Workers' conditions and struggles

Kazakhstan: The Working Class Attempts to Find its Voice?


On 2 January, in response to a sudden increase in gas prices, protests and blockades rose up in the oil city of Zhanaozen in the Mangistau region, western Kazakhstan. The revolt has now spread across the country, including Almaty, the largest city in the country, and Nur-Sultan, the capital. It has forced the current president, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, to sack his cabinet, declare a state of...

Striking Kellogg's Workers: Don't Settle for Crumbs!


(Leaflet distributed by the IWG during the Kellogg's strike in Lancaster, PA.) · Striking Kellogg's Workers: Don't settle for crumbs! Demand the abolition of the 2-tier system & more! · The ongoing strike of 1,400 Kellogg’s workers throughout the US is a continuing source of inspiration to other workers in this country and abroad who are joining in what is a fragile but significant...

USA: "Striketober", An Unprecedented Wave of Strikes


The United States has experienced a wave of strikes on a scale rarely seen since 1968. All over the country, workers, exhausted by the Covid-19 pandemic, are demanding improvements in their working conditions. Driven by the rise in the cost of living, these thousands of workers are putting pressure on their bosses to grant them wage increases. This encompasses every sector of the economy.

Letter From a Striking Oil Worker in Iran


Below is a brief note from a striking worker, Mahmoud from Assaluyeh. Not only is it a good illustration of how the leading strikers in Iran today are thinking and how their discussions are shaping up, it also gives us an insight into the potential of the working class movement when we see how far the workers have advanced.

Working Class Revolution is the Only Solution


Despite all the talk about ‘humanity’ as a whole being responsible for climate change, the world is class-divided. Inevitably, the ‘carbon footprint’ of the rich folk at the top of each national pyramid is far larger than the rest of the population. In the US emissions from the richest 10% of households are more than five times bigger than the whole of the bottom 50%! (It’s the same ratio for the...

Report from the Kellogg's Workers Strike


Since October 4, 1,400 workers at the four Kellogg’s plants in the United States have been on strike in response to a two-tier wage system and the company’s efforts to permanently classify workers out of receiving better wages and benefits. The IWG has been able to intervene at the strike at the Lancaster plant several times over the last month, distributing leaflets and collecting information...

The Struggle of the Iranian Oil Workers Goes On


A Little Background · As we report on the continuing struggle of oil workers in Iran it is worth reminding our readers of their wider context. The whole working class in Iran is currently facing a double whammy of a crisis: a combination of Covid-19 and severe economic crisis, only partially the consequence of the US economic embargo.

Covid Capitalism is Still Killing Workers Across the World


(Article from 1919 #2 ( the journal of the North American affiliates of the ICT.) · Over the previous year and a half, the working class across the world has been subject to an extreme intensification of their exploitation and the degradation of their living conditions. Already suffering from a renewed series of attacks by the capitalists to expand their profit margins going all the way back to...

Agricultural Migrant Workers During Pandemic Capitalism


(Article from 1919 #2 ( the journal of the North American affiliates of the ICT.) · There has been an ongoing shortage in labor for agriculture and adjacent industries, such as food processing, tourism and hospitality. All of these industries have a dependence on the labor of seasonal migrant workers. This issue was already trending in 2019 before the outbreak of Covid-19 but has been exacerbated...

The Generalized Crisis Requires a Generalized Struggle


(Leaflet distributed by Klasbatalo during the CPE daycare workers' strike in Quebec.) · The present situation is one of deep capitalist crisis, wherein every worker faces a decimation of their real wages, brought on by a higher cost of living. Speculation in the housing market has seen rent shoot up 20% in the neighbourhood of Verdun alone, and this is no isolated incident.
