
Date Publications Title
2024-08-29 Revolutionary Perspectives The Murder of Giacomo Matteotti: 100 Years On
2023-08-14 Revolutionary Perspectives Amadeo Bordiga's Prison Manifesto
2022-05-28 Documents A Century of Internationalism
2021-03-01 Aurora (en) The Kronstadt Revolt: One Hundred Years of Counter-Revolution
2021-01-21 Documents 100 Years Since Livorno
2020-10-05 Documents Gramscism or Marxism?
2020-03-16 Revolutionary Perspectives Political Platform of the Internationalist Communist Party (1952)
2020-02-03 Documents The Italian Communist Left
2019-10-14 Documents Forty Years Since the Death of Onorato Damen
2019-08-09 Revolutionary Perspectives Gramsci: Between Marxism and Idealism
2015-06-04 Documents Vercesi, the Italian Fraction Abroad and the Internationalist Communist Party
2013-08-30 Documents Antonio Gramsci "Pre-Prison Writings": Review Article
2012-04-22 Documents Where We Come From - A Brief History
2012-01-15 Pamphlets The ltalian Left and the Formation of the Communist Party of ltaly
2011-12-27 Documents The Russia We Love and Defend
2011-11-01 Pamphlets Platform of the Committee of Intesa 1925
2011-01-21 Documents Damen on Bordiga - CWO Introduction
2011-01-21 Documents Amadeo Bordiga - Beyond the Myth and the Rhetoric
2009-11-24 Revolutionary Perspectives The Thirtieth Anniversary of the Death of Onorato Damen
2009-04-21 Documents China 1925-1927
2003-08-01 Internationalist Communist Stalin and Stalinism
2001-08-01 Internationalist Communist 1921: Beginning of the Counter-Revolution?
1999-11-01 Pamphlets The Work of Comrade Damen in the Communist Movement
1999-11-01 Pamphlets A Life in the Service of Class Struggle
1996-03-01 Revolutionary Perspectives The General Strike 1926
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