Recent publications

Mutiny #2024-09-01

September 2024

PDF icon 2024-09-01-mutiny.pdf4.25 MB

Aurora #2024-08-21

August 2024

PDF icon 2024-08-21-aurora.pdf1.39 MB

To the Internationalists Attending the Prague Week of Action

Pamphlet by comrades of the Internationalist Communist Tendency for distribution at the Prague Week of Action (20-26 May 2024).

PDF icon prague-2024.pdf1.84 MB

Aurora #2024-04-19

May 2024

PDF icon 2024-04-19-aurora.pdf1.46 MB

Imperialist Barbarism in Palestine: Publications on the War in Palestine, 2023-2024, by the Internationalist Communist Tendency

We present here a pamphlet containing all of the ICT's publications in English during the latest round of imperialist barbarism in Palestine, sparked by the October 7th massacres carried out by Hamas against Jewish, Arab, and migrant workers, before becoming a ceaseless barrage by the state of Israel on the dispossessed and proletarian masses in Gaza; all playing out in the period of capitalism's march towards generalized imperialist war, opened in February 2022 with the war in Ukraine.

First distributed at the IWG's public meeting in Lambertville, New Jersey in January 2024 on the war in Palestine. $3 plus $1 postage costs.

Aurora #2024-01-30

January 2024

PDF icon 2024-01-30-aurora.pdf714.04 KB

Introduction to Our History

November 1943 saw the birth of the Internationalist Communist Party (PCInt) whilst in December 1983 the International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party (IBRP), the forerunner of our Internationalist Communist Tendency (ICT), was founded. To acknowledge these anniversaries we have updated this introduction to our history. Much of it is based on the two volume collection of documents of the PCint, Settant'anni contro venti e maree (Seventy Years Against Winds and Tides) first published ten years ago. We have added in some paragraphs from other brief histories as well as links to documents already on our website in English. This is intended as an easy chronological reference point for those wanting to understand how our tendency has developed within the working class movement over more than a century.

Aurora #2023-11-01

November 2023

PDF icon 2023-11-01-aurora.pdf5.88 MB

Aurora #2023-08-23

August 2023

PDF icon 2023-08-23-aurora.pdf564.37 KB

Aurora #2023-04-23

May 2023

PDF icon 2023-04-23-aurora.pdf2.54 MB

Aurora #2023-02-28

February 2023

PDF icon 2023-02-28-aurora.pdf2.21 MB

Aurora #2022-11-16

November 2022

PDF icon 2022-11-16-aurora.pdf1.24 MB
