Contenuti recenti

Tipo Titolo Utente Risposte Dataordine crescente
Article The New International will be the International Party of the Proletariat webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Article A Fallujah usate armi al fosforo webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Article The Turner Plan - Its Time to Pension Off Capitalism webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Article The Question of Consciousness: A Basis for Discussion webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Article Studentismo o lotta di classe? Analisi critica dell'interclassismo tipico dei gruppi studenteschi webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Article The Proletariat Opposes the Imperialist War Firmly Resolved to Reach its Own Historical Objectives webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Pubblicazione La fondazione, l'organizzazione e l'attività del Partito Comunista Internazionalista webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Article Anti-Terrorism - Smokescreen For State Repression webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Article World Revolution and True Marxism - A Letter from Norway webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Article Greenspan in pensione, le borse volano ma Bernanke... trema webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Article Situation in the USA - The Way Forward for the IBRP webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Article Sciopero del trasporto pubblico a Marsiglia webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Article Workers Fight Outside Unions webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Article Refining the Concept of Decadence webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Article 1921 - Kronstadt: Beginning of the Counter-Revolution? webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Article La riforma della signora Moratti webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Article Per Maroni in pensione solo a 70 anni webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Article Capitalist Repression in the Islamic Republic - Tehran Transport Workers Gaoled webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Article Terrorism and Democracy: Imperialism's Final Frontier webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Article Germany - Leave the Left in the Right's territory! webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Media Musica webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Article Un uragano s'abbatte sulla spesa sociale - Facciamo i conti di quanto ci costa la crisi del capitalismo webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Pubblicazione Per una analisi critica del tardo-bordighismo e dei suoi epigoni webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Article Hamas Victory - The Reasons for Victory and the Perspective for Palestinians webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
Article Tributes from other comrades webmaster Mer, 1902-01-01 12:00
