
Poll Tax Riots: 30 Years On


31 March marks the thirtieth anniversary of the Poll Tax riots. The demonstration, called by the Anti-Poll Tax Federation (set up by the Militant Tendency) and supported by local anti-poll tax groups, attracted some 200,000 people and turned violent following heavy handed arrests and charges by mounted riot police. Unrest lasted for hours and resulted in over 300 arrests and over 100 injured.

Demonstration and Strike of Peroni Workers at Tor Sapienza (Rome)


On February 29th we (comrades from the CWO and Battaglia Comunista) were at the solidarity demonstration with the warehouse workers of the Italian-Japanese company Peroni in Tor Sapienza, Rome. The workers there are carrying on a bitter struggle for better working conditions which started with a week-long strike.

The Current Crisis and the Tasks of Communists


(Perspectives for the CWO as discussed in its AGM, November 2019) · Overview · Capitalism, the most dynamic mode of production in history, has created a world economy and the material means (productive forces) to support the present world population of 7.7bn. Everyone could be living comfortably without hunger or undue toil.

Communism not Corbynism


The following article is the text of the introduction to the first ever CWO public meeting held in Oxford on 26 October 2019. Most of those attending either already considered themselves part of the Communist Left or were en route to accepting its basic premises. However, as expected, there was also dissent from our overview.

The Self-Organised Struggle of Liverpool Couriers Highlights the Difficulties of Organising in the 'Gig Economy'


Deliveroo was founded in 2013 by Will Shu, an investment banker, and Greg Orlowski, a software developer. It was a simple idea whereby customers place food orders through an app or on the website, and couriers, with the app on their mobile phones, deliver the food from the restaurant to the customer. However, like any technology (no matter how life changing) utilised under capitalism, in practice...

Welcome to Klasbatalo as Canadian Affiliate of the Internationalist Communist Tendency


The Internationalist Communist Tendency (ICT) and Klasbatalo are pleased to announce that from this point on Klasbatalo has become the Canadian affiliate of the ICT. This will be no surprise to those who have been watching the steady growth in our relations over the last two years but our contacts with the original nucleus of Klasbatalo go back slightly further.

May Day Repression in Turin


In Turin the repression began in the early morning, with the charges of the first No Tav [1] demonstrators present. Standing firm but with reduced ranks, it ended with two of the injured being sent to the hospital. Many No Tav demonstrators, for the occasion, also wore a T-shirt depicting Aldrovandi [2], probably not appreciated by those who have embarked on a career in bourgeois state security.

No War But The Class War (NWBCW)


Internationalist communists oppose every war that the capitalist class and their governments create to defend their own selfish interests. This position is nothing new but is the legacy from previous generations who saw that "War or Revolution" is a choice that has to be made clearly and consistently.

Durham Teaching Assistants – Not Finished Yet?


Like so many workers in the North East, we have been following the doughty fight put up by the Durham TAs against the attempt by Labour-controlled Durham County Council to cut their earnings. In a period when one section of workers after another has been pushed back their example has been an encouragement to many.

The Titan Works and the Struggles of “Labour”


(The following article is translated from the front page of Battaglia Comunista which was distributed throughout Italy but particularly at the assembly of workers of Titan, a factory with which the organisation has long had links. We are publishing it here for the general issues it raises about the situation of the working class in the face of austerity throughout the world.
