Workers' conditions and struggles

International Solidarity with the Wildcat Strikes of the Mexican Maquiladoras


Since the 2008 economic crisis, the ballooning global debt has increased from $20 trillion to over $240 trillion. With this exponential growth of indebtedness and an unresolvable crisis of accumulation, capitalism is losing its grip. The effects of this crisis are felt no more clearly than within the maquiladora sweatshops on the northern border of Mexico.

Mexico's Turmoil Continues: The Maquiladora Strikes


(The article below has been provided by a CWO sympathiser. It gives a brief sketch of a continuing struggle where we again see workers organising themselves against their bosses and against the bosses' props, the Labor Unions. At this point the outcome of the struggle is not yet determined but even now it is clear that the struggle is part of our class's resistance against the...

Mexico: Between Barbarism and Class Struggle


Two pieces of news from Mexico currently appear in the press around the world: a new historical record in the number of homicides and the explosion of a Pemex pipeline in Tlahuelilpan, which has left almost a hundred corpses already. Everything in Mexico leads us to despair. But there is something important going on that the international media is not broadcasting.

Fight Capitalism – Not its Symptoms


The leading article in this issue of Revolutionary Perspectives [13], “A Decade On from the Financial Crash” focuses on both the state of the world economy and the dangerous ways in which the capitalist world order proposes to deal with it in 2019. · It is not just the analysis of revolutionaries that predicts trouble ahead.

Workers' Strikes in Iran: This Time it is Different


To see the new phase of the crisis, which began with the bursting of the speculative bubble in 2008, as just a repeat of the same decades-long pattern of boom and bust, is a mistake. It is a gross misunderstanding of the impasse that capitalism has come to today. · Similarly, to think of this or that strike, this or that protest as being in the old framework, that is that it will somehow end as...

Russia: The number of strikes is growing


Whilst all bourgeois eyes are fixed on the G20 summit in Buenos Aires or the Ukraine-Russia conflict in the Sea of Azov the class war goes on around the planet. We have already published on the strikes currently convulsing Iran more than once and now we have received the following report and comment on a revival of strikes in Russia from a sympathiser there.

Iran: Workers' Strikes and Protests Continue


Eleven days ago we posted a first article(1) on the strikes and workers’ protests in Iran in which the idea of independent soviets or councils (in Farsi “shura”) was first raised. Since then, despite all the regime’s desperate efforts to deal with the workers’ movement by engaging the help of the opposition, so far, it not only has failed to curb the movement, but rather the reverse has taken...

The Crisis and the Rise of Workers’ Militancy in Iran


Right hand side banner: Workers of Haft Tapeh, We Are Starving! We Are Starving! · Left hand side banner: Year 1397 (2018) No Food to put on the table - Haft Tapeh · Despite the great efforts of the leaders of the Islamic Republic to make use of the opportunity provided by United States pulling out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) for nationalist mobilisation of the people, and...

Against Pension “Reform" in Russia


On September 27, the State Duma approved the law for raising the retirement age[1] at its third reading · Since the government and the Duma do not dare to tax the oligarchs, they could not come up with anything else. Not wanting to introduce a progressive income tax scale, Russian capital made it clear that it would not only not sacrifice any of its economic and political domination as such, but...

The Struggle of the Metro Workers of Granada


The leaflet below was issued by the Emancipation League whose appearance as a nucleus of the communist left we first welcomed in June this year. It demonstrates not only that the bosses are getting worried about rising class militancy (it’s a longtime since we heard the “selfish workers” line) but also that Liga Emancipación aim to have an impact on the wider working class as part of their...
