Workers' conditions and struggles

For a Class Analysis of the Housing Question


We have translated this article from the latest edition of Battaglia Comunista, paper of our sister group in Italy, because it clearly frames the ‘housing question’ as a key part of the class struggle which must inevitably sharpen as the working and living conditions of the working class come under attack on all fronts.

Durham Teaching Assistants – Not Finished Yet?


Like so many workers in the North East, we have been following the doughty fight put up by the Durham TAs against the attempt by Labour-controlled Durham County Council to cut their earnings. In a period when one section of workers after another has been pushed back their example has been an encouragement to many.

Durham Teaching Assistants – Conned by the Labour Movement


The solidarity against injustice and the self-organisation of the Durham Teaching Assistants was, as we wrote in July, an inspiration to other workers throughout the North East and beyond (see Their refusal to allow 25% of their colleagues to be sacrificed for the sake of a sordid deal with Durham County Council has deservedly earned the TAs (or Lions of Durham as they were labelled) the...

Neither Chavismo Nor Anti-Chavismo: For the Autonomous Struggle of the Working Class


Contrary to the cries of the Venezuelan government and its hypocritical Opposition, Venezuela remains, as before, a state-capitalist economy based on the extraction of oil rents. The Chavista government, which calls itself “socialist”, has fed on the surplus-value generated by the working class in Venezuela for nearly two decades.

Durham Teaching Assistants Fight On – Against Labour and their Unions


There is much to admire in the resistance that the Teaching Assistants (TAs) of County Durham have put up over the last 20 months. Their resilience and solidarity was once again confirmed by their vote to reject the latest “offer” agreed by their unions and Durham County Council. · Background · For those who have not been following this saga, Durham TAs(1) are already amongst the lowest paid in...

Grenfell Tower: A Tragedy Foretold


We may never know how many people lost their lives in this horrific fire. The images and stories over the past few days have been unbearable; people trapped in blazing rooms, holding their children, waving for help. A mother dropping her baby from the tenth floor to a man below. A woman fleeing her burning flat on the 21st floor with her six kids, but only escaping the building with four of her...

Don’t Vote - Prepare the Resistance


Political and Economic Crisis · “You don’t know what you’re doing” is a familiar England football chant. The same refrain could be directed at the British (and global) ruling class. · For years the world capitalist system has been in economic crisis. No matter what policies various governments have tried (from increased spending, to privatisation and letting the banks speculate on anything and...

Fight for an End to Capitalism - The Only Way to a Better Life


2007: 9 August, PNB Paribas shocks financial markets by freezing three financial funds, comprising “complex assets” of largely fictitious capital built around mortgages. · 14 September, As financial markets steer clear of mortgage-backed ‘securities’ Northern Rock has difficulty selling on its mortgages. Fears that the bank will go bust spark the first run on a British bank for 150 years.

The General Election – More Ruling Class Mystification


The electoral trick – over and over again · In the last few years our rulers have laid on 2 Referendums, elections for Regional Mayors and Police and Crime Commissioners, elections for at least three levels of local Councils and elections for "national" Assemblies/Parliament in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Against Exploitation, Crisis and War - No War But the Class War!


Another May Day where imperialist tensions threaten to spread existing wars or stir up new ones. We are faced with a spectre of much wider and more destructive conflicts than in recent decades. The collapse of the USSR was presented by capitalist ideologists of all persuasions as the dawn of a new era of peace and prosperity. The reality, now obvious to everyone, is just the opposite.
