Workers' conditions and struggles

Protests in China: Not Just About Covid


China is currently experiencing the most significant wave of unrest since the labour strikes of the early 2010s, if not since Tiananmen Square. A number of factors are at play here. The 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in October already elicited symbolic protest in the form of banner drops which were then circulated online.

On the 2 December Strike in Italy: Especially In Times of War "Normal" Strikes Are Not Enough


For many years now the grassroots or base unions (sindacati di base) have called a strike at this time of year appealing to workers from all sectors of production to mobilise, and as usual, we will once again take part. · However, we cannot ignore the fact that this seasonal mobilisation has become something of a ritual.

Workers in Iran Show the Way


The most recent wave of protests and strikes in Iran are the continuation of more than a decade of struggles. Though the working class in Iran faces many obstacles, as the events take on an international dimension, they could potentially begin a spark that ignites a wider working class movement beyond just Iran.

Oil Workers in Iran Continue to Resist Despite Repressions


Taking any step in pursuing workers’ demands, in the hellish capitalist system of the Islamic Republic, is not without risks, nor without countless obstacles. It is especially so for the Iranian workers today, those who are trying to link the workers’ strikes to the current protest movement. · The oil workers with their organising council and the sugarcane workers of Haft Tappeh have taken the...

Inflation Cuts Workers' Real Wages With No End in Sight


Inflation that was supposed to be "transitory" has been cutting away at workers’ real wages for more than a year now. The September inflation report from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that inflation has predictably continued to rise. Consumer prices increased 0.4% over September, and are 8.2% more expensive than this point last year.

Weyerhaeuser Workers: Not Finished Yet!


(As an example of the kind of activity that No War but the Class War committees are involved in, we reproduce here an article from NWBCW Pacific Northwest ( on the latest developments in the struggle of the Weyerhaeuser workers.(1)) · Workers Fight On Despite Sell Out Contracts and Union Bureaucrats! Solidarity With Weyerhaeuser Workers and the 46%ers! · The Pacific Northwest No War But Class War...

Business as per Emergency Bill: Strike at Achema Plant in Lithuania


On the 8th of February, 100 workers at the chemical plant complex ‘Achema’ in Jonava, Lithuania voted in favour of a strike to negotiate a collective agreement. The complex is one of the economic powerhouses of the Baltics, contributing to 3.4% of the country’s GDP. The strike marked a turning point in the Lithuanian class struggle, being the first in a private enterprise in the country’s...

Tighten Your Belts and Forward March!


As the stock markets veer towards collapse, so does military rivalry flare up across the world. With the bloody war in Ukraine, the military standoffs in the air and seas around Taiwan, and a new wave of conflicts between regional powers, the imperialist actors are descending into bloody barbarism and toying with threats of nuclear warfare.

Iran: On the Hijab as Labour Discipline, and the Slogan of "Woman, Life, Freedom"


… How Did it Start? · On Tuesday 13 September, Mehsa Amini (Zina), a 22-year-old Iranian woman from the city of Saqez of the province of Western Kurdistan who was visiting Tehran with her brother, was arrested by the “morality police”. Shortly after her arrest, she suffered a fractured skull and brain damage as a result of being beaten by the officers of the “morality police”, and three days...

Workers' Voices on the Protests in Iran


In protest against the death of a young woman, Mahsa Amini, who was arrested by the “morality police” in Tehran for failing to properly wear the hijab, we have witnessed continuous demonstrations for the last two weeks all over the country, as usual with a barbaric response from the Islamic Republic of Iran. · So far it has been reported that 76 people have died and hundreds have been arrested.
