
Hello Comrades,

First of all the website impovements look very good. They also improve the navigation. And, I am happy about the English forum.

I'm wondering about the new publication 'Comunismo'. My Spanish is good enough that I could probably figure out the thrust...

...However the combined factors of there being quite a lot to read on the net, the large amount of time that capital demands for day-to-day life, and my own personal laziness, I'm wondering if any comrades could clarify to me the purpose of this publication, its intended area of distribution (ie. Spain or the Americas, or a specific part of South America even?), is it being put out by Spanish-speakers in the PCInt or is there a new group in the Spanish-speaking world doing it?

Internationalist Greetings,


PS Sometimes there are PDF versions of publications put up in addition to text and sometimes not. It would be good to see more of these.


Are you shure "Comunismo" is one of our publications.Cause a group of bordigists, the last little group that get divided in 1975, have a pubblication with that name.

I met them in Firenze. Anyway they are kind of ridicolous with their organic centralism, and their dogma-marxism.

They recall to the history of the communist left and think to now how to get to the least and unique form of Party, by telling they are the natural selection of the Party.Quiet intellectual people that don't have big consideration of other revolutionaries.


Sorry, i forgot that the spanish ibrp pubblication is called Comunismo.Maybe we can ask one italian comrade that should be actually in Spain. Maybe she can explain you better about the pubblication.

Sorry for my bad english and greatings



Thanks for the reply, rivolunzio.

There is a section on the spanish language section of this site called "comunismo", which appears to be a publication.

Your english is fine, thank you for the greetings.

You're right, OT. Comunismo is a new publication of the IBRP, produced by comrades in Latin America.

It's meant to be published on the web, mainly. But I think our comrades in Latin America are also publishing or advertising it in some other format.

We're glad you enjoy the changes. Thanks. Welcome on the forum.

Ah, thanks also for your suggestion about PDF files. A good idea!

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