Workers' conditions and struggles

A Victim of the Bosses, A Victim of Capitalism


18 June 2021. At the Lidl warehouse in Biandrate near Novara, during the national strike for better working conditions in progress at the Lidl headquarters, supported by SiCobas, a comrade worker and coordinator of SiCobas Novara, Adil Belakhdim, an Italian of Moroccan origin, was run over by a truck in a reckless and criminal attempt by the driver to break the picket.

Italy: Class Solidarity with the FedEx and Texprint Workers


The capitalist attacks continue. We present here two translations from our comrades in Italy about the recent events. They are self-explanatory. For reference to our previous articles on the struggles of workers in the logistics sector in Italy see: Italy: The Capitalist Attacks Are Already Beginning ( Demonstration and Strike of Peroni Workers at Tor Sapienza (Rome) ( Two Comments on Recent...

Homes to Those Who Live in Them!


"The right to life is higher than the rights of private property!" (Slogan from the Russian Revolution) · With the German constitutional court overturning the Berlin rent cap, the real estate lobby has celebrated a significant victory. According to the unanimous verdict, the Berlin rent cap law “is incompatible with the constitution and is thus null and void.

The Working Class Response


As we said in the last issue of Aurora, bosses are seizing advantage of increasing unemployment to reduce ‘labour costs’. It is encouraging to see a growing number of workers refusing to take this lying down. Certainly the insulting 1% pay rise nurses got for their key role in the Covid line of fire speaks volumes. When taking inflation into account this is a real-terms pay cut.

The Bosses' Assault is the Bosses' Recovery!


(Klasbatalo leaflet for the dockworkers' strike in Montreal.) · Frantic are the Ministers, the CEOs and the media personalities to cry out that the Montreal Port workers threaten the economic “recovery”. They claim that everyday, the strike will cost 30 million dollars, which the “recovery” cannot manage.

Solidarity with Firefighters, Paramedics, and Hospital Workers!


(Leaflet distributed by the ICO at a protest rally in South Australia for firefighters and paramedics.) · THE SITUATION · While the South Australian Marshall government announces the building of a new $700 million indoor stadium and just recently provided an additional $93.2 million in funding for the police whose prime role is to defend property, the people who put their lives on the line to...

Solidarity and Self-Organisation are the Weapons of the Working Class


(Leaflet distributed by the CWO during the last round of strikes at universities across the UK.) · More than 170 years ago, Marx, whose work has helped us understand the basic dynamic of capitalism and the historical ebb and flow of the class struggle, wrote that: · "The bourgeoisie has stripped of its halo every occupation hitherto honoured and looked up to with reverent awe.

Italy: The Capitalist Attacks Are Already Beginning


The following articles are translations of a statement and a leaflet issued by our sister organisation in Italy, Battaglia Comunista (Internationalist Communist Party). Migrant workers in the TNT-FedEx warehouse in Piacenza (Emilia-Romagna) have been on strike for over a fortnight to simply win the same pay and conditions as other workers. Their picket line has been attacked by the police.

8 Historical Working Women Moments for 8 March


For what was once International Working Women’s Day, before it became International Women’s Day upon being co-opted by the UN and its corporate sponsors, we have written on 8 struggles throughout history in which working women played a vital and influential role. Other articles detailing the history and significance of this date can be found on this website by CWO (Celebrating International...

"We the Workers": China Behind the Scenes


(Review of the documentary “We the Workers” (2017), directed by Wenhai Huang.) · The 1970s saw the arrival of a structural crisis of profitability which shook the world. In response, the post-war article of faith that governments should support the “commanding heights” of the economy, however unprofitable those basic industries were, was abandoned.
