BCsettembre- ottobre 2024
Victory at Türk Telekom
Comment on the recent Telekom Strike from Gece Notları:
Victory at Türk Telekom
The massive strike by over 26,000 Türk Telekom workers is over. After 44 days the strikers went back to work. At 1,100,000 working days lost it makes it the biggest strike in Turkish history after the 1991 miners strike. It is time to draw up a balance sheet of the events.
The first and most important lesson to be learned from this is that workers can protect their living conditions by struggling. Türk Telekom’s original offer of 4% was well below the forecasted end of year inflation figure of 7.7%. In effect Türk Telekom was offering a pay cut to its workers.
The settlement of 10% for this year, and 6.5% plus inflation next year is certainly a massive victory. Following shortly after THY workers winning a 10% increase by only threatening to strike, it gives a clear message to all workers in Turkey today. The only way to protect salaries against inflation is by unity, and collective action.
It shows a clear way forward for all other workers and especially public employees who have been offered an insulting 2%+2% by the government. All pay rises that are less than inflation are pay cuts. In many ways the public sector is the most important sector in Turkey. Many working class families have at least one member who works for the state. A victory in that sector would be a victory for every worker in the country.
The second lesson concerns those who have been accused of committing acts of sabotage. It is positive that all employees who were dismissed in the strike have been reinstated. However, those workers who are facing charges of sabotage can only return to their jobs if they are found innocent of the charges. Unlike the management, the bosses media, and the unions we refuse to condemn workers fighting to defend their living conditions. It is important that these workers are not forgotten. How to react if workers are convicted of sabotage, and dismissed is a key question that all Telekom workers need to discuss.
The next lesson concerns the allegations of treachery. Haber-İş President, Ali Akcan was quick to claim that striking workers were not ‘traitors’, and claimed that if the country needed it in case of war, the strikers would ‘do their duty’. To us it is very obvious that the working class in this country have put the interests of the nation before their own interests for far too long. The working class has paid for the states war in the South East not only through years of inflation, and austerity, but also through its children’s blood. It is time to put our interests as workers first.
The final lesson concerns the entire working class. The Telekom workers struggled alone. Even while there were picket lines at workplaces the clerks in the PTT were still working. Yet the issue that the Telekom workers were struggling for, the defence of salaries from inflation concerns the entire working class. The unions lock workers into their different sectors. If Telekom workers alone won 10% what could they have won if they had linked up with PTT workers? What could they have won if they had linked up with public sector workers? What is needed is for workers to avoid being isolated in their own sectors, and to make links with other sectors. If strikers had gone directly to PTT workers, and appealed to them to join the strike, the victory could have been both greater, and quicker.
Inflation is not going to go away, the central bank has again revised its inflation forecasts. Not only will public sector workers have to struggle to defend their salaries against pay cuts, but Telekom workers will have to struggle again in the near or medium future to defend the victory won in this strike. And struggling together is the best way to do this.
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Many thanks Dev, I
Many thanks Dev,
I agree.
It's so rare that working class wins some struggle somewhere nowadays :(
Our victories should be underlined as much as we can. :)
It’s so rare that working class wins some struggle somewhere
It’s so rare that working class wins some struggle somewhere
Yes. Thnaks to Devrim.
Perhaps we should move Devrim's contribution to the workers struggels section of the website?
maybe Yes. It’s a.. great
maybe Yes.
It's a.. great Mic's duty :)
how to analyse a strike?
how to analyse a strike?
In EKS there is a disagreement on the evaluation of this strike. While majority call it a victory there is a also a minority arguing that actually that was a defeat. What I want to discuss is can we measure a strike by the wage increase it get. Or is it the consciousness and extension/deeping of the strike that matters more? What do you think?
also before the strike union was telling that in the negotiation process they decreased their demand on new wage increase to %12 !!!. When the strike finished it was... %10...
I would rather think that a
I would rather think that a good strike is for its consciousness, always in a revolutionary prospective. We must never forget our nobel target, otherwise we would degenerate in to sterile riformism.
I think that the point is if
I think that the point is if the wage increase has been the one ( or closer to ) asked by strikers since the beginning of the struggle or given by counter-part.
The matter of the class consciuoness is more complicated in my opinion: f.e. are the workers now more confindent about theirself/their power or less?? Such struggle has showed them ( if or in wich measure ) the role of State, Unions etc etc. And the necessity - and, hopefully, the possibility - to break capitilistic ties between wage labour and capital ??
answering such questions we can probably understanding if it has been a victory or a defeat.
According to your report,
According to your report, talking about "victory" doesn't seem wrong. Moreover, you trace limits of this strike and some lessons for the future, making the figure more complete. From my limited point of view, the statement is an equilibrate analysis. I appreciated it. But you certainly know the situation better, with all its contradictions.
The questions of Mikail and No-nick are relevant ones, I agree. Is, this step, one toward greater class consciousness? A small step in the right direction, for building a proletarian alternative to this system?
Another question: were vanguards able to grow their roots within the class? You're the best ones who can answer :-) I think this is a fundamental condition for the class to move from economic revindications to political ones, in future.
As you wrote, this struggle could give workers more confidence about their strength, when they fight united for their own interests. It could also be an example for other sectors, possibly struggling together. I'd evaluate positively this, as you did.
More in general, we should not deny absolutely the possibility of (partial and limited) achievements of the class even during crisis... We've not to adapt reality to schemes, but analyze it and draw political conclusions from it. Your statement is correct in this respect, in my opinion!