO), which imposed harsh austerity measures...

Anti-strike Bill: The War Against the Working Class Intensifies


The new Trade Union Bill 2015-16 is a piece of blatant class war by the ruling class and their Tory representatives in Parliament. Not content with making the lives of millions more miserable by tax credit cuts, the Tory Government is now preparing further cuts and wage freezes in the public sector, and as part of this plan, it’s launching a new anti-strike law.

UK Housing: A System That's Rabidly Insane


Watching housing policy unfold in Britain is like watching a rabid dog chase its tail. The insanity keeps on increasing and you just know it won’t end well. So when the Tories made an election pledge to extend the right to buy to housing associations, nobody thought they’d really be stupid enough to actually do it.

Greece: For the 20 September Election


The following document was distributed by the Internationalist Communists of Greece before the elections on September 20. The document is clear, explaining in particular why participation was only 56%. The outlook presented here were already confirmed by the 'pre-ordained' results of the election, where Syriza still claimed itself to be the ''hope'' the Greek people.

Notes on the Question of the Transition to Communism


(This article expresses the opinions and ideas of individual comrades and not necessarily those of the ICT as a whole. See Introduction to Discussions on Socialism. ( · According to Marx in a classless collectivist society complete material abundance prevails, enough to guarantee the satisfaction of any individual subjective needs, the material pleasure of its members could be spontaneously...

Internationalist Comrades’ Statement on the 5th July Referendum


“Before the Greek referendum the Internationalist Comrades who published Salpisma and Engymo published the following text on the Greek referendum. In the article they published which we share much of the analysis (and have quoted parts of it approvingly elsewhere) but we cannot accept the support for a NO vote even though the comrades make it clear that the vote is not the important issue facing...

United Auto Workers in Concessions Talks with the Big Three


The Big Three automakers are now carrying on contract negotiations with the United Auto Workers (UAW) union. This will be the first big contract negotiation since the bailout of the automakers and the creation of a “second tier” class of workers that are paid half the starting wage of the older “first tier” workers. The auto industry capitalists are out for blood.
