Two new pamphlets

Two new pamphlets in English are available from Enternasyonalist Komünist Sol/Internationalist Communist Left;

The Left Wing of the Turkish Communist Party1920-1927 £4/€5/$7

This pamphlet studies the history of the left-wing of the Turkish CP in the 1920s and its struggle against the national movement and the Comintern policy of collaboration with Kemalism.

The Internationalist Communist Left in Turkey £4/€5/$7

This pamphlet serves as an introduction to both Turkey and the communist left in Turkey today. It includes articles from a variety of sources (articles, speeches, leaflets...) and covers topics from the big workers struggles of the last few years (Telekom/Tusla/the general strike) to the war in Northern Iraq to...transvestite pop singers.

Write to [] for details.




Any comments on these publications. I know some people in the CWO have them.



I received them through the post this morning. Thanks - we will review at least one in Rev Perspectives.