Workers' conditions and struggles

Don't Let Them Deal You a Bad Hand!


(Leaflet distributed by Klasbatalo during the croupiers' strike in Montreal.) · The croupiers of the Casino de Montréal are facing a reduction in wages compared to the rising cost of living. The insult of a 2% raise in the midst of a 9%+ inflation rate is added onto Loto-Québec’s refusal to recognize the workers’ chronic health injuries (arthritis, tendonitis, shoulder and back injuries) as a...

North Sea Oil and Gas Fields: The Struggle Continues!


As mentioned in our recent article on wildcat strikes in the UK, back in May it was reported that over a thousand offshore oil and gas workers in the North Sea walked out across 19 rigs demanding their wages match inflation.(1) And now, according to a statement circulating across social media, more action is being planned for 8 September.

Workers Respond to the Bosses' Class War


For decades workers have paid for the capitalist crisis in declining real wages, austerity and job insecurity. Now all over the world price rises of basic goods are at last triggering strikes and protests. In the UK, BT workers have been on strike for the first time in more than thirty years. More strikes by rail and tram workers, airport and airline workers, barristers, bus drivers, tube...

Cost of Living Goes Through the Roof


In a world of rising prices, the UK’s 10% inflation rate is higher than any other ‘rich’ country and from all accounts set to rise. Domestic gas prices have gone up by 95% in the last 12 months, and electricity by 54%. Both will rise further in the autumn, when millions of families will once more face the dilemma of whether to “eat or heat”.

Wildcat Strikes in the UK: Getting Ready for a Hot Autumn


The climate crisis may have brought record heat to the UK this summer but it is not the only way temperatures are rising. After more than ten years of austerity in which real wages have been slashed, after more than four decades in which workers’ earnings as a share of the wealth their labour creates have fallen, there are a few signs that the latest attempt to make us pay is the last straw.

The Cost-of-Living Crisis is a Capitalist Crisis


(Editorial for Revolutionary Perspectives 20 ( (Series 4).) · It is easy to forget that when COVID-19 restrictions were first relaxed economists were eagerly awaiting a bounce back of the economy. There was a general clamour among business owners, landlords, and Tory backbenchers to ‘let the economy breathe’.

Striking Starbucks Workers: When Our Conditions Are Under Attack, Stand Up & Fight Back!


(Leaflet distributed by the IWG in Hopewell, New Jersey.) · Short-staffing, hour cuts, demands for hour “flexibility”, denials of wage raises and benefits to unionized/unionizing stores, stone-walling of contract negotiations with unionized stores, not to mention the cuts in workers’ real wages through sky-rocketing inflation of basic goods.

Class Solidarity with the Arrested Workers in Piacenza


Early yesterday morning (19 July) several leading members of the rank and file, or grassroots, unions in Piacenza were put under house arrest by the police. We have reported on the struggles of the workers in the logistic hub of Piacenza (which services Amazon, IKEA, TNT and FedEx) several times previously (1).

The Social Tensions in Ecuador


For the last 30 years Ecuador has been subject to recurring social conflicts in which CONAIE (Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador, founded in 1986 and representing 1,550 communities from the Ecuadorian Amazon) has played a prominent part, thanks above all to its network of militants deeply rooted in the territory and to its ability to repeatedly obstruct the neo-liberal policies...

Class Solidarity for the Victory in the Struggle of Subcontracted Workers in Daewoo Shipbuilding


(The world working class have paid too long for the crisis of a system which is demonstrably failing, whether it is to suffer the consequences of their imperialist wars or the collapse of living standards. As part of our work of revolutionary opposition to both, is is necessary for revolutionaries everywhere to share the news of struggles where they are and to publicise these as widely as...
