Workers' conditions and struggles

Date Publications Title
2013-10-27 L'Internationale Why Do We Lose All the Time?
2013-10-09 Battaglia Comunista Lampedusa Disaster
2013-08-18 Documents Immigration Clampdown – Don’t Let Them Divide Us
2013-08-03 Revolutionary Perspectives The Difficult Path to an International Workers’ Fight-back
2013-07-12 Revolutionary Perspectives Remembering East Germany 1953
2013-06-22 Notes Internationalistes Quebec Construction Strike: Let’s Stop the Employers for Good
2013-05-30 Documents Stockholm is Burning
2013-04-30 Aurora (en) Here in Britain
2013-04-30 Aurora (en) Against the “Class War” of the Rich:Time to Fight!
2013-04-28 Documents Bangladesh Factory Disaster: Workers Lives are Expendable for Capital
2013-04-01 Internationalist Notes USA: A PR Campaign for Austerity—A More “Flexible” System of Layoffs in the Offing for Workers
2013-01-20 Internationalist Notes Michigan Protests: A Defeat Led by the Unions
2012-11-15 Documents Class Struggle Recognises no Borders: We Win Internationally or We Lose Patriotically
2012-10-29 Aurora (en) Unions and the Labour Movement: The Enemy Within
2012-10-02 Documents Wildcat South Africa: Marikana Miners Return - Other Miners Come Out
2012-09-17 Documents It’s Time to Open a New Season of Proletarian Struggle
2012-08-20 Documents Platinum and Lead Kill South African Miners
2012-06-19 Documents The Struggle of the Asturian Miners
2012-05-20 Revolutionary Perspectives Workfare: A Scroungers Charter
2012-04-19 Documents Open Letter To Our Fellow Workers in Germany
2012-03-06 Documents Solidarity with the Greek Proletariat
2012-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Communist Intervention in the Workplace
2011-12-31 Documents Solidarity with the Kazakh Working Class!
2011-12-11 Documents Unilever Workers Isolated by Unions
2011-11-21 Aurora (en) To Really Fight We Have to Unite
2011-11-21 Aurora (en) November 30: Unions Follow the Rules while the Bosses and Government Tear up the Rule Book
2011-11-21 Aurora (en) Don’t Kid Yourself This is One Crisis that Will Not Go Away
2011-11-21 Aurora (en) And for those without a job ... The Work Programme
2011-11-18 Documents The Oakland General Strike
2011-11-01 Revolutionary Perspectives 30 November: One Off Protest or Working Class Reawakening?
2011-11-01 Revolutionary Perspectives On the October 15 Riots in Rome: violence, non-violence, class struggle
2011-11-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Greek General Strike - The Stalinists line up with the State
2011-10-02 Aurora (en) Solidarity and the Sparks
2011-09-14 Documents The plight of workers in Romania
2011-09-06 Documents Their Crisis and Ours
2011-06-30 Aurora (en) There is an Alternative - It is Anti-Capitalist
2011-06-30 Aurora (en) In UK and elsewhere, global resistance has to be based on working class struggle
2011-04-17 Revolutionary Perspectives Wisconsin: Workers Protests Get Stuck in the Electoral Swamp
2011-03-24 Documents Only the beginning of their offensive
2011-03-11 Documents An update on events in Wisconsin
2011-02-25 Documents Appeal for Korean Internationalists
2011-02-21 Documents State Workers Protests Continue in Wisconsin
2011-02-19 Documents Egypt: After Mubarak
2011-02-01 Documents Beyond Bourgeois Barriers - For the Class Autonomy of the Egyptian and Maghrebian Proletarian Masses
2011-01-25 Aurora (en) Students - Capitalism Offers No Future
2011-01-25 Aurora (en) Tunisia: Stirrings of Revolt - and Not Just in the Arab World
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Uprising in Maghreb - Solidarity with the proletarians in struggle
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Wildcat Strike in Algiers Docks
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Open Letter from the Workers of FIAT Mirafiori
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Lets Get Out of the Student Ghetto. Carry on the Struggle. Build Autonomy!
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives The Struggles against Pensions “Reform” in France
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives AG-IP Paris - They have struggled against the kind of world the capitalists are preparing...
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Bangladesh: Workers Struggle for a Living Wage
2010-11-20 Documents GM, Unions and Bosses Face Workers Resistance
2010-10-24 Documents The French working class in struggle against the attacks of the capitalist state and … the pensions “reform”
2010-10-23 Aurora (en) In France the Struggle Intensifies
2010-10-23 Aurora (en) Chilean Miners: The Real Story
2010-09-15 Revolutionary Perspectives A Global Crisis Will Have to be Fought Globally
2010-09-15 Revolutionary Perspectives A Real Class Fight not The Unions’ Phoney War
2010-06-17 Documents From Poland, a letter to FIAT workers
2010-06-09 Revolutionary Perspectives Class War at BA: Solidarity not Legality
2010-06-09 Revolutionary Perspectives Chinese Workers Show Their Class
2010-04-20 Aurora (en) Greece: The Shape of Things to Come
2010-04-13 Documents Kyrgyzstan - at the Heart of Russian-US Rivalry
2010-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Against a Global Capitalist Crisis, the Struggle has to be International
2010-01-11 Documents Solidarity with the Rosarno Labourers, Against the Bosses’ Iron bars and Lockouts
2009-11-24 Revolutionary Perspectives Communication Workers’ Union Sabotages Postal Workers’ Struggle
2009-10-14 Documents The Class War at Royal Mail
2009-10-13 Documents In Support of the Struggle of the Workers of SPX, For Proletarian Internationalism
2009-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives From Episodic Resistance to Global Class War?
2009-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives South Africa: Class Struggle Explodes Once More
2009-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives South Korea: Ssangyong Occupation Ends In Defeat
2009-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives British Capitalism and the Miners Strike of 1984-5
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Working Class are Paying for the Capitalist Crisis
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives FIAT - The Anti-Union Protest in Turin
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Fiat Pomigliano - Corporate Terrorism
2009-04-20 Documents The ARS on the Kherson Revolt
2009-04-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Unite - or Divide? The Aftermath of the Lindsey Oil Refinery Strike
2009-04-08 Documents France - Workers’ Anger is Mounting
2009-02-03 Documents Energy Construction Workers’ Strikes in Britain - A First Response to the Economic Crisis
2009-01-12 Internationalist Notes While Union Leaders and Democrats Make Speeches
2008-12-20 Documents Voices from the Struggle in Greece
2008-12-15 Revolutionary Perspectives PCS Strike - Death by a Thousand Delays
2008-12-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Recession in China - Workers Start to Fight Back
2008-12-14 Documents Greece: From Anger to Resistance!
2008-12-11 Documents Alitalia Strike - Long Live the "Wildcat" Struggle of Alitalia Workers
2008-09-24 Documents Workers' conditions and struggles
2008-09-20 Documents Workers' conditions and struggles
2008-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Public Sector Workers' Strikes
2008-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Political Significance of the Strikes at FIAT Pomigliano
2008-06-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Crisis, Hunger and War: Class Struggle Knows No Borders!
2008-04-15 Documents Since Thursday April 10, 2008, the FIAT factory of Pomigliano (NA) is blocked
2008-04-01 Documents Anti-workers’ attacks in Greece
2008-03-01 Documents Strike of shop workers in France
2008-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Capitalist Equality Means Low Pay for All
2008-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Death at Work: Capitalism is Bad for Your Health
2008-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Germany: Solidarity with our Transport Worker Comrades
2008-01-29 Documents Miners
2007-12-04 Documents Deaths at work
2007-12-01 Documents Victory at Türk Telekom
2007-11-28 Documents Mexican miners
2007-11-20 Revolutionary Perspectives Public Sector Workers Have the Strength if They Unite to Fight
2007-11-20 Revolutionary Perspectives Britain, France and Germany - Same Fight, Same Problems
2007-11-20 Revolutionary Perspectives ...and in Egypt Workers Win by Going Beyond the Unions
2007-11-20 Revolutionary Perspectives Letters - The NHS is like a battlefield...
2007-11-20 Revolutionary Perspectives A Worker Informs Us of a Spontaneous Strike at FIAT
2007-11-13 Documents Conditions and Workers’ Struggles in the World
2007-08-13 Revolutionary Perspectives The Postal Workers are Struggling for More Than a Living Wage
2007-08-13 Revolutionary Perspectives China: Hundreds of Protests a Day Against the Super-exploitation by Capital
2006-11-01 Pamphlets 1956: Class Revolts in Poland and Hungary
1996-12-01 Internationalist Communist Reflections on the French Strikes
1995-12-01 Revolutionary Perspectives France... The State Attacks Workers


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