Invitation to Public Meeting

Invitation to Public Meeting

At a time when even our rulers admit the current crisis will be worse than the Great Depression, a heavy responsibility now lies on our shoulders to present and develop our views - not least of all, to each other.

You are invited to participate in an important meeting being hosted by the Midlands Discussion Forum, with the aim of providing a major opportunity to put across ideas and perspectives at this critical juncture, on a subject profoundly significant for the working class and its future.

Topic: “How can the working class respond to the current economic crisis?”

Date: 25 April, 2009

Time: 1pm - 5pm

Venue:Friends of the Earth Warehouse

54-57 Allison St



B5 5TH


Each group is asked to nominate someone to speak on the topic to the meeting, followed by a period for questions and discussion with the audience. There will be a slot in the session for the distribution and sale of literature. The precise details will be provided at a later stage. Please let us know as soon as possible whether your organisation will be able to take part and how many delegates you will be able to send, so that we may finalise arrangements.

Communications to:



I have been asked if you can give a list of the invited particpants. Is this possible?

Invited participants

We have contacted 16 organisations to take part in the meeting on 25th April; the IWW, AF and SolFed branches covering the Midlands; the Exeter Discussion Group, Warwickshire Anarchists, West Midlands Anarchists and Northampton Socialist Forum; the CBG, the IBRP, ICC, Internationalist Perspectives, Lotta Communista and PCInt (Il Partito); SPGB; the Libcom Collective; the Commune (?)

Of course, some of these cannot or will not come; but that is at least the list of invitees.

It is best if you direct questions relating to the meeting to the MDF at I hope this is ok!


Thanks for that. We already asked them about the criteria for invitation which they said was "informal". What you will have guessed is that there is some concern here re the meeting being too wide to be successful (or meaningful).

Minutes of MDF meeting, Birmingham, 25 April, 2009

Below is a link to for the minutes of the meeting, plus links to the presentations by the speakers. I have not as yet located the address by The Commune.