We Don't Feel At Home In This World Anymore


Children’s charity Barnardo’s have invented a new term “bed poverty”. It describes the present crisis where nearly half a million children in the UK have to sleep on the floor because their family cannot afford beds, and where a further 200,000 childrens’ beds or bedding are mouldy or damp because for their family putting the heating on is too expensive.

COP28 and the Myth of Green Capitalism


Global heating – the product of capitalism · The 28th climate change summit known as Conference of the Parties (COP28) was held in December 2023 and was even more of a farce than any of the previous 27 conferences. While the world is now undeniably facing a catastrophic climate crisis, which if unchecked will lead to the collapse of civilisation or even extinction of Homo sapiens, our leaders...

Only the Working Class Can Prevent World War Three


Right from the start it was clear that the war in Ukraine was not just going to be any old war. It is already the first step on the road to a much wider global conflict, one in which the main victims, as in all modern imperialist wars, will be the working class as a whole, whether in uniform or not. In Ukraine the military casualties (i.e.

Gaza and Beyond: The Bitter Fruits of Capitalism, Nationalism and Imperialism Threaten All Humanity


"As we lined up ... four girls were ordered to accompany them to carry water for the [fighters]… Instead they took them to our empty houses and raped them. About seventy of our men were blindfolded and shot to death, one after the other in front of us. They … took their bodies and threw them on the cement covering the village’s spring and dumped sand on them.

A Brief Critique of "Part-Time Internationalism"


The horrors currently being unleashed by imperialism – whether that's in Ukraine, Palestine, or any of the hundred or so other military conflicts that are taking place around the globe(1) – should serve as a wake-up call to the international working class. As it stands, we are on the path to generalised war. The seriousness of the situation calls for the unity of genuine internationalists.

Lenin and Leninism


"During the lifetime of great revolutionaries, the oppressing classes constantly hounded them, received their theories with the most savage malice, the most furious hatred and the most unscrupulous campaigns of lies and slander. After their death, attempts are made to convert them into harmless icons, to canonize them, so to say, and to hallow their names to a certain extent for the “consolation”...

The "German October" and the Origins of Trotsky's Opposition


CWO Introduction · In 1923 the Weimar Republic experienced a series of crises, including hyperinflation and the occupation of the Ruhr by French and Belgian troops. The KPD (Communist Party of Germany) was under – largely Russian – pressure in the Comintern to use the situation to start a revolution in Germany.

The Challenges of 2024

(Editorial for Revolutionary Perspectives 23 ( (Series 4).) · As 2024 begins, the world seems a terrible place. Centre stage of course is the carnage in Gaza, where the brutal assault by Hamas on Israel on 7 October 2023, and Israel’s massive and pitiless retaliation, have left tens of thousands dead at time of writing, possibly at a ratio of 20:1 in terms of Palestinian to Israeli dead.

Let’s Refuse the Masquerade of Elections, an Obstacle to the Renewal of Workers’ Combativity


Even the plutocrats and political bosses are disturbed by the bleak forecast for the coming decade. Why? Because it is obvious: the happy dream of peaceful co-existence between states has been shattered. In the wake of the latest conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East—dress-rehearsals for the wider war of the future—the workers are expected to pay for the collapse of the post-1991 illusion; the...

COP28: A Climate Cop-Out


The resolution for the UN's COP28 in Dubai is just another compromise that places the needs of capitalist accumulation before the urgency of the deteriorating environmental situation. This isn't simply because of the conference's location in UAE, or Sultan Al Jaber, the conference’s president, being the chief executive of the state's oil giant ADNOC.

Afterlives of the Anti-Fascist War in the Senescence of a Decadent Social Order


The Gaza Strip has been designated as a garbage pail for the children and grandchildren of the fellahs dislocated by the wars of 1948 and 1967. It epitomizes anemic social and economic development… Except the omnipresent hum of congested transport arteries and electronic appliances—music corresponding to the life of a dilapidated social system and the bestial monotony of life under it—has been...

Georgia's Imperialist Balancing Act


Georgia has been normalizing relations with Russia since the start of the invasion of Ukraine. The Caucasian state has limited its support for Ukraine to diplomatic and humanitarian aid, and has not joined its traditional, Western allies in sanctioning Russia. In return, Russia has resumed direct flights to Georgia and lifted visa requirements for Georgian nationals.


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