Recent publications

Communist Review #2


Perspectives of the Bureau
Theses on the British Miners Strike
Bordigism and the Italian Left
A New Era for 'Communist Program'
Theses of the Alptraum Communist Collective - Mexico

PDF icon communist-review-2.pdf3.74 MB

Communist Review #1


Where We Have Come From and Where We Are Going
Platform and Statutes of the Bureau
On the Formation of the Communist Party of Iran
Crisis and Imperialism

PDF icon communist-review-1.pdf8.05 MB

Platform of Factory Groups

In the 1980s the CWO intended to create factory groups which would carry the lessons of past struggles into future ones, oppose the unions, as well as propagandise for communism. Today, adapting to the new composition of the working class, it makes more sense to talk of workplace and territorial groups.

PDF icon Platform of Factory Groups (1981)4.26 MB
