British Isles

Channel Islands, Guernsey, Ireland, Isle of Man, Jersey, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Date Publications Title
2006-10-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Capitalism’s New Economy - The Case of the UK
2006-08-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Car Workers - Only International Unity Can Bring Victory!
2006-08-01 Revolutionary Perspectives British State Terrorism
2006-03-01 Aurora (en) State Terrorists on the Loose in Britain
2006-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The UK and Capitalism's New Economy - Part Four:The Illusion of a Productive Economy
2006-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Workers Fight Outside Unions
2006-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Turner Plan - Its Time to Pension Off Capitalism
2006-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Anti-Terrorism - Smokescreen For State Repression
2005-08-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Terrorism and Class Politics - London bombings
2005-08-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The IRA "Stand-down" - Final Proof that "National Liberation Struggles" are Imperialist Proxy Wars
2005-07-17 Documents London: Terrorist Bombings and Imperialist Wars
2002-05-01 Aurora (en) To End War we Have to End the System that Causes War
2000-05-01 Aurora (en) If you want the sack, wave the bosses flag
2000-01-01 Internationalist Communist Sylvia Pankhurst: The Real Meaning of the Revolutionary Years
1996-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The General Strike 1926
1996-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Job Seekers Allowance: Turning the Screws on the Unemployed... and Employed
1996-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Scargill's New Old Labour Party: Another State Capitalist Diversion
1996-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives IRA Bombings and British Government Manoeuvres: Gangsters Against the Working Class
1996-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Socialist Labour Party - Then and Now


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