BCsettembre- ottobre 2024
Appeal to sympathisers of the Communist Left (Australia)
Today humanity faces the same ultimatum posed to it since the eve of the First World War, in the words of Rosa Luxemburg and Friedrich Engels before her - Socialism or Barbarism.
The world capitalist system has seen its worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, with the working class taking the brunt of the blow, everywhere facing wage-freezes, job-cuts and worsening working conditions. The threat of global environmental catastrophe looks more possible than ever before. Bloody and brutal conflicts rage on around the globe - from Iraq to Afghanistan, Somalia to Sudan, Colombia to Mexico.
In contrast to these emanations of a moribund society we also see the germs of a new world – without exploitation or oppression, without poverty or scarcity, without wars or national borders – in the class struggle of the international working class.
The Communist Left has its origins in the Left currents of the Communist International which came into being as a proletarian response to its opportunist slidings when faced with the retreat of the international revolutionary wave in the 1920s. Whilst the Communist Left had expressions in many countries its most prominent representatives were to be found in Germany, The Netherlands, Italy and Russia. In the period of counter-revolution which opened at the end of the 1920s, it was the Communist Left which proved to be the most intransigent defenders of proletarian internationalism and the most rigorous in drawing up the balance sheet of the revolutionary wave.
Whilst sympathisers of the Communist Left do exist in Australia, at this point they do so only as individuals suffering largely from political isolation. In order to effectively intervene in the class struggle, it is necessary that revolutionaries organise themselves into a political organisation, founded on the basis of shared positions and principles.
However, at the present hour the immediate formation of such a group is not on the agenda in Australia. What is needed at present is the coming together of internationalists for discussion conducted with the goal of initiating and maintaining contact between comrades (particularly those who are geographically isolated) and collective political clarification of the positions which define the communist programme today.
Thus, we appeal for the initiation of organised discussions between all sympathisers of the Communist Left in Australia. It is proposed that the discussions are conducted under the name: ‘Internationalist Communist Affiliate Network’.
We propose the criteria for participation is agreement with the most elementary positions of left communism today:
- *Imperialist war and national movements of all stripes have nothing to offer the working class but death and destructio*n. The working class must oppose all bourgeois camps. By calling on them to take the side of one or another faction, the bourgeoisie divide workers and lead them to massacre their class brothers and sisters.
- Parliament and bourgeois elections are a masquerade. Capitalist ‘democracy’ does not differ at root from any form of capitalist dictatorship. Any call to participate in the parliamentary circus can only reinforce the lie that elections offer any real choice for the exploited.
- All unions are organs of the capitalist system and act in its service. The fundamental role of the unions is to police the working class and sabotage its struggles. In order to defend its immediate interests, and ultimately to make the revolution, the working class must struggle outside and against the unions.
All who may be interested in taking part are encouraged to write to InternationalistWorker[at]gmail.com. We also welcome any comments, questions and criticisms.
With fraternal communist greetings,
Fabius, Jack, Max, Niccolo, Thomas
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Anche se la partecipazione al forum è aperta a tutti, una minima conoscenza delle posizioni della TCI è comunque necessaria. Prima di inviare una domanda, quindi, è consigliata almeno una lettura delle domande frequenti.
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- pubblicare interi articoli o comunque messaggi eccedenti le 15-20 righe (circa 2000 caratteri).
Messaggi ricompresi nelle suddette tipologie saranno considerati non graditi e contestualmente rimossi senza ulteriore preavviso. In ogni caso, dato che i messaggi vengono pubblicati in tempo reale, la TCI non puo’ essere ritenuta responsabile per il loro contenuto. L’autore rimane l’unico responsabile del contenuto del messaggio.
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Considerazioni e verifiche sulla caduta del saggio medio del profitto. Libro di Fabio Damen.
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Best wishes
Best wishes
This is a significant initiative and we wish you every success with it. We hope you can establish nuclei in several cities and look forward to receiving news of your work soon! There is something stirring (albeit slowly) in the working class following the bursting of the speculative bubble (as you note in your text) and you will have an important role to play. Lets hope we are all very busy in the months ahead...
it sounds as an important 1st
it sounds as an important 1st step... good luck !
just a question
just a question what/where/when was the origin of the use of nuclei in the ultraleft?
i see it used in many writings, even by anarchists and i was just wondering when this term took on popularity?
sorta trivial but it's been bugging me...
Sabotage I don’t know the
I don't know the answer to the question. All I know is that it was used by our Italian comrades even as far back as the 70s whe we first met them (and there was a neo-Bordigist group at the Interntional Conferences which ended in 1980 called the Nucleo dei Comunisti Internazionalisti (or something close to that - today they are the OCI).
so”>babel.hathitrust.org i
so i did a bit of searching and found out that is probably fairly old in usage. this book "the communist nucleus" is from the CP in 1928. so i assume it was probably just a term in wide spread usage in europe at the time.