
Saving Stocksbridge Leisure Centre – The Limits of Local Action


A local facility threatened by the crisis · Stocksbridge is a small town between Sheffield and Barnsley. It came into existence in the mid-19th century as a centre of steel production. Until the 1970s the local economy and employment continued to be based around the steel works. In the early 1970s the local working class community made huge efforts raising funds to support the establishment of a...

Migrants And Italians United In Struggle - Why Not a Strike?


As Titan workers we’ve always said that this proposed day of struggle is important. In our workplace there are lots of workers, both migrants and Italians, sympathetic to each other and aware of the fact that a migrant leaves his own country, not for a holiday but out of poverty and desperation, to find a job which all of us need in order to survive in the absurd capitalist system.

Class Struggle Recognises no Borders: We Win Internationally or We Lose Patriotically


Redundancies, cuts in benefits, growing youth unemployment, insecure jobs, tax rises for the low paid as well as pension and welfare cuts for each and everyone. In the supposedly so "advanced" capitalist countries the solution to the crisis is the same everywhere. Many suspect that the worst is yet to come and even parts of the ruling class say it straight out.

It’s Time to Open a New Season of Proletarian Struggle


(The following leaflet was distributed by our comrades in Rome on the demonstration of the Alcoa workers of Sardinia against the closure of the last aluminium smelter in Italy. The demonstration was not encouraging in that it was a dominated by corporatism, sectionalism and Sardinian separatism (many of the workers wore nationalist insignia).

Serious Event at the Parma ICT Office


(Translated into English by the comrades of FICL who we warmly thank) · During the night of Wednesday 16 to Thursday 17 May, unknown persons got into our office in borgo San Giuseppe 5, Parma, and have taken tens of volumes from the Dimitri Papaioannoy library. The following Friday morning one comrade passing the office found the mailbox pulled off and thrown in front of the door.

Communist Intervention in the Workplace

(Durham Open Meeting, 11 January 2012) · The CWO’s regular monthly meeting in Durham was on “how do communists intervene in the workplace today?” The following report is a brief account of the discussion. · The meeting was introduced by a comrade from York who began by stating that there was a two-fold contradiction between the working class and the bourgeoisie: the immediate contradiction was...

Their Crisis and Ours


(Leaflet for the general strike on September 6 - This is a translation of the leaflet distributed the length and breadth of Italy by our comrades of Battaglia Comunista. The strike was called by only one of the main three union federations (the General Confederation of Italian Labour) in response to a further budget cut (of €45 billion) in addition to one imposed earlier in the summer.

Wisconsin: Workers Protests Get Stuck in the Electoral Swamp

Class War in Wisconsin · (On February 14 our US comrades of the Internationalist Workers’ Group first reported that the Wisconsin State Governor Scott Walker had “dropped the anvil” on state workers. Like so many other states Wisconsin is bearing the brunt of Federal budget cuts and like so many others it is facing bankruptcy. Cue massive cuts to state workers wages and pensions.

FIAT - The Anti-Union Protest in Turin


Saturday 16 May in the workers’ demonstrations for jobs and the future of FIAT workers the anger of the Pomigliano and Nola workers exploded. The latter after a hard struggle ignored by the media were put in a “marginal department” in an agreement signed by FIAT and the unions. (1) Today the situation has worsened and the whole Pomigliano plant is in danger of closure as a result of the crisis in...

The Political Significance of the Strikes at FIAT Pomigliano


Bologna Debate - In our last issue we produced an extensive dossier on the strike at the Fiat Pomigliano factory near Naples and on the intervention there of our comrades from the Napoli section of Battaglia Comunista. This short piece taken from the July-August edition of the paper Battaglia Comunista updates that report and indicates that something small but positive may yet come out of the...
