Workers' conditions and struggles

Unite the Strikes


On the first of February, 2023, over 500,000 workers walked out in what was the biggest strike day for over a decade. On pickets and rallies across the country, teachers, university lecturers, civil servants, and train drivers all made the same calls for better pay, higher staffing, and an end to the looting of public services by the government.

Cost-of-Living: The Other War on Workers


Since the last issue of Revolutionary Perspectives the political and economic turmoil in the United Kingdom has surprised the rest of the world.(1) It began in late September with the ill-fated ‘mini-budget’ of Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng which, by proposing a £45 billion tax cut and spending increases, temporarily crashed the pound, destroyed investor confidence in UK treasury debt, and added a...

Notes on the UK Strike Wave


What a difference a few years makes! The period between 2015 and 2019, despite being one of the worst for wage growth, saw some of the lowest levels of strike action in the UK since records began. The period of the Covid-19 pandemic, despite revealing how deeply the divide has grown between the ruling class and the rest of society, did not elicit a wider fightback then and there.

Turkey: Nation or Class?


(Article by NWBCW Turkey ( · Due to the capitalist crisis, living conditions are getting worse and worse in Turkey, just like in the rest of the world. With the increasing cost of living, it has become impossible to pay the rent, provide adequate nutrition or socialise. This situation also adversely affects working conditions.

Statement on the US Rail Workers' Struggle


Rail workers are the most overt targets of the bosses' offensive in the class war. On November 28th, Biden issued a statement in which he called on Congress to “avert” a strike of 100,000 rail workers by “adopting” the Tentative Agreement that had been reached back in September between the unions supposedly representing these workers and the railroad companies employing them.

Iran: Workers Respond to the Executions


In their latest attempt to scare the participants of anti-government protests into submission, the Iranian authorities have resorted to public executions. Mohsen Shekari, accused of injuring a member of the Basij militia, and Majidreza Rahnavard, accused of fatally stabbing two Basij militia volunteers, were both charged with “moharebeh”, or "waging war against God", and hanged.

Notes on the Union Demonstration of 3 December in Rome


This demonstration was supposed to unite the various rank and file trade unions, but turned instead into a competition as to who would "win" the battle to lead the procession. Specifically, that between its most numerous and significant animators: the SI Cobas and the USB.(1) · In the minds of the organisers the joint strike on Friday(2) and the national demonstration on Saturday were aimed at...

Ontario Education Strike: No Union Wants to Walk the Picket Line!


For a brief moment, the Ontario education workers’ struggle imposed itself on the public consciousness. News reporters addressed it with a serious tone, young Trotskyists took to Twitter giving empty slogans, union representatives extended Halloween and put on their costumes as labour leaders, Doug Ford came to tears pleading: “please, and I’m begging you, don’t go on strike!”, and Trudeau spoke...

Iran: Towards a General Strike?


After more than 75 days of protests, the regime's barbaric repression has resulted in over 450 deaths and more than ten thousands arrests. Yet the working class in Iran continues to fight back. The regime's alleged disbandment of the “morality police” seems to have had little effect, as sectors of the oil workers have already begun to strike and many workers are now preparing for a...

Protests in China: Not Just About Covid


China is currently experiencing the most significant wave of unrest since the labour strikes of the early 2010s, if not since Tiananmen Square. A number of factors are at play here. The 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in October already elicited symbolic protest in the form of banner drops which were then circulated online.
