Workers' conditions and struggles

The Cost-of-Living Crisis - They Party, We Pay!


Our real wages and pensions are currently undergoing a precipitous fall. They are being devoured on one side by low wage growth, and on the other, by high price rises. Add to this household energy bills doubling, petrol prices skyrocketing, and increased mortgage costs. All these and more make up the ‘cost-of-living crisis’, which the government’s Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) has warned...

Ukraine/Russia: War and Sanctions are Hitting Hard, But Not the Oligarchs (On Either Side)


In the early days of the war, mass media triumphantly displayed the "scalps" taken from the enemy. In this case they were the temporarily seized luxury mega-yachts and the equally luxurious properties of Russian oligarchs. Thus began the hack journalists’ crescendo of patriotism in support of the imperialist front in which they willingly participate.

The Bosses Want a "Return to Normalcy"!


The bosses and the state are determined to make the working class pay for the economic crisis. Despite their nervous outcries claiming that workers are not re-entering the labour market and forcing their hand into giving “unheard-of” wage rates, the reality is that real wages across the board have declined in the face of rising prices. In the United States, the real average wage decreased by 0.

Behind the Amazon Curtain

An inside look at exploitation within Bezos’ fulfilment centres · Like many employers out there, Amazon does not appreciate outside investigators or any other curious observers having a peek inside its fulfilment centres (FCs). Of course, it propagates images and videos of efficiency, happy employees, and high quality products to the outside world — sometimes it even gives us a look inside, but...

Turkey: The Trade Unions Are An Obstacle To All Workers' Struggles


In our last article we mentioned the strikes that sprang up in many sectors.(1) Workers in the Alpin Socks factory, BBC Turkey and Trendyol have already gained from their strikes; other strikes are still ongoing. We also hear interesting examples of solidarity in the written and audiovisual interviews of workers.

Italy: The Lions of Piacenza Have Been Caged


The FedEx workers’ struggle in Piacenza ended on 10 January. The "lions” – as the warehouse workers of Piacenza have been appropriately dubbed by SI Cobas(1) – have suffered yet another blow from the bosses thanks to the union rabbits (to stick to zoological metaphors) of SI Cobas, who might claim to be running a rank and file union but look damn like their big brothers in the traditional union...

"Year of the Squeeze": The Working Class Pays for the Crisis


While the Tory government gets embroiled in another political crisis of its own making, life gets harder for the rest of us. The picture was already bleak in 2021, when in November inflation rose to 5.1%, its highest rate in a decade. The price of certain goods was already skyrocketing, most notably fuel. The average price of petrol soared by 29.5%, while the average gas bill rose by 12%.

Turkey: Workers are Trying to Find Their Own Voice All Over the World


As in the rest of the world, the deepening crisis of capitalism plus the pandemic continue to affect the working class in Turkey. In recent months out-of-control inflation has brought endless exorbitant price rises which have deepened the financial difficulties of the working class. With the pandemic came extremely high rent rises.

USA: Two Years of Strikes


The past two years in the US have seen an increase in the numbers of strikes. Like a drowned man bobbing on the bottom of a lake, the increase in strikes comes at a time of historically low strike numbers. Years of suppressed wages, combined with the fragmentation of the workforce and the relative decline of industry have created poor conditions for strike activity.

Kazakhstan: The Working Class Attempts to Find its Voice?


On 2 January, in response to a sudden increase in gas prices, protests and blockades rose up in the oil city of Zhanaozen in the Mangistau region, western Kazakhstan. The revolt has now spread across the country, including Almaty, the largest city in the country, and Nur-Sultan, the capital. It has forced the current president, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, to sack his cabinet, declare a state of...
