Workers' conditions and struggles

The ANC’s South Africa: Kleptocracy and Exploitation


The African National Congress (ANC) which has ruled South Africa since the end of apartheid in 1994 is once again in crisis. The President, Zuma, faced a no-confidence vote on 18 April but because the opposition parties demanded the vote be conducted by secret ballot the issue has been referred to the constitutional court so the whole process has been postponed.

USA: Unions Welcome the New Boss


As seen above, leaders from the building trades unions posed for pictures with the new President. The operating belief among these union leaders is that they will profit, as petty-capitalists, from hypothetical future national infrastructure projects. The leadership of the AFL-CIO came out in support of the new regime's trade warfare policies.

Two Comments on Recent Events around SiCobas in Italy


Unions have never been revolutionary but in the nineteenth century were “schools of socialism” through which workers fought collectively to improve their conditions. In the epoch of imperialism and state capitalism however they have become increasingly integrated into the capitalist legal apparatus, into the capitalist state itself.

Trump: The Problem is Still Capitalism


The Rise of the Authoritarian Right · The avalanche of protests at the accession of Donald Trump as 45th President of the United States is unprecedented in modern times. He is a reactionary, racist, sexist bully who peddles hatred and loathing. He responds to every criticism by attacking the messenger, a “technique” he learned from his one-time lawyer, and counsellor to the “Mob”, Roy Cohn.

February 1917 – Anatomy of a Revolution


History as a whole and the history of revolutions in particular is always richer in content, more varied, more multiform in character, more lively and ingenious than is imagined by even the best parties... Lenin[1] · First, the chronology … · February 23 1917. A century ago, on International Women’s Day (February 23 old style/ March 8 today), women workers of both home and factory took to the...

The Situation of the Working Class Today

Economic conditions had in the first place transformed the mass of the people into workers. The domination of capital created the common situation and common interests of this class. Thus this mass is already a class in relation to capital, but not yet a class for itself. In the struggle, of which we have only indicated a few phases this mass unites and forms itself into a class for itself.

Class Composition in the Crisis

Hobson’s ‘prophecy’ · It is well-known that in his work on imperialism Lenin drew a lot of material as well as analytical insights from Hobson, the social-liberal (as defined by Lenin himself), and author of one of the most celebrated works on the subject: also entitled Imperialism. Twice, the Russian revolutionary cites the same passage from the book which dares to “prophesy” about the fate of...

Mexico’s Turmoil


"A lot of people think it's only the gasoline prices, but the price of gas is just the straw that broke the camel's back.” - anonymous protestor. · As is now increasingly the tendency, significant moments of struggle against the effects of the global crisis are given scant attention by media players dependent on capitalist states and business.

From 1923 to Today: The Fight against Racist and Nationalist Attempts to Divide the Working Class


We are printing here two short translations. The first is from the KAPD in 1923. Those with an eye for history will recognise the date as the year of, not only the Nazis’ failed “Beer Hall Putsch” in Munich, but also the year when the German Communist Party adopted National-Bolshevism in an attempt to win over workers who had been seduced by the nationalist extreme right.



The arrogant Trump beat the repellent Clinton. The populist of the far-right beat the right-wing technocrat disguised as a progressive leftist. Speaking to the belly and the fear of the American electorate got the better of a cultured representative of the establishment. Populism has triumphed in the stronghold of world capitalism even bettering the other successes of the far right; as in Western...
