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The casual observer might think that Trotskyism has been quite consistent in its views on the Syrian war but in fact there are almost as many positions on the war as there are Trotskyist groups. And this is no accident. Before we look at the stance that various Trotskyist groups have taken on the Syrian war it is useful to provide a brief overview of Trotsky and Trotskyism.(1)
In 1938, Trotsky published the programme of his Fourth International, commonly known as the Transitional Programme.(2) Despite its revolutionary rhetoric this programme demonstrated that Trotsky had abandoned the Marxist method and had not learned the lessons of the defeat of the working class in the Revolutionary Wave of 1917-1921. Trotsky failed to recognise that the First World War had provided definitive proof that capitalism had entered its imperialist epoch. Hence forward national liberation movements were impossible because any aspiring nation state would be subject to an international market dominated by the large imperialisms. Because of the centralisation and concentration of capital that had taken place throughout the 19th Century, competition had reached a global scale, and the only way capitalism could now resolve its crisis of over-accumulation would be through a massive devaluation and destruction of capital on a global basis through imperialist world war.
In his Transitional Programme, Trotsky laid out a programme of demands relating to the “backward countries”. He foresaw revolution in the colonial and semi-colonial countries going directly from the democratic to the socialist revolution. This follows from Trotsky’s theory of permanent revolution. The Transitional Programme states:
Democratic slogans, transitional demands and the problems of the socialist revolution are not divided into separate epochs ... the central task is the agrarian revolution i.e. liquidation of feudal heritages, and national independence, i.e. the overthrow of the imperialist yoke. ... The slogan for a national constituent assembly preserves its full force ... the slogan must be indissolubly tied up with the problem of national liberation and agrarian reform.
Trotsky thought that the Russian revolutions of 1905, February 1917 and October 1917 proved this was applicable to the colonial and semi-colonial countries. All the confusions of Trotskyism on the national question derive from this. According to the Transitional Programme, workers must support the national bourgeoisie in their struggle for national independence; and once this is achieved, they must struggle to overthrow the very national bourgeoisie they had just supported to make the socialist revolution. This was the path that led to the many disasters from the massacre of the proletarian forces in China in 1927 right up to the struggle against apartheid in South Africa.(3)
Through the use of this idealist method, Trotsky’s followers were led to support the imperialist slaughter of the Second World war. Although, as ever, there was no consensus on whom to support amongst Trotsky’s followers. Stalin abandoned the policy of anti-fascism begun in 1935 and entered an almost two year long pact with Hitler in August 1939. This was ended by a Nazi attack on Russia in June 1941 which led to a split among the French Trotskyists over defence of both German and Allied imperialism! While the Révolution Francaise of Mouvement Nationale Révolutionnaire called for “collaboration without oppression” with Hitler; the “Committees of the 4th International” in Verité called for “the defence of the wealth that generations of French workers and peasants have accumulated.” This sorry episode was the first of many unprincipled splits in a movement which never held clear conceptions of the present epoch and its driving forces.
Trotsky was murdered in 1940 without ever having understood the defeat of the proletariat in the 1920s. However, his epigones have continued their counter-revolutionary confusionism to the present day with the “Fourth International” undergoing many and various splits along the way and one group even proclaiming itself to be the “Fifth International”. These so-called “Internationals” are of course nothing of the kind since they are in no way internationalist. Internationalism is the common cause of all workers around the world. This means the overthrow of their respective bourgeoisies, the agent of their exploitation, in every country, and replacing production for profit with production for human need, creating a world human community without borders. Trotskyism, with its united fronts and calls for supporting factions of the bourgeoisie are anathema to this.
Trotsky and his followers failed, and continue to fail, to recognise the fundamental nature of the imperialist epoch – that national bourgeoisies and aspiring national bourgeoisies, can only survive as part of, and are entirely dependent on, the worldwide imperialist nexus. That failure has led them to act as cheerleaders for anti-proletarian national liberation factions and figureheads to this day. While the Soviet Union still existed, it was more straight-forward for Trotskyists to give their support to bourgeois factions and movements, supported by the USSR which they could baptise as “anti-imperialist”. However with the Soviet Union’s demise due to the deepening capitalist crisis it has become more difficult for such movements to pose as revolutionary. A first sign of this was the Iraq war of 1990 when Trotskyists were badly wrong-footed. They had to stop condemning Saddam Hussein as “the butcher of the Kurds” (the formation of a Kurdish state being a favourite leftist cause) and start hailing him as an opponent of US imperialism! Today capitalism has produced more than 60 on-going conflicts in the world. The Syrian war is perhaps the most complex of them all and it is hard to find two Trotskyist groups in the world who agree with each other on whom to support (or not support) in this bloody conflict.
Syria: A Conflict Magnified by Imperialist Discord
The imperialist conflagration in Syria is a tragedy for the working class not only in Syria but also in the rest of the world. The only future for the world working class is if it begins to act as a class of itself and for itself. This means recognising that its chief enemy is its own bourgeoisie. Trotskyism has never supported the only proletarian position possible in imperialist war, namely revolutionary defeatism – “turn the imperialist war into a civil war”. This is the Bolshevik position that led to the October Revolution. Despite the counter-revolution in Russia, it remains the only time in history the proletariat has taken state power away from the bourgeoisie for even a short period of time.
The Trotskyist Kaleidoscope
The Syrian war has now been going on for nearly seven and a half years. During this time, as you might expect, the Trotskyists have been continually altering their positions. Today, a majority of Trotskyist groups support one faction or another of the opposition in Syria, even if it is only “critical support”. Some groups take a neutral stance. However, this doesn’t mean they are internationalist, it simply means that a faction hasn’t yet emerged to whom they can give their support. Some of the groups who support the opposition claim it is because there was a “revolution” in Syria that needs to be defended. This is the position of the International Socialist Tendency(4), which says,
The Syrian Revolution is in a tragic situation. It is attacked on all sides – by the forces of the Assad regime and its regional and international allies, by the open allies of Western imperialism, and by sectarian jihadi groups. Despite their antagonisms, these different forces have a common interest in crushing the original democratic revolutionary movement, which united Syrians of all religious and ethnic backgrounds in the struggle to overthrow the regime.(5)
Yet the Syrian “revolution” had no proletarian character whatsoever. The war in Syria saw an initial burst of enthusiasm in the struggle against the regime. People created various committees and councils, but this was not a workers' struggle. Ultimately, as armed gangs took control of what rapidly became a war, enthusiasm and popular involvement died down. Of course some committees remained, but it was armed men giving the orders. The councils that appeared may have been democratic in form but they were not workers’ councils. What invests workers' councils with their revolutionary content is not their democratic form but the fact that they are representative of workers in struggle. As internationalists had stated right from the start there was no progressive side in this war.
The League for the Fifth International (L5I)(6), which also supports the opposition, wrote in 2015,
Certainly, the choice between an IS caliphate or a restored totalitarian Baathist dictatorship is a choice between the plague and cholera. ... The fact that, despite four and a half years of struggle, Syrian revolutionaries are still fighting Bashar al-Assad is as much a testament to their resolve, and to their popular support, as it is to the utter absence of any forces assisting them for much of that time.(7)
Those fighting Assad can be classed as nationalist and islamist gangs but they are certainly not “revolutionaries”. What “popular support” they may have is not proletarian and the proletariat has nothing to gain by giving them support.
Other groups however, take a neutral stance such as the British based Alliance for Workers’ Liberty.(8) This group claims not to support any side although it originally supported the initial protests against the government. It criticises the opposition for sectarianism and criticises the Kurdish PYD for opportunism, authoritarianism and pro-imperialism.
In a resolution on Syria passed by the AWL's National Committee on 31 August 2013 the AWL stated that,
Assad's regime is the main problem, but we oppose the planned US bombing of Syria. We will not mourn damage and destruction of Assad's military bases. However, informed military opinion is that there is no chance of a one-off operation, such as planned, seriously incapacitating Assad's regime; and in any case we do not want the victory of the opposition military forces, whose dominant character is reactionary and sectarian. Rather we want and work to support the emergence of a Third Camp of democratic and working-class forces between Assad and the main opposition militias. In the meantime, even a rotten peace deal (which socialists could not support) would be better than outright victory for either force.(9)
Unfortunately for the AWL, no “democratic” force has emerged in the ensuing five years. And if it had it would not be in the interest of the working class. From the same resolution they say,
The biggest problem in Syria is Assad's policy, not US intervention. We demand Iranian and Hezbollah forces get out of Syria, and condemn Russia's arming of the regime.(10)
Does the AWL seriously imagine that the imperialist powers; the US and its Allies, Russia and Iran, would allow an independent democratic Syrian government to come to power? Does it really think that a democratic Syrian government would not be obliged to fall into one or other imperialist camp in order to survive? In the era of imperialist dominance no nation’s struggle is simply anti-imperialist but the product of the support of a rival imperialist. Instead of condemning the Syrian war as an imperialist struggle and opposing it on the basis of class, the AWL mourns the absence of a democratic nationalist gang (one preferably, no doubt, supported by the working class) that it could support, and which would necessarily become a client of the dominant imperialist power.
Russia in Syria
Unsurprisingly, there are Trotskyist Groups that are pro-Russia in its involvement in Syria but of course there are also groups that are against Russian involvement. To take just two of them:
Socialist Action(11) originally supported the uprising, but now “critically supports” the Russians. In 2012, they said that
the economic exploitation of Syria’s workers and peasants by its ruling class, a class subservient to global capital, and the horrific oppression and murderous policies of the Syrian regime to enforce that exploitation, mean that we stand with the Syrian masses in their uprising against the regime.
But then they say, the US took advantage of Assad’s brutality to try to set up a new regime.
… in the absence of anything resembling a revolutionary leadership, the democratic and popular thrust of the anti-Assad mobilisations rapidly dissipated.
They allege that the US and Gulf monarchies support IS. Although critical of Assad, Socialist Action says,
the removal of Assad’s oppressive capitalist Syrian regime is the sole responsibility of the Syrian people, not US imperialism and its reactionary allied forces. ... Syria’s right to self-determination necessarily includes the right of the Syrian government to seek and accept the support of the militia fighters that are today defending Syria against imperialist intervention in several of its manifestations.(12)
Russian military support is therefore, seen by Socialist Action as a defiance of US imperialism and support for Syria’s right to self-determination. But Russia has no interest in an independent Syria. Russia has its own imperialist interests to defend in the region. A Syria free of US imperialism would be a Syria dependent on Russia and Iran.
The International Socialist Organisation(13), on the other hand, is very critical of Russia and Iran and was opposed to the US-Russian-backed negotiations in 2016. The ISO says,
Overwhelmingly, these people [those killed in the war] have been slaughtered by the Assad-Iran-Russia Triple Alliance. ... True, Saudi Arabia has funded jihadis, among other militias, but the Saudis and the US are only the number-three culprit in creating the Syrian disaster. Assad is clearly number one, and his allies are number two.(14)
These contrasting positions highlight the absurdity of the idea that Trotskyism is a revolutionary current. In fact, the positions of both groups are equally reactionary. Revolutionaries do not take sides in imperialist wars. Nor do they rank imperialist gangsters in order of barbarity and give their support (“critical” or otherwise) accordingly.
The Kurdish Question
As you might expect, the Kurdish involvement in the war provides a variety of contrary and conflicted positions. Many Trotskyist groups are of course divided over whether to denounce the Kurds as a tool of US imperialism or whether to support them as a “progressive” force. And some have even hailed Rojava as a socialist paradise in the making!
The International Communist League – Fourth International (ICL-FI)(15) views the YPG as a US puppet. They say,
The setting up of the SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) was prepared by a year of joint operations in which the YPG served as proxies for the U.S. military. During that time, as Kurdish forces overran ISIS-controlled villages, they repeatedly carried out communalist expulsions, driving Arabs and Turkmen from their homes.(16)
By contrast, The Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT)(17) believes that
all revolutionaries must support the right of the Kurdish people for self-determination. We defend the Kurdish people against the reactionary attacks of the Turkish army, Daesh/IS and Iran. But at the same time we criticise the pro-imperialist leadership of the PYD/YPG and the petty-bourgeois ideology of Apoism. We are for a united, socialist Kurdistan from Rojava to Orumiyeh and from Bakhtaran to Qers.(18)
In turn, the United Secretariat of the Fourth International (USFI)(19) critically supports the YPG and Rojava. It says,
The survival of Rojava against attacks from Islamic State is undoubtedly a victory for the left. The Kurdish movement deserves concrete solidarity in its struggle for self-determination, the more so because in Rojava people are trying to construct a progressive alternative.”(20)
In fact no “progressive alternative” has been or will be built in Rojava. For us as communists, a revolution is a creation of the working class in struggle for its own interests. Within the course of this struggle the working class not only transforms society, but also transforms itself. In Syrian Kurdistan, there was no movement of the working class. Control of the towns in Syrian Kurdistan was taken by an armed group filling the power vacuum when the Syrian Arab Army withdrew. That's not to say that there was no support for the PYD(21) as everywhere today nationalism in the Kurdish regions is strong. Local committees were thrown up which took control of the necessary tasks usually undertaken by the municipal level of the state. The armed men have maintained power at the top. Originally the supreme ruling body in Rojava, was the Kurdish Supreme Committee, a body not composed of delegates from lower level committees, but an alliance between two political groups, the PYD, and the Barzani backed KDP. However the two Kurdish nationalist organisations fell out in November 2013. The PYD under the umbrella of the Movement for a Democratic Society (TEV-DEM in its Kurdish acronym unilaterally announced the creation of an interim administration for the region.(22) Despite all of the democratic pretence, ultimate control is wielded by nationalist gangs with guns. And a nationalist gang is what the PKK is. The PKK despite a somewhat patchy history with minority groups in Turkey has now set itself up as the defender of the minorities of Kurdistan. This, however, does not apply, and cannot apply to Arabs. Salih Muslim, co-leader of the PYD, on more than one occasion, talked about 'expelling Arabs', and has proclaimed that, “All the villages where they live now belong to the Kurds”. He had to tone this racist rhetoric down to win international (especially US) military support but it shows clearly that a Kurdish state would have involved the ethnic cleansing of Arabs from the Kurdish socialist paradise!
The Tortured Ambiguities of Trotskyism
The International Committee for the Fourth International(23) is deliberately evasive in its analysis. It correctly states that
The fight against imperialism, war, social inequality and political repression is inextricably bound up with the fight against capitalism.
but it then characterises the war in Syria as a “CIA-backed regime change operation” in pursuit of US political-economic goals.
From the outset, the US proxy war for regime-change was launched with the aim of depriving Moscow and Tehran of their principal ally in the Arab world in preparation for direct confrontation with both countries.(24)
It does not however ever say what the fight on the other side is. Whilst there is a single sentence which implies that the war on Putin's side might also be imperialist the article bangs on about the war being only about the US desire for regime change. There is not a line of criticism of Assad here (except when disapprovingly quoting US media saying he is a butcher). In another article castigating another Trotskyist group, the ISO(25), for issuing a statement in support of the opposition in Syria, North finally admits that the Assad regime is "a repressive bourgeois regime that is guilty of countless crimes against the Syrian working class". However this is soon passed over because “a socialist perspective in Syria proceeds historically from its character as an oppressed, ex-colonial country”. Leaving aside the nationalist notion of oppression (people and classes are oppressed and often by their “own” bourgeoisie) this amounts to critical support for the regime since "the struggle for democracy and socialism cannot under any circumstances be outsourced to the imperialist powers and their proxies." - i.e. the US and its allies! For this group then, the important thing about the Syrian government is not that it is an oppressive capitalist regime acting as a proxy for Russian imperialism but that it is striking a blow against US imperialism.
We can of course expect no understanding that this benefits Russian and Iranian imperialism in turn and there is certainly no criticism of the imperialist aims of any other power in the Middle East. And how it benefits the working class remains a mystery. These Trotskyists just don’t get it that there are no anti-imperialist causes here and the independent working class struggle in Syria was drowned out by the imperialist war inflicted on it by the US, Saudi Arabia, Russia and Iran (to name just the principal criminals).
Although the Brazil-based Trotskyist group “Revolutionary Regroupment”(26) currently opposes the Syrian government, they have stated that they would support it if the US and its Allies invaded it! This is consistent with the classic leftist argument that there is one imperialist camp, i.e. the US and its Allies and another anti-imperialist camp – everybody else. The fight in Syria today is a fight for imperialist control of the territory. Many of the left of capital prefer not to recognise that Russia and Iran have their own imperialist ambitions in Syria and elsewhere. Some also laughably define China as a “deformed workers’ state” and appear unable or unwilling to recognise that China is a growing imperialist rival to the US.
IS Good / IS Bad
Given that all the factions involved in the Syrian war get some support from one Trotskyist group or another you won’t be surprised to learn that even the Islamic State have their supporters even if that support is “critical”. The League for the 4th International (L4I)(27) can say without embarrassment that “… any blows against imperialist intervention and domination, even by ultra-reactionary forces such as the IS, are in the interests of the working class and oppressed peoples of the world.”(28)
Similarly, the International Communist League – Fourth International (ICL-FI)(29) thinks the YPG is a US puppet but the Islamic State is anti-imperialist.
We have no side in Syria’s squalid civil war between the butcher Assad and various rebel forces dominated by different kinds of Islamists. But we do have a side against the US and other imperialist powers. Thus, while implacable opponents of everything the reactionary cutthroats of ISIS stand for, we take a military side with ISIS when it aims its fire against the imperialist armed forces and their proxies in the region, including the Kurdish nationalist forces in Iraq and Syria. At the same time, while our main opposition is to the imperialists, we also oppose the other capitalist powers, such as Russia and Turkey, involved in Syria and are for all of them to get out.(30)
And the International Bolshevik Tendency (IBT)(31) thinks
it is necessary for revolutionaries to side militarily with any indigenous forces (including Islamists) when they are attacked by the US and other imperialists.(32)
The cynicism here is truly astounding. Islamic State is a ruthless army of gangsters who have murdered, tortured, robbed, raped and exploited the working class and peasantry; as well as engaged in wanton destruction of the heritage of humanity. How IS can be cheered on as it engages in its genocidal activities simply because “it aims its fire against the imperialist armed forces and their proxies in the region” is beyond our comprehension; and moreover, all this is apparently, “in the interests of the working class and oppressed peoples of the world”!
In a struggle such as the one in Syria where workers and peasants are butchering each other in the name of nationalism and religion, communists do not take sides. Those who do take sides in this war will not contribute in the long term to any progressive victory, but merely to the further ethnic division, and increased militarisation of the region, neither of which will be of benefit to the working class. Yet Trotskyists seem to be trying to outdo each other by taking differing stances of support for competing factions of the bourgeoisie in this conflagration. But this is only to be expected since Trotskyism has always been as unchanging as a chameleon, as consistent as a kaleidoscope.
There is Trotskyist support for the US and its Allies. There is also Trotskyist support for their imperialist rivals Russia and Iran. You can find Trotskyist supporters of the Kurdish groups. There are also, of course, Trotskyist opponents of the Kurds. There are Trotskyists who support the government and those who support the opposition; some do so critically some without reservation. There are those who think the Syrian war is a failed revolution and those who think the revolution is still going on or could be revived. There are even groups who “critically” support Islamic State, those well known champions of the proletariat who have committed genocide and ruthlessly exploited the working class wherever they have been able to dominate. The simple fact that you can find a Trotskyist group, everyone of which claims to be the vanguard of the working class, supporting critically or otherwise one or other faction fighting in the Syrian war demonstrates that Trotskyism is firmly in the bourgeois camp and has nothing to offer the working class.
The Internationalist Communist Tendency, of which the CWO is a part, argues that nationalist struggles are simply disguised imperialist struggles and the wars they provoke are imperialist wars. The only response communists can give to imperialist wars is the adoption of the politics of revolutionary defeatism. That is:
- Opposition to the war on the basis of class;
- No support to either side in the struggle;
- Workers should continue the class struggle against their own bourgeoisie;
- Workers should give solidarity to workers from the opposing side in their struggle against their own bourgeoisie.
The orientation of this policy is towards turning the imperialist war into a class war and the overthrow of bourgeois power. This was the policy adopted by the Bolsheviks during the First World War, which was a decisive step towards the October Revolution. Today it remains the only proletarian response able to open the way to a communist world. No war but the class war.
ErgosumCommunist Workers’ Organisation
August 2018
Credit goes to the Syria in Brief blog for collecting information about the various positions taken by Trotskyist groups:
(1) For a fuller analysis of Trotsky and Trotskyism see the CWO pamphlet Trotsky, Trotskyism, Trotskyists
(2) The original title of the Transitional Programme is “The Death Agony of Capitalism and the Tasks of the Fourth International”.
(3) In South Africa workers, in particular miners, fought the apartheid regime and spilled their blood serving as the infantry of the African Nationalist bourgeoisie. Once the ANC achieved power it was exploitation as usual for the working class. When miners dared to strike for class demands, at Marikana platinum mine in 2012, the new regime shot them down like rabid dogs. The current president, Ramaphosa was involved in both mobilising miners against the apartheid regime through his role as leader of the National Union of Mineworkers and later in butchering the Marikana strikers in his role as a board member of the mining company Lonmin. Today the situation of the working class is worse than it was under the apartheid regime! For more on this see and a whole host of other articles on our website.
(4) The International Socialist Tendency is a Third Camp Trotskyist international formed over a long period of time between the 60s and 90s. Its leading party is the Socialist Workers Party in the UK of whom Tony Cliff was the chief guru (not to be confused with the SWP in the US).
(6) The League for the Fifth International (L5I), is a Trotskyist international formed in 1984. It argues that the original Fourth International broke with true Trotskyism in 1951 when it declared that the Stalinist parties in Eastern Europe were still capable of being reformed.
(8) The AWL is a Third Camp Trotskyist party in the UK. It originally formed in 1966 as a split from the group that later became the Militant Tendency. After several mergers and defections, it emerged in its modern form in 1992. AWL holds that the USSR and its satellite states were “bureaucratic collectivist”, the same conclusion that the American Max Shachtman came to after he split from the original Fourth International in 1940, creating the Third Camp.
(11) Socialist Action split from the Socialist Workers Party in 1983 as the SWP abandoned Trotskyism. It is one of the five major US Trotskyist parties today. Semi-affiliated with the USFI, but it disagrees with most other USFI sections on Syria.
(12) and
(13) The International Socialist Organisation was formed in 1977. One of the five major US Trotskyist parties. It was the American section of the International Socialist Tendency until 2001, when it was expelled over disagreements on how to view the end of the Cold War.
(14) and
(15) International Communist League – Fourth Internationalist is a split from the International Committee of the Fourth International in 1966. Formerly known as the International Spartacist Tendency. Leading party is the Spartacist League in the US, which had split from the Socialist Workers Party in 1964 after the SWP joined the re-unified FI.
(17) The Revolutionary Communist International Tendency is a split from the League for the Fifth International in 2011. The leading section is in the UK (they simply go by the name RCIT Britain). There is no US section.
(18) Point 9 of RCIT Statement on Kurds
(19) The United Secretariat of the Fourth International is the result of the reunification of the original Fourth International in 1963. Calls itself simply the Fourth International, but it’s often called the United Secretariat of the Fourth International (referring to the name of the leadership council from 1963-2003) to distinguish it from other claimants of the “Fourth International” name.
(20) and
(21) PYD stands for Democratic Union Party which is the Syrian franchise of the Turkish PKK (Kurdish Workers’ Party). Its military wing is the YPG or Peoples Protection Units. For more on this see the accompanying article on our website Revolutionary Defeatism Today: The Bloodbath in Syria
(22) Barzani’s KDP denounced the PYD for harassing its militants and cutting them out of key decisions. See
(23) The International Committee for the Fourth International split from the original Fourth International in 1953 (see introduction). Leading party is the Socialist Equality Party in the US, one of the country’s five major Trotskyist parties, which emerged from a 1964 split from the Socialist Workers Party after the SWP joined the re-unified FI.
(24) Both quotes from this long article by David North:
(26) Revolutionary Regroupment seems to be a Brazil based group which also publishes in Portuguese, French and Spanish and is a split from the International Bolshevik Tendency in 2008.
(27) The League for the Fourth International is a minor Trotskyist international formed in 1998. Leading party is the Internationalist Group in the US, which had split from the Spartacist League in 1996. The L4I sees the Spartacists’ ICL-FI as insufficiently devoted to three central principles: maintaining an active and distinctly Trotskyist international, remaining active in the labor movement, and defending the Soviet Union and its satellite states as the lesser evils in the face of capitalism.
(29) The International Communist League for the Fourth International is a split from the International Committee of the Fourth International in 1966. Formerly known as the International Spartacist Tendency. Leading party is the Spartacist League in the US, which had split from the Socialist Workers Party in 1964 after the SWP joined the re-unified FI.
(31) The International Bolshevik Tendency is a split from the International Communist League – Fourth International in 1982, accusing the Spartacist League’s leader James Robertson of ruthlessly harassing anyone who posed a threat to his leadership. Leading party is the Bolshevik Tendency in the US.
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- 2000: Second intifada
- 2001: September 11 attacks
- 2001: Piqueteros Movement in Argentina
- 2001: War in Afghanistan
- 2001: G8 Summit in Genoa
- 2003: Second Gulf War
- 2004: Asian Tsunami
- 2004: Madrid train bombings
- 2005: Banlieue riots in France
- 2005: Hurricane Katrina
- 2005: London bombings
- 2006: Comuna de Oaxaca
- 2006: Second Lebanon War
- 2007: Subprime Crisis
- 2008: Onda movement in Italy
- 2008: War in Georgia
- 2008: Riots in Greece
- 2008: Pomigliano Struggle
- 2008: Global Crisis
- 2008: Automotive Crisis
- 2009: Post-election crisis in Iran
- 2009: Israel-Gaza conflict
- 2006: Anti-CPE Movement in France
- 2020s
- 1920s
- 1921-28: New Economic Policy
- 1921: Communist Party of Italy
- 1921: Kronstadt Rebellion
- 1922-45: Fascism
- 1922-52: Stalin is General Secretary of PCUS
- 1925-27: Canton and Shanghai revolt
- 1925: Comitato d'Intesa
- 1926: General strike in Britain
- 1926: Lyons Congress of PCd’I
- 1927: Vienna revolt
- 1928: First five-year plan
- 1928: Left Fraction of the PCd'I
- 1929: Great Depression
- 1950s
- 1970s
- 1969-80: Anni di piombo in Italy
- 1971: End of the Bretton Woods System
- 1971: Microprocessor
- 1973: Pinochet's military junta in Chile
- 1975: Toyotism (just-in-time)
- 1977-81: International Conferences Convoked by PCInt
- 1977: '77 movement
- 1978: Economic Reforms in China
- 1978: Islamic Revolution in Iran
- 1978: South Lebanon conflict
- 2010s
- 2010: Greek debt crisis
- 2011: War in Libya
- 2011: Indignados and Occupy movements
- 2011: Sovereign debt crisis
- 2011: Tsunami and Nuclear Disaster in Japan
- 2011: Uprising in Maghreb
- 2014: Euromaidan
- 2016: Brexit Referendum
- 2017: Catalan Referendum
- 2019: Maquiladoras Struggle
- 2010: Student Protests in UK and Italy
- 2011: War in Syria
- 2013: Black Lives Matter Movement
- 2014: Military Intervention Against ISIS
- 2015: Refugee Crisis
- 2018: Haft Tappeh Struggle
- 2018: Climate Movement
- Amadeo Bordiga
- Anton Pannekoek
- Antonio Gramsci
- Arrigo Cervetto
- Bruno Fortichiari
- Bruno Maffi
- Celso Beltrami
- Davide Casartelli
- Errico Malatesta
- Fabio Damen
- Fausto Atti
- Franco Migliaccio
- Franz Mehring
- Friedrich Engels
- Giorgio Paolucci
- Guido Torricelli
- Heinz Langerhans
- Helmut Wagner
- Henryk Grossmann
- Karl Korsch
- Karl Liebknecht
- Karl Marx
- Leon Trotsky
- Lorenzo Procopio
- Mario Acquaviva
- Mauro jr. Stefanini
- Michail Bakunin
- Onorato Damen
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- Paul Mattick
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Congratulations and true thanks for the article. Very much needed!
Just a little contribution from our perspective on a historial not very dramatic question :-)
We dont think the date of the triumph of the counter-revolution (1924, 1928, 1937 or 1939) is the main problem of trotskysm, the motor what propeled it towards oportunism, centrism and finally traition during the war. But three main questions very much related between them:
That is the core problem of the universalization of the «Permanent Revolution» model and the «Transitional Program» but... it also was the core of the critic by the Argentinian Communist Left inside the «IVth International» in the 30s and the internationalist resistance in front of its final degeneration by Sedova, Peret, Munis and the Spanish section (Spanish Communist Left), they denounced the traition during the war and formally split in the «II Congress» in 1947, continuing their work with a new organization what later became FOR.
BTW Before that date, when the IVth International openly and officially crossed the class boundaries, it was not a real international not because it had not internationalists -they had even the centrism was increasingly strong- but because it was not a real «Party», as the Spanish Communist Left inside it (the Nuevo Curso group in the concentration camps in France, part of the Spanish section) stated.
Sorry for the bad English... a little better explained and some links on our critic to trotskism and its degeneration in our dictionary ( and our blog.
"traition"- betrayal
I just posted this on the wsws website mentioned in the article. It is regarding an article about the antisemitism charges levelled at Corbyn.
This seems to me to be saying that the labour left is not the enemy, that there is something of value in the labour left that revolutionaries can support. This muddies the waters rather than making it crystal clear that the Labour Party has nothing to offer the working class.
You are incorrect that RR is US based.
When in reality...
"Revolutionary Regroupment is a Trotskyist tendency based in Brazil"
Which explains why most of their articles are actually in portuguese and often based about events and parties based in Brazil (such as their call not to support PT as popular frontist, etc).
Thanks for that clarification. Correction now made.