
Date Publications Title
2011-10-01 Aurora (en) Aurora #2011-10-01
2011-10-01 Aurora (en) Get Rid of the Lot of Them!
2011-09-18 Documents Tenacious Student Battles Inflame Chile
2011-09-14 Documents The plight of workers in Romania
2011-09-11 Documents 9/11 Ten Years on
2011-09-10 Documents The Truth behind NATO’s Victory in Libya
2011-09-06 Documents Their Crisis and Ours
2011-09-01 Pamphlets Spain 1934-39: From Working Class Struggle to Imperialist War
2011-08-27 Documents Bordiga: Beyond the Myth
2011-08-23 Documents The Great Unrest 1910-1914: When the Working Class Shook Britain’s Capitalist Foundations
2011-08-18 Documents Crisis in the Iranian Ruling Class
2011-08-16 Documents The International Sovereign Debt Crisis
2011-08-14 Documents The US Budget Crisis—Workers Get Downgraded
2011-08-10 Documents The Unfinished Business of the Arab Spring
2011-08-09 Documents Riots in Britain - The Fruit of Forty Years of Capitalist Crisis
2011-08-01 Documents The Crisis is Terminal; the “Recovery” is an Illusion
2011-07-28 Documents Sovereign Debt and the Fight Against the System
2011-07-24 Documents Famine in the Horn of Africa
2011-07-23 Documents News International and the Lie of a “Free Press”
2011-07-22 Revolutionary Perspectives Revolutionary Perspectives #58
2011-07-20 Documents The Aged, Mentally Impaired, and Children: Who Cares?
2011-07-14 Documents Solidarity appeal for the renovation of Gondolkodo Autonom Antikvarium (Gondolkodo Autonomous Bookshop)
2011-06-30 Aurora (en) Aurora #2011-06-30
2011-06-30 Aurora (en) There is an Alternative - It is Anti-Capitalist
2011-06-30 Aurora (en) In UK and elsewhere, global resistance has to be based on working class struggle
2011-06-14 Documents Tornado Terror and Capitalist Calamity
2011-06-13 Documents Syria: So Many Deaths, So Many Illusions to be Shattered
2011-06-03 Documents Indignados - Document of the "Labour Commission" in Rome
2011-05-29 Documents The Strange Death of Osama Bin Laden
2011-05-24 Documents When Will We Really Begin to Struggle?
2011-05-24 Documents Spain - The "indignados" on the streets, for now lacking real proletarian anger
2011-05-01 Aurora (en) Aurora #2011-05-01
2011-05-01 Aurora (en) May Day 2011: The Deepening World Crisis Calls for a Real Class Struggle!
2011-05-01 Aurora (en) ... Meanwhile in the UK
2011-04-17 Revolutionary Perspectives Revolutionary Perspectives #57
2011-04-17 Revolutionary Perspectives RP57 - Editorial
2011-04-17 Revolutionary Perspectives Fighting the Cuts Means Fighting Capitalism
2011-04-17 Revolutionary Perspectives NHS ‘Overhaul’: Front Line in the Firing Line
2011-04-17 Revolutionary Perspectives The Alternative Vote Referendum: Whatever the vote, the same class wins
2011-04-17 Revolutionary Perspectives Wisconsin: Workers Protests Get Stuck in the Electoral Swamp
2011-04-17 Revolutionary Perspectives Sovereign Debt Crisis - A Slow Burning Fuse
2011-04-17 Revolutionary Perspectives Austerity in Iran - The Working Class Face the Biggest Attacks Yet
2011-04-17 Revolutionary Perspectives Nuclear Catastrophe in Japan
2011-04-17 Revolutionary Perspectives Cote d’Ivoire - Another Victim of Imperialism
2011-04-17 Revolutionary Perspectives Marxism or Idealism - Our Differences with the ICC
2011-04-17 Revolutionary Perspectives What’s Wrong with the SPGB?
2011-04-02 Documents Neither Gaddafi nor NATO but on the side of the working class
2011-03-31 Documents Capital must be seized by the horns
2011-03-26 Aurora (en) Aurora #2011-03-26
2011-03-26 Aurora (en) To Stop the Cuts We Have to Get Rid of Capitalism
2011-03-26 Aurora (en) Revolts in the Arabic-Speaking World - A Capitalist World in Crisis
2011-03-26 Aurora (en) Britain’s New Poor Law 2011
2011-03-24 Documents Only the beginning of their offensive
2011-03-19 Documents The Libyan Crisis: Imperialism Prepares New “Democratic” Bombs
2011-03-17 Documents From Hiroshima to Fukushima
2011-03-14 Documents Georgia: Something is Rotten in the Peach State
2011-03-11 Documents An update on events in Wisconsin
2011-03-08 Documents Reflections on the Irish Election
2011-03-08 Documents March 8, International Day for Working Class Women
2011-03-03 Documents Libya: A Preliminary Statement
2011-03-01 Documents Italian and Immigrant Workers: Same Class, Same Struggle
2011-02-25 Documents Appeal for Korean Internationalists
2011-02-23 Documents The Obama Budget: No Workers Left Uncut
2011-02-21 Documents State Workers Protests Continue in Wisconsin
2011-02-21 Documents Political Slime and Crisis in Italy
2011-02-19 Documents Egypt: After Mubarak
2011-02-15 Communist left Bourgeois Violence and Proletarian Defence
2011-02-14 Documents Wisconsin - War Declared on State Sector Workers
2011-02-01 Documents Beyond Bourgeois Barriers - For the Class Autonomy of the Egyptian and Maghrebian Proletarian Masses
2011-01-25 Aurora (en) Aurora #2011-01-25
2011-01-25 Aurora (en) Against the Cuts and Against Capitalism, We have no Choice but to Fight Together
2011-01-25 Aurora (en) Students - Capitalism Offers No Future
2011-01-25 Aurora (en) Tunisia: Stirrings of Revolt - and Not Just in the Arab World
2011-01-21 Documents Damen on Bordiga - CWO Introduction
2011-01-21 Documents Amadeo Bordiga - Beyond the Myth and the Rhetoric
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Revolutionary Perspectives #56
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Revolutionary Perspectives #56 - Editorial
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Uprising in Maghreb - Solidarity with the proletarians in struggle
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Wildcat Strike in Algiers Docks
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Student Protests: Capitalism has Nothing to Offer
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Open Letter from the Workers of FIAT Mirafiori
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives From London to Rome young people’s protests are exploding against the cuts, against the crisis
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Lets Get Out of the Student Ghetto. Carry on the Struggle. Build Autonomy!
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Unite Cans Heinz struggle
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives The Struggles against Pensions “Reform” in France
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives AG-IP Paris - They have struggled against the kind of world the capitalists are preparing...
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Wikileaks and the Limits of Capitalist Free Speech
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives The Crisis in Ireland: A Warning to the World’s Workers
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Bangladesh: Workers Struggle for a Living Wage
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Prisoners of Capital Fight Back
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Cancun World Climate Conference - Another Predictable Capitalist Failure
2011-01-15 Revolutionary Perspectives The Current State of Global Capitalism
2011-01-01 Pamphlets Capitalism and the Environment
2010-12-17 Documents Whose future is it? Tomorrow is ours if we know how to build it
2010-11-21 Documents Defend our conditions, our class and our cause
2010-11-20 Documents GM, Unions and Bosses Face Workers Resistance
2010-10-24 Documents The French working class in struggle against the attacks of the capitalist state and … the pensions “reform”
2010-10-23 Aurora (en) Aurora #2010-10-23
2010-10-23 Aurora (en) Osborne’s Axe Shows Capitalism Offers No Future
2010-10-23 Aurora (en) In France the Struggle Intensifies
2010-10-23 Aurora (en) Chilean Miners: The Real Story
2010-09-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Revolutionary Perspectives #55
2010-09-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Austerity in Britain - The Working Class Face the Biggest Attacks Yet
2010-09-15 Revolutionary Perspectives A Global Crisis Will Have to be Fought Globally
2010-09-15 Revolutionary Perspectives A Real Class Fight not The Unions’ Phoney War
2010-09-15 Revolutionary Perspectives A Wild Beast is Stalking Europe
2010-09-15 Revolutionary Perspectives English Defence League: Cultural Campaigners or Racist Thugs?
2010-09-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Another Futile Capitalist Education ‘Reform’
2010-09-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Los Angeles Teachers’ Struggle
2010-09-15 Revolutionary Perspectives The National Question Today and the Poisonous Legacy of the Counter-Revolution
2010-09-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Drugs: The Other Global War
2010-06-25 Documents Gaza: Why so Much Violence?
2010-06-21 Documents Berlin: workers report on the strike at TEKEL
2010-06-17 Documents From Poland, a letter to FIAT workers
2010-06-09 Revolutionary Perspectives Revolutionary Perspectives #54
2010-06-09 Revolutionary Perspectives Beyond Greek Resistance We Need International Solidarity
2010-06-09 Revolutionary Perspectives In Austerity Britain
2010-06-09 Revolutionary Perspectives Class War at BA: Solidarity not Legality
2010-06-09 Revolutionary Perspectives Financial Crisis Engulfs the Eurozone
2010-06-09 Revolutionary Perspectives Chinese Workers Show Their Class
2010-06-09 Revolutionary Perspectives BP’s Deepwater Horizon: Capitalism is the Disaster
2010-06-09 Revolutionary Perspectives The Bolshevik Left and Workers’ Power
2010-05-17 Documents Greece: A Valuable Struggle
2010-04-20 Aurora (en) Aurora #2010-04-20
2010-04-20 Aurora (en) Don’t Vote - Prepare the Resistance
2010-04-20 Aurora (en) Capitalist Global Crisis - Let’s Organise to Resist!
2010-04-20 Aurora (en) Greece: The Shape of Things to Come
2010-04-13 Documents Kyrgyzstan - at the Heart of Russian-US Rivalry
2010-03-31 Documents Abstentionism
2010-03-30 Documents Dubai: Mirage of the Land of Plenty
2010-03-29 Documents Obama regime targets education for massive cuts
2010-03-17 Documents Centralised Party, Yes - Centralism over the Party, No!
2010-03-10 Documents The situation in Chile after the earthquake
2010-03-01 Documents March 1st: for the unity in struggle of all the exploited
2010-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Revolutionary Perspectives #53
2010-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Capitalism’s Global Attacks Demand an International Response
2010-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Remembering Dimitri
2010-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives In Memory of Robert Perreault
2010-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Against a Global Capitalist Crisis, the Struggle has to be International
2010-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Racism in Italy - The Working Class is a Class of Migrants
2010-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives After All the Hot Air at Copenhagen, Global Warming is Set to Continue
2010-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Haiti: A Disaster of Capitalism
2010-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Afghanistan - Graveyard of Imperialist Ambition
2010-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Reply of The Commune to the ICT
2010-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Comment on The Commune’s Reply to RP 50
2010-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives CWO Public Meeting in Manchester
2010-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Unions - Whose Side Are They On?
2010-01-11 Documents Solidarity with the Rosarno Labourers, Against the Bosses’ Iron bars and Lockouts
2009-12-11 Documents Robert Sutterlutti (1957-2009)
2009-11-24 Revolutionary Perspectives Revolutionary Perspectives #52
2009-11-24 Revolutionary Perspectives Communication Workers’ Union Sabotages Postal Workers’ Struggle
2009-11-24 Revolutionary Perspectives Nationalism against the Working Class
2009-11-24 Revolutionary Perspectives The Berlin Wall Still Building Propaganda
2009-11-24 Revolutionary Perspectives Environmental Disaster or Communism There is No Third Way
2009-11-24 Revolutionary Perspectives The Thirtieth Anniversary of the Death of Onorato Damen
2009-11-24 Revolutionary Perspectives Anti-Zionism, Anti-Semitism and Revisionism
2009-11-24 Revolutionary Perspectives The Power of Yes, by David Hare
2009-11-24 Revolutionary Perspectives The Fall in the Average Rate of Profit - the Crisis and its Consequences
2009-11-24 Revolutionary Perspectives Learning from the Revolutionary Experience in Russia
2009-11-07 Documents The “Istituto Onorato Damen” - A Small Clarification
2009-10-26 Documents The International Bureau for the Revolutionary Party becomes the Internationalist Communist Tendency
2009-10-15 Aurora (en) Aurora #2009-10-15
2009-10-15 Aurora (en) To End War We Have to End the System That Causes It
2009-10-15 Aurora (en) We Must Not Pay for Their Crisis
2009-10-14 Documents “War is Peace” - On the Award of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize to President Obama
2009-10-14 Documents The Class War at Royal Mail
2009-10-13 Documents In Support of the Struggle of the Workers of SPX, For Proletarian Internationalism
2009-09-16 Documents Does the tendency for average profit rates to fall exist?
2009-09-15 Documents Elections in Afghanistan
2009-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Revolutionary Perspectives #51
2009-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives From Episodic Resistance to Global Class War?
2009-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives South Africa: Class Struggle Explodes Once More
2009-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives South Korea: Ssangyong Occupation Ends In Defeat
2009-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Cost of the Crisis So Far
2009-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives British Capitalism and the Miners Strike of 1984-5
2009-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Harry Patch - The "Last Fighting Tommy" Has Died But Warmongering Lives On
2009-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives On the Iranian Election - The Working Class Must Fight for its Own Agenda
2009-09-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Power – The Fundamental Question of the State in Capitalist Society
2009-07-20 Documents Inter-ethnic Conflict in Xinjiang: A Proletarian Tragedy
2009-07-08 Documents The G8 Soap Opera in L’Aquila
2009-07-01 Documents Honduras
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Revolutionary Perspectives #50
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Capitalism is a State-sponsored Ponzi Scheme
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Working Class are Paying for the Capitalist Crisis
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives MPs’ Expenses Scandal
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Bankruptcy of General Motors = the Bankruptcy of Capitalism
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives FIAT-Chrysler’s Historic Agreement a Sign of the Crisis
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives FIAT - The Anti-Union Protest in Turin
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Fiat Pomigliano - Corporate Terrorism
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Af-Pak War - Civil War in Pakistan
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Obama Speech: New Words, Old Policies
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Midlands Discussion Forum Meeting
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Commune - A Radical New Grouping or Old Left in a New Form?
2009-07-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Italian Communist Left - A Brief Internationalist History
2009-06-26 Documents Iran at the crossroads - workers cannot support any faction of the ruling class
2009-06-23 Documents The 10th Iranian Presidential Elections 2009
2009-06-20 Documents Neither Ahmadinejad nor Moussavi - Long Live Class Struggle!
2009-06-18 Documents Iran at the Crossroads
2009-05-16 Documents Fascism and the British National Party
2009-04-21 Documents China 1925-1927
2009-04-21 Documents Capitalism Has No Future
2009-04-20 Documents The ARS on the Kherson Revolt
2009-04-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Revolutionary Perspectives #49
2009-04-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Time to Turn "the Spectre" into Reality
2009-04-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Energy Construction Workers' Strikes in Britain - A First Response to the Economic Crisis
2009-04-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Unite - or Divide? The Aftermath of the Lindsey Oil Refinery Strike
2009-04-15 Revolutionary Perspectives The List that Did Exist
2009-04-15 Revolutionary Perspectives The Problem is Global Capitalism!
2009-04-15 Revolutionary Perspectives The Imperialist Massacre in Gaza
2009-04-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Gaza - The Imperialist Massacre Goes on
2009-04-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Thirty Years of Islamic Iran - A Warning from History
2009-04-15 Revolutionary Perspectives The End of the Paper Economy and Some Possible Consequences
2009-04-15 Revolutionary Perspectives The Clash for Gas - Europeans Shivered while Ukraine and Russia Haggled
2009-04-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Darwin and the Scientific Understanding of Humanity - A Revolution in Science
2009-04-15 Revolutionary Perspectives An Anarchist-Communist Worker’s Letter from Athens
2009-04-08 Documents France - Workers’ Anger is Mounting
2009-03-26 Documents G20 Meltdown Protest - A Demonstration or a Diversion?
2009-03-11 Documents The Collapse of Sterling
2009-02-23 Documents False Friends and Real Enemies
2009-02-20 Documents The Problem is Global Capitalism!
2009-02-03 Documents Energy Construction Workers’ Strikes in Britain - A First Response to the Economic Crisis
2009-01-28 Documents An Anarchist-Communist Worker’s Letter from Athens
2009-01-22 Documents Workers' struggles against unemployment
2009-01-22 Documents The Imperialist Massacre in Gaza
2009-01-12 Internationalist Notes Internationalist Notes #1
2009-01-12 Internationalist Notes Barack Obama: Bourgeois Savior, Middle Class Messiah
2009-01-12 Internationalist Notes Repression from the Convention to the Election... and Beyond
2009-01-12 Internationalist Notes Origins of the “Progressives”
2009-01-12 Internationalist Notes October 14th Canadian Elections Not a single vote for capitalism!
2009-01-12 Internationalist Notes Janesville GM: The End of a Long Decline
2009-01-12 Internationalist Notes While Union Leaders and Democrats Make Speeches
2009-01-12 Internationalist Notes On Certain Recent Developments in Canadian Trade-Unionism
2009-01-12 Internationalist Notes 25 Years of the Bureau: Balance Sheet and Perspectives
2009-01-03 Documents Gaza - The Imperialist Massacre Goes on
2008-12-20 Documents Voices from the Struggle in Greece
2008-12-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Revolutionary Perspectives #48
2008-12-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Capitalism Has Outlived its Usefulness
2008-12-15 Revolutionary Perspectives PCS Strike - Death by a Thousand Delays
2008-12-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Barack Obama: Bourgeois Savior, Middle Class Messiah
2008-12-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Is Capitalism Finished? Report on a CWO Open Meeting
2008-12-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Is Capitalism Finished?
2008-12-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Recession in China - Workers Start to Fight Back
2008-12-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Mumbai Massacre - Imperialist Manoeuvres Mean More Terror for the Masses
2008-12-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Italy Fighting the Education Cuts
2008-12-15 Revolutionary Perspectives The War in DR Congo - Behind the Slaughter and Looting Stand Imperialist Interests
2008-12-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Learning from the German Revolution 1918-19
2008-12-15 Revolutionary Perspectives No Sacrifices for State and Nation: Do Away with Capitalism!
2008-12-15 Revolutionary Perspectives Review: Publications from Left Communists in Turkey
2008-12-14 Documents Greece: From Anger to Resistance!
