Recent publications

Revolutionary Perspectives #19

Autumn 2000 (Series 3)

Middle East
Yugoslav Elections
Peru and the Decadence of Capitalism
Colombia, the Squandering of the Workers' Movement
Strikes in Los Angeles
Women's March Against Poverty
The German Communist Left (Part VI): A Bitter Harvest – The 1923 March Action
Trivial Pursuit – Wheen's Biography of Marx
Marx and Capitalist Development
OPEC Summit – Imperialist Clashes on the Terrain of Petroleum
Slavery and Child Wage Labour
The British Ruling Class and the Euro
The Petrol Blockade – A Victory for the Bourgeoisie

Revolutionary Perspectives #18

Summer 2000 (Series 3)

Our Anti-Capitalism
Capitalism's Global Crisis Kills
Sierra Leone: British Imperialism, Second Time Around
UN – Peacemakers or Peacefakers?
Zimbabwe: Rival Capitalist Gangs
Middle East – The Mirage of Peace
Vietnam: Last Remnants of "Real Socialism"
The Crisis Gripping Ecuador
Tottenham Election – Disaster for the Left
Northern Ireland: The Anglo-American Charade
"Living" "Marxism" – Leftism in Action

Revolutionary Perspectives #17

Spring 2000 (Series 3)

The Death of Rover
Rover Leaflet
Hypocrisy and Guilt in the EU
The Haider Affair
GIK Leaflet
New Immigration Law
100 Years of Labour
Welfare Blitz
Oil and the New US Economy
US Leaflet
Russian Capitalism Changes the Guard
The Dollarisation of Ecuador
Unions and Struggle: Dispelling Misconceptions

Revolutionary Perspectives #16

Winter 2000 (Series 3)

Capitalism 2000 – Is the End Nigh?
In the Margins of the BT Strike
The Conditions of the Working Class in England: A Modest Addition for the Year 2000
Nationalisation and Privatisation – Twin Pillars of Capitalism
Leaflet: United We Fight
The German Communist Left (Part V): The Second Congress of the KAPD
The Caucasus – Imperialism's New Battleground
The War in Daghestan
The World Trade Organisation in Seattle
Correspondence on the WTO
Correspondence with the ICC: The Electricians' Strikes

Revolutionary Perspectives #15

Autumn 1999 (Series 3)

Is the Class War Over?
Sparks of Hope? The Electricians' Strikes
The Biggest Disaster is Capitalism
Stalemate in Northern Ireland
East Timor – Another Pawn of Imperialism
Barbarism in the Caucasus
The Wages System is Legalised Robbery
Iran From a Revolutionary Perspective
Whither China?
Sylvia Pankhurst: Labour and SWP Falsify History
Capitalism or Communism for Russia (Workers' Dreadnought 1924)
Letters on Rosa Luxemburg's Economics

Revolutionary Perspectives #14

Summer 1999 (Series 3)

Capitalism Means War and Misery
Uneasy Peace Hides New Imperialist Rivalry
Asylum Bill and Crocodile Tears for Kosovan Refugees
Police Brutality in the USA
Trade Wars Continue
Canadian Revolutionaries
London Bombings: Who is the Hidden Enemy?
Yugoslavia: Nationalism Against the Working Class
Another Imperialist War in the Balkans
Why Was Opposition to the War in Yugoslavia so Weak
Global Debt Crisis: Capitalism Offers No Solution
Rotten Food in a Decaying System
Nigeria: Civilian Rule Demanded by US and Europe
South Africa: Bourgeois Democracy at Last
Zimbabwe: Class Struggle Threatens Regime
National Liberation: Half a Century Against the Working Class
Colombia: A Souvenir From Hell

Aurora #1999-04-01

April-May 1999

PDF icon 1999-04-01-aurora-en.pdf2.17 MB

Revolutionary Perspectives #13

Winter 1999 (Series 3)

New Labour, Old Corruption
The Pinochet Affair
Cuba: Forty Years of State Capitalism
Cuba is Capitalist
Cuba: Pawn of Imperialism
Brazil: Speculators' Carnival
After the Venezuelan Elections
The World Capitalist Crisis Deepens
Capitalist Crisis and Globalisation
The Economic Contradictions of the ICC
Iraq: Bombing Us Back to Barbarism
US Attack on Iraq: Leaflet of Los Angeles Workers' Voice
Iran: Twenty Years Since the Fall of the Shah
Death to the Shah or Death to Capitalism?

Revolutionary Perspectives #12

Autumn 1998 (Series 3)

Labour – Sinking the Unsinkable
Globalised Finance Capital vs. The International Proletariat
Russia: No Solution Within Capitalism, Workers Must Shape their own Destiny
Two Texts from Russia
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Natural Paradise Made Capitalist Inferno
The Greatest Robbery in History; Or How the US Government is Looting the Social Security Pension Fund
Parliamentarism and Communism (Part III): Proletarian Democracy and Bourgeois Democracy – The Revolutionary Wave After World War I
US Imperialism on the Move
The Legacy of May '68 and the Course of History – A Brief Response to the ICC
Correspondence with Kamunist Kranti

Revolutionary Perspectives #11

Summer 1998 (Series 3)

Cracks Widen in Capital's Global Economy
Indonesia – An Open Case of the Global Crisis
Kosovo: A Hunting Ground for Nationalism and Imperialism, A Graveyard for the Working Class
New Labour, New Deal, New Attacks on the Working Class
Ireland – A Settlement for Global Capital
In the Firing Line
Israel: US Imperialism's Protégé Reaches 50
The Crisis in Russia: From Bad to Worse
Appeal for a Revolutionary Publishing Project in Russia
Correspondence with Kammunist Kranti
Letter to Class War

Revolutionary Perspectives #10

Spring 1998 (Series 3)

Akers McNulty Strike Shows Whose Side Union Are On
Attacks on Students
One Hundred and Fifty Years of Class Struggle
The German Communist Left (Part IV): The Kommunistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands
In the Firing Line
Imperialist Games in the Gulf
Another Episode in the Global Imperialist Struggle
Imperialism's New Great Game

Revolutionary Perspectives #9

Winter 1997 (Series 3)

Labour Steps Up Attacks
SE Asia: Harbringer of Future
Ireland and Britain
South Africa: Bitter Lessons of National Liberation
Middle East Shapes Up for New Conflicts; Barbarism in Algeria
Parliamentarism and Communism (Part II): The Struggle Inside Social Democracy Before World War One
The German Communist Left (Part III): The German November Revolution
USA 1943-44: Strikes Against Second World War
Life of the Organisation: Defending the October Revolution
Epitaph for a Comrade

Revolutionary Perspectives #8

Summer 1997 (Series 3)

Nation or Class
Five Years Hard Labour
Why UPS Strike Was No Victory
Asian Tigers Reel Before the Power of Global FInance Capital
Middle East War Process Continues
The October Revolution and the Working Class Today
The German Communist Left (Part II): Breaking from German Social Democracy in the First World War
Readers' Letters: Appeal for Indian Workers

Revolutionary Perspectives #7

Summer 1997 (Series 3)

Labour: Victory for Capitalism
Labour Attacks Council Workers
Theses on Organisation
VI Congress of the Internationalist Communist Party
1st May – A Balance Sheet
Growing Poverty in the USA
Murder of the MRTA Guerillas
Italian Imperialism in Albania
US Imperialism in Afghanistan
Sordid Reality in Palestine
Against Work or Against Wage Labour
