
Date Publications Title
2024-05-28 Documents The Housing Crisis in Canada
2024-02-05 Aurora (en) We Don't Feel At Home In This World Anymore
2023-04-14 Documents The Death of Sheila Seleoane: Another Capitalist Housing Scandal
2022-03-19 Mutiny / Mutinerie The Bosses' Response to Being Socially Useless is Social Crisis
2021-06-10 Documents Homes to Those Who Live in Them!
2020-05-16 Documents Domestic Violence: The Hidden Pandemic
2020-05-05 Aurora (en) "All in this Together"? A Sick Joke
2020-05-03 Documents Capitalism and Covid: Paycheques and Rents
2020-03-31 Documents Poll Tax Riots: 30 Years On
2017-11-23 Documents For a Class Analysis of the Housing Question
2017-06-21 Documents Grenfell Tower: A Tragedy Foretold
2016-03-16 Aurora (en) The Housing and Planning Bill: Showing Tenants the Door
2016-01-29 Documents The Housing Bill: Slamming the Door on Tenants
2015-10-11 Documents UK Housing: A System That's Rabidly Insane
2015-06-28 Aurora (en) Class War on the Homes Front
2015-02-03 Aurora (en) The Housing Crisis is Part of Capitalism's Crisis
2015-02-03 Aurora (en) The Rise and Rise of the World's Homeless: Capitalism's Empty Promises
2015-02-03 Aurora (en) Class War on the Homes Front: The Glasgow Rent Strikes of 1915
2015-01-28 Documents Austerity in Sheffield - Labour Council rips into Council Housing
2015-01-19 Documents Housing Crisis UK – the Death of the “Property-owning Democracy”
2014-02-13 Revolutionary Perspectives Housing is a Basic Need Not a Commodity
2013-05-30 Documents Stockholm is Burning
2013-01-26 Aurora (en) Bedroom Tax: Another Vicious Attack on the Working Class
2013-01-23 Documents Press release: Solidarity with Two Activists Arrested in Moscow
2011-11-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The Housing Question: An Eternal Riddle for Capitalism
2008-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives Housing - A Few Notes from the Inner City
2007-08-13 Revolutionary Perspectives Housing: A Never-ending Crisis under Capitalism
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