2020-09-04 |
Documents |
The Revolutionary Contribution of Paul Mattick |
2020-09-01 |
1919 |
Against Police Reform - For the Abolition of Capitalism |
2020-08-29 |
Documents |
Domski on the Polish-Soviet War (1920) |
2020-08-28 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
The Disappointed of 1968: Seeking Refuge in Utopia |
2020-08-24 |
Documents |
Belarus: Between Imperialist Feuds and Class Movements |
2020-08-21 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
Bukharin on State Capitalism and Imperialism |
2020-08-20 |
Documents |
The Lebanon Disaster: A Metaphor for Modern Capitalism |
2020-08-18 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
The Battle of Warsaw and the Defeat of the Revolutionary Wave in Europe |
2020-08-17 |
Documents |
Workers' Strikes in Iran: A New Wave of Struggle |
2020-08-15 |
Documents |
Strikes in Belarus Escalate as Lukashenko's Power Wavers |
2020-08-14 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
Covid Crisis or Capitalist Crisis |
2020-08-13 |
Documents |
Some Clarifications on Roberts' Idea of the Falling Rate of Profit |
2020-08-12 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
"Class Power on Zero-Hours": Learning the Hard Way? |
2020-08-11 |
Documents |
Winds of Change in Belarus: Neither Dictatorship Nor Democracy Offer Anything for the Working Class |
2020-08-10 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
The Murder of George Floyd: The End of Racism Starts with the Death of Capitalism |
2020-08-06 |
Aurora (en) |
Why the Working Class is Key |
2020-08-05 |
Aurora (en) |
Unrest in the USA: A Perfect Storm |
2020-08-04 |
Aurora (en) |
Pandemic Politics in the UK |
2020-08-03 |
Aurora (en) |
A Crisis of Capitalist "Civilisation" |
2020-08-01 |
Aurora (en) |
Aurora #2020-08-01 |
2020-08-01 |
Documents |
The New Imperialist Alignments in Libya |
2020-07-28 |
Documents |
The Murders of Fausto Atti and Mario Acquaviva |
2020-07-25 |
Documents |
Remembering the Early Comrades of the Internationalist Communist Party |
2020-07-22 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
Revolutionary Perspectives #16 |
2020-07-22 |
Documents |
On the Role of Revolutionaries in the Wider Class Struggle |
2020-07-16 |
Documents |
Poland: Populism Strikes Back |
2020-07-12 |
Documents |
For Migrant Labourers An Amnesty with Capitalism Is a Mockery |
2020-06-30 |
Documents |
In Memory of Mateusz |
2020-06-29 |
Documents |
Capitalism is a Class-Divided, Racist, Sexist Horror Without End |
2020-06-16 |
Documents |
Navigating the Basics |
2020-06-15 |
Documents |
Reflections on Mark Fisher's Essay on "Capitalist Realism" |
2020-06-14 |
Documents |
The Global Pandemic and Imperialist Competition |
2020-06-12 |
Documents |
The Virus is Capitalism, the Revolutionary Proletariat is the Cure |
2020-05-30 |
Documents |
On Minneapolis: Police Brutality & Class Struggle |
2020-05-25 |
Documents |
50 Years of Equal Exploitation? |
2020-05-21 |
Documents |
For the International Party of the Proletariat |
2020-05-20 |
Documents |
War, Famine and Disease |
2020-05-18 |
Documents |
We Are Against All Institutional Parties |
2020-05-16 |
Documents |
Domestic Violence: The Hidden Pandemic |
2020-05-11 |
Documents |
Kritsman on the Economic Policy of Soviet Russia in 1918 |
2020-05-10 |
Aurora (en) |
State Control is not Socialism |
2020-05-09 |
Documents |
Marxism and Sexuality |
2020-05-08 |
Documents |
Austerity for the Essential: The Struggle of Personal Support Workers |
2020-05-07 |
Documents |
April 1945: Perspectives and Directives of the Internationalist Communist Party |
2020-05-06 |
Documents |
Reflections on the Coronavirus and Economic Crises |
2020-05-05 |
Aurora (en) |
"All in this Together"? A Sick Joke |
2020-05-03 |
Documents |
Capitalism and Covid: Paycheques and Rents |
2020-05-02 |
Documents |
Mauro Stefanini (9 January 1948 - 2 May 2005) |
2020-05-01 |
Aurora (en) |
Aurora #2020-05-01 |
2020-05-01 |
Mutiny / Mutinerie |
Mutiny #2020-05-01 |
2020-04-30 |
Documents |
Covid-19 Exposes the Irrationality of Capitalism |
2020-04-29 |
Aurora (en) |
May Day 2020: Against the Virus that is Capitalism |
2020-04-28 |
Documents |
Scrubs: The Story from the Bottom Up |
2020-04-25 |
Documents |
International Workers' Memorial Day: We Don't Want To Die For Your Profits! |
2020-04-22 |
Documents |
What Does the Communist Left Do? |
2020-04-21 |
Documents |
The Pandemic and the Crisis |
2020-04-17 |
Documents |
The Pandemic and the Worsening Crisis: Some Reflections on the Consequences and Perspectives |
2020-04-16 |
Documents |
"All in it Together" or Class against Class |
2020-04-12 |
Documents |
The Left, Still Clinging onto Gramsci |
2020-04-10 |
Documents |
Reflections on Coronavirus and the Economic Crisis |
2020-04-07 |
Documents |
The Virus is Capitalism |
2020-04-04 |
Documents |
The Infantile Disorder of Leftism... and the Senile Weakness of Rightism |
2020-04-02 |
Documents |
A New Imperialist Threat to the Russian Revolution? |
2020-04-01 |
Documents |
Coronavirus is Not the Same for All |
2020-03-31 |
Documents |
Poll Tax Riots: 30 Years On |
2020-03-29 |
Documents |
Capitalism Grappling with Coronavirus |
2020-03-25 |
Documents |
What's the System? Review of an Angry Workers Pamphlet |
2020-03-24 |
Documents |
Humanity's Health or Capitalism's Profit? |
2020-03-23 |
Documents |
Class Struggle in the Time of Coronavirus: An Incomplete Chronicle of Events (16-21 March) |
2020-03-21 |
Documents |
Introduction to Discussions on Socialism |
2020-03-21 |
Documents |
The Four Horsemen of Capitalist Decay |
2020-03-16 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
Political Platform of the Internationalist Communist Party (1952) |
2020-03-14 |
Documents |
Italy: "We're not Lambs to the Slaughter!" Class Struggle in the Time of Coronavirus |
2020-03-11 |
Documents |
Demonstration and Strike of Peroni Workers at Tor Sapienza (Rome) |
2020-03-09 |
Battaglia Comunista |
Initial Thoughts on Coronavirus and its Fallout |
2020-03-06 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
Destroying Our Planet... Sustainably |
2020-03-03 |
Documents |
Supplementary Thoughts on The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists and the Ongoing Great Money Trick |
2020-03-02 |
Aurora (en) |
Strikes Against Pension Reform in France |
2020-02-27 |
Aurora (en) |
US/Iran Rivalry: What No War But the Class War Really Means |
2020-02-24 |
Aurora (en) |
Can Capitalist Reform Save The Environment? |
2020-02-20 |
Aurora (en) |
Brexit or Remain: Workers Pay Either Way |
2020-02-18 |
Documents |
The Internationalist Communist Tendency |
2020-02-14 |
Aurora (en) |
Aurora #2020-02-14 |
2020-02-07 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
The Current Crisis and the Tasks of Communists |
2020-02-05 |
Documents |
The Internationalist Communist Party |
2020-02-03 |
Documents |
The Italian Communist Left |
2020-01-31 |
Documents |
The Merchants of Death |
2020-01-29 |
Documents |
American Dream meets the Chinese Dream: A Nightmare on Fuyao Avenue |
2020-01-27 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
Communism not Corbynism |
2020-01-24 |
Documents |
Between Robots and Cryptocurrency |
2020-01-18 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
Revolutionary Perspectives #15 |
2020-01-18 |
Documents |
Against Pacifism |
2020-01-17 |
Documents |
Today is Grey but the Future Looks Black |
2020-01-15 |
Prometeo |
In Absorbing Science and Technology, Capital is Digging its Own Grave |
2020-01-12 |
Battaglia Comunista |
Italy: On the Sardines Movement |
2020-01-11 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
USA: Overview of Auto Workers' Strike |
2020-01-04 |
Documents |
The US Attack on Baghdad |
2019-12-19 |
Documents |
Latin America Burns between Revolt and Repression |
2019-12-17 |
Documents |
Fear and Loathing: Electoral Politics in a Capitalist Crisis |
2019-12-13 |
Aurora (en) |
Workers are Paying for the Bosses' Crisis |
2019-12-09 |
Aurora (en) |
The Working Class needs its own Political Organisation |
2019-12-06 |
Documents |
Miasnikov's 'Draft Platform' for the Communist Workers' International (1930) |
2019-12-04 |
Aurora (en) |
Brexit: Ruling Class Crisis |
2019-12-02 |
Documents |
The Self-Organised Struggle of Liverpool Couriers Highlights the Difficulties of Organising in the 'Gig Economy' |
2019-11-29 |
Documents |
Every Vote for Labour is a Vote for Capitalism |
2019-11-27 |
Aurora (en) |
Aurora #2019-11-17 |
2019-11-27 |
Aurora (en) |
Don't Play the Capitalist Game! Don't Vote! |
2019-11-25 |
Documents |
France: Following the SNCF Mechanics' Struggle, The Fight in the Hospitals Shows the Way |
2019-11-20 |
Documents |
Perspectives for the Coming Period |
2019-11-18 |
Documents |
Sorry We Missed You: Wage Slavery in the Spotlight |
2019-11-09 |
Documents |
The Fall of the Berlin Wall and “The End of History” |
2019-11-08 |
Documents |
The Shadow of September 2008 Continues to Lengthen |
2019-11-06 |
Documents |
The Real Cause of the Beginning and End of WWI |
2019-11-01 |
Documents |
Precarity and the 'Gig Economy' |
2019-10-31 |
Aurora (en) |
Aurora #2019-09-01 |
2019-10-30 |
Documents |
Global Protests: The Relentless Capitalist Crisis Demands the Overthrow of the System |
2019-10-25 |
Documents |
Losing Momentum: Corbynism in the Rear-View Mirror |
2019-10-21 |
Documents |
Stukov on the Military Capability of Soviet Russia in 1918 |
2019-10-14 |
Documents |
Forty Years Since the Death of Onorato Damen |
2019-10-13 |
Documents |
Once More on the Brexit Diversion |
2019-10-12 |
Documents |
The Turkish Invasion of Syria |
2019-10-05 |
Documents |
Zimbabwe: Still a Capitalist Hell |
2019-10-01 |
Documents |
Capitalism under the Red Banner: Seventy Years of the People's Republic of China |
2019-09-28 |
Aurora (en) |
Workers' Democracy is the Only Real Democracy |
2019-09-25 |
Aurora (en) |
Capitalism's Other Threat to the Planet |
2019-09-19 |
Aurora (en) |
Only the Working Class Can Save the Planet |
2019-09-17 |
Documents |
"Learned Considerations" on the Future of Capitalism "after" the End of the Current Crisis |
2019-09-14 |
Documents |
On the Establishment of the Group “Emancipación” |
2019-09-11 |
Documents |
Ossinsky on Bukharin's Imperialism and the World Economy |
2019-09-06 |
Internationalist Notes |
Abstention: A Class Response to Capitalist Elections |
2019-08-31 |
Documents |
Capitalism's New Economy: The Working Class |
2019-08-28 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
Class Struggle in China |
2019-08-26 |
Documents |
Imperialism and the Amazon |
2019-08-22 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
Review of Money and Totality by Fred Moseley |
2019-08-20 |
Documents |
British Bosses' Political Crisis |
2019-08-14 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
The 1919 Platform of the Communist International: A Milestone in Revolutionary History |
2019-08-12 |
Documents |
“Capitalism is Dead” (George Monbiot) but Only the World Working Class Can Bury It |
2019-08-09 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
Gramsci: Between Marxism and Idealism |
2019-08-07 |
Books |
Gramsci between Marxism and Idealism |
2019-08-07 |
Documents |
Capitalism's New Economy: The Illusion of a Productive Economy |
2019-08-05 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
Welcome to Klasbatalo as Canadian Affiliate of the Internationalist Communist Tendency |
2019-08-02 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
Revolutionary Perspectives #14 |
2019-08-02 |
Documents |
Reflections on the Student Movement in the UK |
2019-07-29 |
Documents |
OPEC, Iran, and the Libyan Civil War |
2019-07-25 |
Documents |
Capitalism's New Economy: The Booming Financial Sector |
2019-07-23 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
The Drums of War in the Gulf |
2019-07-12 |
Documents |
Thunberg's Call for General Strikes: The Confusions of a Liberal Protest |
2019-07-10 |
Documents |
Capitalism's New Economy: The Value of Capitalist Services |
2019-07-02 |
Documents |
Capitalism's New Economy: The Case of the UK |
2019-06-19 |
Documents |
Sudan: The Dictator Goes but the Regime Lives On |
2019-06-17 |
Battaglia Comunista |
The Attack on Two Oil Tankers in the Gulf of Oman |
2019-06-14 |
Documents |
Italy: The Failure of the “Populist” Coalition |
2019-06-06 |
Documents |
Teesside Construction Workers Challenge the State |
2019-05-30 |
Documents |
Iran and the USA on the Warpath? |
2019-05-27 |
Documents |
Brexit or Remain: A Choice of Tripe at the End of May |
2019-05-22 |
Documents |
ANC: The Chosen Party for South African Capitalism |
2019-05-20 |
Documents |
1980-1: Class Struggle in Poland |
2019-05-17 |
Documents |
Solidarność: Trade Unionism or Self-Organisation? |
2019-05-15 |
Aurora (en) |
Twenty Years of the National Minimum Wage |
2019-05-13 |
Documents |
Lomov's Economic Notes |
2019-05-10 |
Documents |
Civil War in Venezuela: An Economic and Human Catastrophe |
2019-05-08 |
Documents |
Workers' Conditions in UK Warehouses |
2019-05-07 |
Documents |
May Day Repression in Turin |
2019-05-03 |
Aurora (en) |
Climate Change: Capitalism is the Problem |
2019-05-01 |
Aurora (en) |
Aurora #2019-05-01 |
2019-04-30 |
Documents |
A Different May Day in 1918 |
2019-04-26 |
Aurora (en) |
Crisis, War and Environmental Catastrophe: There is No Alternative to the Social Revolution! |
2019-04-18 |
Documents |
Béla Kun and the Hungarian Soviet Republic |
2019-04-16 |
Documents |
Libya: A War as Long as a Pipeline |
2019-04-10 |
Documents |
Bloody Capitalism: Mean Wages Constantly Cut in Iowa's Meatpacking Industry |
2019-04-08 |
Documents |
A Class Perspective on the 'Women Question' |
2019-04-03 |
Documents |
The Bombing of Belgrade: Twenty Years On |
2019-03-29 |
Aurora (en) |
The Crisis in Care For the Elderly |
2019-03-26 |
Aurora (en) |
No War But The Class War (NWBCW) |
2019-03-22 |
Aurora (en) |
Brexit or Not: Workers Have Their Own Battles to Fight |
2019-03-18 |
Documents |
An Initial Response to the Comrades of the IGCL |
2019-03-13 |
Documents |
Ossinsky's Demand for Clear Answers (April 1918) |
2019-03-07 |
Documents |
The Origins and Capture of International Working Women's Day |
2019-03-04 |
Documents |
Honda, General Motors: Global Crisis and the Car Industry |
2019-03-01 |
Aurora (en) |
Aurora #2019-03-01 |
2019-03-01 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
Revolutionary Perspectives #13 |
2019-02-28 |
Documents |
Founding of the Comintern - Then and Now |
2019-02-24 |
Documents |
International Solidarity with the Wildcat Strikes of the Mexican Maquiladoras |
2019-02-21 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
Bukharin's Review of Lenin's The State and Revolution |
2019-02-19 |
Documents |
Socialism is not Statism |
2019-02-11 |
Documents |
The Formation of the Red Army 1918 |
2019-02-10 |
Documents |
Humanitarian Aid... for War |
2019-02-07 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
Introduction to Bukharin's Anarchy and Scientific Communism |
2019-02-04 |
Documents |
The Venezuelan Crisis |
2019-01-31 |
Documents |
Mexico's Turmoil Continues: The Maquiladora Strikes |
2019-01-30 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
Alliance for Workers' Liberty: Part of Capitalism's Left Wing |
2019-01-28 |
Documents |
Against All Capitalist Factions! For Proletarian Independence! |
2019-01-26 |
Documents |
The 26th of January: A Day of Celebration or a Day of Mourning? |
2019-01-24 |
Documents |
Mexico: Between Barbarism and Class Struggle |
2019-01-22 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
A Decade Since the Financial Crash |
2019-01-21 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
Fight Capitalism – Not its Symptoms |
2019-01-18 |
Documents |
Some Further Thoughts on the Yellow Vests Movement |
2019-01-15 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
A Hundred Years Since the Murder of Luxemburg and Liebknecht |
2019-01-14 |
Documents |
The Sorry Spectacle of “Marxists” in Defence of Chinese “Collective Capitalism” |
2019-01-10 |
Documents |
Peoples Assembly Election Carnival: Leftist "Yellow Vests" show their true colours |
2019-01-08 |
Documents |
The Crisis of the Sudanese Regime |
2018-12-29 |
Documents |
Workers' Strikes in Iran: This Time it is Different |
2018-12-22 |
Documents |
The Fraction-Party Question in the Italian Left |
2018-12-15 |
Documents |
Bosses' Political Faction Fights – Not Our Problem! |
2018-12-11 |
Documents |
1918 — 1968 — 2018 |
2018-12-07 |
Documents |
The Yellow Vests Movement: the Crisis is Deepening |
2018-12-07 |
Documents |
Paris is on Fire |
2018-12-06 |
Documents |
Caravan Migrants Trapped on the Frontiers of Capitalism |
2018-12-03 |
Documents |
Against Racism, Against Capitalism |
2018-11-30 |
Documents |
Russia: The number of strikes is growing |
2018-11-30 |
Documents |
Iran: Workers' Strikes and Protests Continue |
2018-11-27 |
Documents |
Inequality and poverty – the latest UN report on UK poverty illustrates the need for the end of class society |
2018-11-23 |
Documents |
The Significance of the German Revolution |
2018-11-19 |
Documents |
The Crisis and the Rise of Workers’ Militancy in Iran |
2018-11-09 |
Documents |
A Hundred Years On: Lessons of the German Revolution |
2018-11-08 |
Documents |
Poland: One Hundred Years of Bourgeois Dictatorship |
2018-11-06 |
Aurora (en) |
Lest We Forget: Workers Stopped Capitalism’s First World War |
2018-11-01 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
Revolutionary Perspectives #12 |
2018-11-01 |
Aurora (en) |
Aurora #2018-11-01 |
2018-10-31 |
Aurora (en) |
Global Warming: Capitalism Threatens the Planet |
2018-10-29 |
Documents |
Radek on the "Defeat" of Brest-Litovsk |
2018-10-26 |
Documents |
Workers of all Identities, Unite! |
2018-10-24 |
Documents |
Legal Aid Cuts: One Law for the Rich and an Increasingly Worse One for Everyone Else |
2018-10-21 |
Documents |
The Imperialist Manoeuvring Behind the Khashoggi Affair |
2018-10-17 |
Documents |
Against Racism and Authoritarianism: the Problem is Capitalism! |
2018-10-15 |
Documents |
Ireland and Brexit – Workers Need a Hard Border Against Bosses' Politics! |
2018-10-14 |
Documents |
Italy’s “Government of Change”: History as Farce |
2018-10-09 |
Documents |
Bolsonaro and the Crisis in Brazil |
2018-10-07 |
Documents |
Against Pension “Reform" in Russia |
2018-10-02 |
Books |
Bordiga Beyond the Myth |
2018-10-01 |
Documents |
The Struggle of the Metro Workers of Granada |
2018-09-27 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
Two Articles from Kommunist (April 1918) |
2018-09-21 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
Are we now in a period of transition from capitalism to socialism? H. Ticktin’s concept of decline and transition |
2018-09-17 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
US Power and the New Course Towards War |
2018-09-13 |
Aurora (en) |
The Working Class Holds the Key to a New World |
2018-09-10 |
Documents |
John McCain – War Hero or Racist War Monger? |
2018-09-06 |
Revolutionary Perspectives |
Are We Going Back to the 1930s? |
2018-09-03 |
Documents |
New US Prison Strike Takes us to the Dark Heart of Capitalism |
2018-08-30 |
Documents |
Trotskyism and the War in Syria |
2018-08-27 |
Aurora (en) |
Out of this capitalist impasse: A New World Has to Take Shape |
2018-08-23 |
Documents |
Syriza 2018: a Blast from the Past |
2018-08-20 |
Aurora (en) |
Beware False Friends! |
2018-08-17 |
Aurora (en) |
No War But the Class War |
2018-08-13 |
Documents |
Italy: Is Salvini’s League a Nazi Party? |
2018-08-02 |
Documents |
Yemen’s “Forgotten War” Re-Ignited |
2018-08-01 |
Aurora (en) |
Aurora #2018-08-01 |
2018-07-16 |
Documents |
Italy: The “Government of Change” is still anti-Working Class |
2018-07-14 |
Documents |
Welcome to Intransigence |
2018-07-11 |
Documents |
Brexit – Ruling Class Strategic Chaos Unleashes Parliamentary Pantomime |
2018-07-10 |
Documents |
Welcome to “Emancipación” (Spain) |