
Six Days of Struggle at Pomigliano


Dossier on the Strike at FIAT Pomigliano d'Arco - Campania, Italy · CWO Introduction · We are presenting here some of the documents issued by the Naples section of our Italian sister organisation, Battaglia Comunista who were involved with the strike of workers who were fighting their transfer to a new facility at Nola.

Since Thursday April 10, 2008, the FIAT factory of Pomigliano (NA) is blocked


TV, mass media and newspapers are saying nothing, because of FIAT opposition. Help us diffusing news to other workers. Publish on blogs, lists, forums. · Let’s break this wall of silence! · (Communique from the Internationalists of Battaglia Comunista) · Since 10.00 p.m. Thursday April 10th the Fiat Factory of Pomigliano has been forced to halt production · A workers committee formed independently of...
