The emergence of councilism

Revolutionary Organisations and Class Consciousness (Part 8)

· The emergence of councilism

· The danger on the question of organization

· The party and its relation to class

The text has been published by the Internationalist Voice; to read the texts, please visit the site of Internationalist Voice.

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E-mail: Communist Revolution or the destruction of humanity!


Perhaps indirectly related-

motivated by the ICC contribution here

What is the origin of class consciousness?

My thought is that revolutionary communist class consciousness could NOT arise from the proletariat, the proletarian condition does not allow it.

Thus far this agrees with Kautsky.

However the proletarian party who inherit and develop this theory can be composed of proletarians and others. Communist consciousnee can be generalised amongst the class, it is not a case of a minority of superior minds commanding a mindless mass.

The party itself is not external to the class but the revolutionary theory cannot arise without external agents. That the theory is dependent on the class struggle does not diminish this.

I think this has implications for all the ''movementist'' ''from below'' councilist, over optimistic, spontaneist theories.