
Report from the Kellogg's Workers Strike


Since October 4, 1,400 workers at the four Kellogg’s plants in the United States have been on strike in response to a two-tier wage system and the company’s efforts to permanently classify workers out of receiving better wages and benefits. The IWG has been able to intervene at the strike at the Lancaster plant several times over the last month, distributing leaflets and collecting information...

The Generalized Crisis Requires a Generalized Struggle


(Leaflet distributed by Klasbatalo during the CPE daycare workers' strike in Quebec.) · The present situation is one of deep capitalist crisis, wherein every worker faces a decimation of their real wages, brought on by a higher cost of living. Speculation in the housing market has seen rent shoot up 20% in the neighbourhood of Verdun alone, and this is no isolated incident.

Striking Kellogg's Workers: Take Control of the Struggle!


(Leaflet distributed by the IWG during the Kellogg's strike in Lancaster, PA.) · Right now, workers across the country are looking at the 1,400 worker strong strike of Kellogg’s workers as a glimmer of hope. Covid, lockdowns, and the economic crisis have made many in our class feel isolated and atomized but when fellow workers stand up and refuse to take the bosses’ shit anymore by going on...

Let's Get Political!


(Leaflet distributed by the CWO at recent strikes and protests happening around the UK.) · Pay and pension cuts, redundancies, fire and re-hire, health & safety violations, precarity, evictions, anti-protest bills... The attacks are varied but they all point in the same direction: as always, it is the working class who will bear the cost of the crisis.

Sparks' Power in Tyne & Wear: Wildcat Action Wins Back Jobs


On construction sites around the UK, contractors such as Balfour Beatty and NG Bailey have already tried to de-skill the sparks’ (electrician) trade earlier this year. These contractors remain unpopular among many workers in the electrical industry due to this, though ultimately they failed to achieve their goal after much resistance from the sparks throughout the country.

Italy: Class Solidarity with the FedEx and Texprint Workers


The capitalist attacks continue. We present here two translations from our comrades in Italy about the recent events. They are self-explanatory. For reference to our previous articles on the struggles of workers in the logistics sector in Italy see: Italy: The Capitalist Attacks Are Already Beginning ( Demonstration and Strike of Peroni Workers at Tor Sapienza (Rome) ( Two Comments on Recent...

The Bosses' Assault is the Bosses' Recovery!


(Klasbatalo leaflet for the dockworkers' strike in Montreal.) · Frantic are the Ministers, the CEOs and the media personalities to cry out that the Montreal Port workers threaten the economic “recovery”. They claim that everyday, the strike will cost 30 million dollars, which the “recovery” cannot manage.

Solidarity with Firefighters, Paramedics, and Hospital Workers!


(Leaflet distributed by the ICO at a protest rally in South Australia for firefighters and paramedics.) · THE SITUATION · While the South Australian Marshall government announces the building of a new $700 million indoor stadium and just recently provided an additional $93.2 million in funding for the police whose prime role is to defend property, the people who put their lives on the line to...

Solidarity and Self-Organisation are the Weapons of the Working Class


(Leaflet distributed by the CWO during the last round of strikes at universities across the UK.) · More than 170 years ago, Marx, whose work has helped us understand the basic dynamic of capitalism and the historical ebb and flow of the class struggle, wrote that: · "The bourgeoisie has stripped of its halo every occupation hitherto honoured and looked up to with reverent awe.

Class Struggle and Gender Trouble


(Leaflet distributed by the CWO at protests around the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) happening around the UK last year.) · Throughout human history societies have enforced different norms, expectations and categorisations of gender, sex and sexuality, which corresponded to the needs of the different modes of production.
