
Kill the Bill? Change the System!


(Leaflet distributed by the CWO at various Kill the Bill protests happening around the UK.) · The heavy handed police response to a vigil in memory of Sarah Everard and the protest in Bristol against the new Police and Crime Bill have again drawn attention to the role of the police in society as it exists today. · All over the globe the pandemic has sharpened class divisions.

Closing Intransigence


(Editorial from 1919 ( the new journal of the North American affiliates of the ICT.) · Intransigence as a project started in 2017. The publication was a vehicle that brought disparate and geographically separated communists together to engage with one another in debate and discussion. The goal was to identify common ground and to identify areas of disagreement, both to clarify commonly held...

Italy: The Capitalist Attacks Are Already Beginning


The following articles are translations of a statement and a leaflet issued by our sister organisation in Italy, Battaglia Comunista (Internationalist Communist Party). Migrant workers in the TNT-FedEx warehouse in Piacenza (Emilia-Romagna) have been on strike for over a fortnight to simply win the same pay and conditions as other workers. Their picket line has been attacked by the police.

Communist Work in a Covid Crisis: A Framework


(Perspectives for the CWO as discussed in its AGM, November 2020) · A pandemic is a test for any mode of production. It is a particular test for a system mired in economic, political and social crisis. SARS-CoV-2 has thus found the capitalist system wanting. Not only were most countries across the world slow to respond to the swiftly spreading contagion, but the last few decades of cuts and...

An Introduction to the Work of the CWO and ICT


(The article which follows is a transcript of an introduction to an online meeting of CWO members and sympathisers on 21 November 2020.) · What Distinguishes the ICT? · The world is full of organisations claiming to be revolutionary, communist or even internationalist. The majority of these have a theory and practice that we would not recognise in any of those categories.

In Times of Lockdown: How to Contact and Work Towards Joining the CWO


The Covid lockdowns and restrictions have produced a very unusual situation for the ICT. We’ve almost stopped face-to-face meetings, though we have managed to attend and address some demonstrations and had a small number of suitably socially-distanced meetings in various places. We’ve cut back on our physical publications, because we don’t have as many opportunities at the moment to distribute...

On the Forty-Fifth Anniversary of the Founding of the CWO


The Communist Workers’ Organisation (CWO) was formed in September 1975 in Liverpool. We have not made a habit of writing our own history (indeed the last time we did it was at a time of crisis in the organisation in 1977 in a document entitled “Two Years of the CWO”!) and 45 years is perhaps an odd anniversary to acknowledge.

The Virus is Capitalism, the Revolutionary Proletariat is the Cure


(The following leaflet was given out in various cities across Italy on 6 June on the occasion of demonstrations by the various rank and file (Cobas) unions against the imposed return to work whilst the coronavirus pandemic continues to rage.) · The coronavirus pandemic has thrown a spanner into the capitalist works but not completely prevented it from squeezing out profits.

On Minneapolis: Police Brutality & Class Struggle


(Flyer distributed by comrades and sympathisers at protests over the murder of George Floyd.) · 1. Watts in 1965, LA in 1992, Ferguson in 2014. Rodney King, Mike Brown, Sandra Bland, Tamir Rice. · The events in Minneapolis are yet another addition to a historical and systemic problem. In addition to suffering unemployment at twice the rate of their white counterparts (a consistent number since the...

What Does the Communist Left Do?


It’s fashionable nowadays to say that the Communist Left “does nothing”. This misconception – whether a consequence of reducing the historical experience of our tendency only to those currents that have adopted the wait-and-see approach(1), or because of internet humour which has made the image of “leftcoms” synonymous with “armchairs” – should be addressed.
