US unemployment

US companies slash 600,000 jobs in January

American companies made the steepest cuts to staff numbers in 34 years last month by axing nearly 600,000 workers in January.

The larger-than-expected rise in job cuts means that the rate of unemployment in the US has reached 7.6 per cent, according to the country's Labor Department.

The job losses are far worse than the expected 525,000, and emerge hours before the US Senate is set to vote on President Obama's $900 billion economic stimulus plan.

The cut in staff numbers during January represents the largest since 602,000 in December 1974, while the jobless rate reached its highest level in more than 16 years.


real figure

Aunque las cifras imponen un récord, el corresponsal de asuntos económicos de la BBC, Andrew Walker, dice que sólo representan parte de la realidad.

Las personas desocupadas que quieren trabajar pero - por una serie de razones - no han intentado buscar empleo recientemente no son consideradas como desempleadas.

Tampoco lo son aquellas con trabajos temporales o subempleadas.

Si todas estas fueran agregadas al cálculo, la cifra llegaría cerca de 14%, dice nuestro corresponsal.


Brief translation

If you add unemployed not looking for work recently, temporary or underemployed workers, the unemployment figure rises to 14%.