Workers' conditions and struggles

Covid-19 Exposes the Irrationality of Capitalism


The realities of life under Covid-19 lockdown, whatever the specifics, are strange. Over the last two months or so, many of us will have seen empty shelves in supermarkets where once-familiar products like flour, eggs, soap and toilet roll are seemingly in short supply. Is this because there are not enough of these products being produced? Have the supply lines broken down, so that existing...

May Day 2020: Against the Virus that is Capitalism


The world proletariat has in the past celebrated May Day in some dramatic situations: from the imperialist world wars which forced workers to kill, die and produce for their class enemy — their own capitalist class — to the many occasions when the ruling class has unleashed its repressive machine to crush those struggles aimed at making exploitation less onerous, and the chains of the bosses’...

Scrubs: The Story from the Bottom Up


(We have received this letter from the Haringey Solidarity Group ( and republish it here as it presents a working class perspective on the current PPE scandal, against the bosses' propaganda. · Regarding the call for "fair wages" in the final paragraph however, we must repeat that our emancipation as a class can only be achieved through the abolition of the wages system, not redistribution.

International Workers' Memorial Day: We Don't Want To Die For Your Profits!


International Workers’ Memorial Day is observed every year on 28th April in countries on every continent, to commemorate workers killed and injured through their work. This year, as many countries across the world are in some form of lockdown, the commemorations are likely to be few, while the number of dead is rising rapidly.

What Does the Communist Left Do?


It’s fashionable nowadays to say that the Communist Left “does nothing”. This misconception – whether a consequence of reducing the historical experience of our tendency only to those currents that have adopted the wait-and-see approach(1), or because of internet humour which has made the image of “leftcoms” synonymous with “armchairs” – should be addressed.

The Pandemic and the Crisis


(From Intransigence publication of Internationalist Communists in North America.) · The Disease · By now any material on the COVID-19 pandemic will seem like old news. Over the course of nine weeks, the number of cases has exploded from a reported number of a little over 500 cases to nearly two million worldwide, and over 600,000 active cases in the United States alone as of writing this.

The Virus is Capitalism


The coronavirus pandemic is battering the whole world. It has upset a social and economic order that appeared immutable. It has dramatically laid bare the reality of human relations in this society based on the exploitation of one human being by another in the name of profit. · After years of cuts, thousands, if not millions, of workers have to cope with a broken and dysfunctional health system.

Coronavirus is Not the Same for All


(We are happy to publish this correspondence with an Italian comrade translated by the IWG. It illustrates, once again, despite all the propaganda that “we are all in this together”, what the working class really represents for capital … lambs to the slaughter, especially in dramatic situations like the one we live in.

Poll Tax Riots: 30 Years On


31 March marks the thirtieth anniversary of the Poll Tax riots. The demonstration, called by the Anti-Poll Tax Federation (set up by the Militant Tendency) and supported by local anti-poll tax groups, attracted some 200,000 people and turned violent following heavy handed arrests and charges by mounted riot police. Unrest lasted for hours and resulted in over 300 arrests and over 100 injured.

Class Struggle in the Time of Coronavirus: An Incomplete Chronicle of Events (16-21 March)


The following review is a small depiction of what’s happening in the world, outside Italy (for the situation in Italy, see: · In some ways the coronavirus has unified workers around the world under one slogan: we don't want to die for your profits. · The examples which follow aim to show: · 1. Italian workers are not alone in their struggle to guarantee safety conditions, nor are those workers...
